HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 204, August 29, 1939NO 204 Proceedings of ;'onrd of Corviinnien—.• City of Paducah—,- 29. �ti 29. 1'J39 r_^ett Stroct-=etitio: rccustint, closing At an adjourneci regulnr meeting of the ioard of Cor-mieaionora held in thr Corniasioncra Chamber at the City Ball, Paduenh, Kentucky, at 3 o'clock P.M. on the 29th day of AuGunt, 1939, Mayor 41achburn presided and upon call of the roll the fol- lo'nin7 answered to their names: Commts.'lonern hank, Pulliam, 3tubclefield and i:ayor .ashburn (4). Commissioner Hank offored notion that the petition oiLned by ?.'ss. L.?.;. Rudd and others, requesting the closing of that portion of Jarrott &treet lying adjacent to the property of the Trinity Methodist Church, be reccivod and filed. Adopted on call of the roll; Yeas; Commis:;loners Hank, Pulliam, Stubblefield and L:ayor ;%nshburn (4). / Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that the financial report of the Paducah ::iter :%orks July report Paducah :'later Works for the month of July, 1939, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hank, Pulliam, 3tubblofield and b:nyor hburn (4). Plast -rip- contract on Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: The following bids ntve.*side Hospital acsreed Stewart &w tiere received and opened at public letting in the Cormissioners Chamber at the City Johnson IHall, Paducah, Kentucky, Friday, August 25, 1939 at 11:00 o'clock A.M.: Basic -'id Additions per so. yd. ,L. L. I'.atthews, Paducah, Ky $ 2515.00 30g Stewart & Johnson " " 2291.69 25g Hancock Bros., "1ac'.isonville, Ky 2195.00 30V Coy Jones, Paducah, Yy 3218.CO 30y1 Lawrence & Puckett, Paducah, 1'y 2792.24 22X I now move that the bid of Stewart & Johnson, Paducah, Kentucky, of 02291.69 be accepted, and that the City Vanarer is hereby authorized to execute con- tracts with said concern Adopted on call of the roll: Yone; Conn:iaalonerz Hank, Pulliam, ;tubblefield and Mayor :%sshburn (4). Jarrett Straet-+'etitior. Commissioner Stub;;lefield offered motion that the petition signod by O.B. renuestir.•- cl^sir_s Futrell and other.., requesting the closin,, of that portion of Jarrett t;trcet lying adjnc=r.t to the property of the Trinity I:ethodist Church, be rcceived and filed. n coal of the roll: 'fens; Coivstsstonera Hnc3:, Pulliam, atubzlefield ant h3ayor r -- .s•ioner Stubblefield offered motion thnt the petition si,ned by H.i.. ^pasty .nrr: c".vn, reouesting tha closing of That portion of Jarrett Str.ot lying c.• e,, r,,. „=.t.y of the Trinity woth^clot Church, be rr-c 1 : • ' and file,:. _:: roll: Yoan; CommUsnioncra Han'_ Fullir::, itiA-1-field". and L'.n;;or it^lSnanre ^:osSrg as lar.• _ ..,. lcfielc. off^regi t I no ti;rt nr: Jarrett -..r• et _ _:: res { • _ .. ..ATI _..,.. ^.8 -!'!, _.. .... ... .. .... , -. ,._ ... .. ........ . .. ....- NO.. _ ._._.. __..... Proceedings of :arc; of Cor..^riaaionct c City of Paducah_-uot 29, 1:39 AS MC.17LD H_:ReIA', l.H]:C;I A^.OPTED BY TIL BOARD OP C01_1L..:10:_1:.: ON ME O DECC57:33It, 1937, cY AD:,! ;C, Tii:..^,ETO A SZCTIOiI TO DE KiiO:1tI Ai SECTION OD, AIM .. ._._.. A.I. i'IAPT_:%i02IJ Oi' ORDIHfdICu9 It., C0NFLICT HEREWITfI", be adopted. bail on cril of the roll: Yean; Commissioners Hank., Pulliam, Stubblefield and i:ayor ...:i;b•arn (4). ✓ Mayor Ciashburn offered motion that the letter of G. Tandy Cmith be r_ceiveO.., filed and his request that pending tax suit be postponed until aftc the _...ember term, be approved. Adopted on call of the roll: Zeas; Corwaiaoionoro ...._ , Pulliam, Stubcicfield and Mayor "ianhburn (n). On notion neetin^ adjourned. APFROVED --_�_ n Rr At a call meeting of the Board of Comnissioners held in the ^ormissioners Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 10:00 o'clock r:.'.'• on the end day of September, 1939, Commis.ioner Hank presided as Mayor pro ten in the absence ._ .• ;or ',anhburn, and upon er4.1 of the roll the following answered to their names: t ^_r;:in.:_oners L:elton, Pullian, �;tubtlefield and L;ayor pro tem Hank (4). I E Yejor pro ten Hank stated renson i'or call, to -Nit: For the of nnprovinE payroll for the last half of Au,-ust, :939. ISnyor pro ten hank offered motion that the payroll foe- the last ..'if cf A,u•ust, 1339 be allowed in the amount of N0632.25, and that tho City Treasurer nuthorised to pay some by checks drawn on the Genoral Fund. Montcd on cell of tho roll: Yea:+; Co:�.icsioncra Welton, Pulliam,-tuLtlefield and ILssyor pro tem Hank (4). On notion meetinj a�journed.