HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 2, December 31, 1937NO .2 -._- Proceedings of board of Co ircLsa Loners City of Paducah December 31 1.037 _ At a call -fl,nt L.:g of the Board of Cc i:.d.;_ lona s he Id in the Co-•:La._Lonc sl Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky/ at 10:0U o1cLock A.:., oa the .1. '.t day of Dece:nbcr, 1367, :layor Was!iburn presided and u.oi: call of the roll the ollo,li: z Gnswered to their naa;es: Co..i.,ds:ion-rs Lockwood, :delton, Pulliam and tlayor :S�zyor Mashburn stated reason for cal L, to-vi.it: For the ;.,urpose of ord L:Iarxe to furtb,.r regulate the selLing of Liquor and beer, and to t.rc...:;act ar.y oth_r busi.:ess that say cone before the meeting. "_s;c Co% -:!i ;aio:.cr Pu Liam offered the folloalr.;; Notion: I move that :o:: Brat- cxo_u•rtLc.:s ::os. _:;93 to L760 inclusive, be received and flLed, and that the amount 10::5 of ;`1,93v.'l:J beexonerated on the tax bills as shovm on said exonerations. Classlfled as follows: j � Double Assessment.. ..... ..... $ 259.22 � d t!oved array, Deceased, or non- resident .... ................... 3,159.85 Property disposed of, burned or j out of business ................. 21754.36 Erroneous Assessment............ 454.73 Poll Tax - Age Limit............ 12.00 ....................... Ba:�ikrupt.. 1.139.54 $7,839.70 N These have all been checked, and are due to be exonerated, according ato cy knowledge aid belief. Bess B. 1"�ashw;, City Treasurer Adopted on ca Ll of the roil: Yeas; Co:.:_iisslo:.ers Lockwood, :.iciton, PuLlia.i and :ayor r. (4). ' or '.ayor W.shburn offered the follorLiE riot—on: I zove that an or.i..:-.co e. -,titled, "A:: ORLI:4A CE PROVIDING THAT CLRTi,I A:PLICAT10;:S FOR LICENSES I;J ' CITY OF PACUCAH ;HALL BE APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF CO"::I5..LC;..:, Bi=.FORE AliY SUCH :5L -IILLL BE ISSUED", be ac -opted. Adopted on call of the rol,: Yeas; Co:..i.:.,lc:.mz Lockwoo , :.:olio::, Pulham and ;Liyor Mashburn (4). -yo^ 7;ashbarn offered the following :notion: I .love that an .;ci, OR!:[:.A::CE REGULAT.L21G SECOND-HMWj DuuliS, iUTO,.0i5.[rE t:RE:CI(I:.G EO::S ._...,,.3rD 17: THE MU LiL6o ObDUYL:G A,:D S"1LT,i:;C tJ LL 0:. _;O::L'-:L1::U ;.;:1AL; 'LACRI:J1iY, FUF.a lilE L:.[: :.S't 0TH R .:S FOR VIOLATION THLIINOF1' be ado:ted. c-.. i s Lockwood, :,elton, 'ul i L.,, and _ayor !0_i0.1..;otloa: ..ovc that .. ... ...........q, .:ulr.o.;, .;tLi.+:.. u,.d Mayor 1 EWD Or, C0._._.fJ N:,�dS DECE':BL•H 31, 1357 ' Proceedings of City of Paducah :PADUCAH Oh JWE 7TH, 135711, be adopted. Adopted on c.,11 of the roll: Yoaa; i Com:::issloners Lockwood, Belton, Pulliam and _eayor iiashburn (4). J Co,ir:.LsziOa r Lockwood offered the follow.hie, :Gotloia: That the payroll for Payrolls - Lash hnif December, the last half of Dece:::ber, 19'77 be alloyed in the a.::ount of $10,892.94, and thr+t 1937 �thc City Treasurer be authorized to pay same by checks. Ldoptcd on c:i1 of the roll: Yeas; Co:_.:1::-.Lo::crz LocLwood, 'IeLton, Pulliax aad Mayor �dashburn (4). :.ayor ,7ashuir:: offered the fo.11o•.+i;:g action; The hoard of Education o7, -,,u os' [ducat -'I T.o.. - ?V;A .pro- of the City of Paducah a_:d ALwstedt Broth,.rs havii:g proposed to ;:ay to the City jcct. :ayor to Jof ?a,wcah the surra of One Hu:.dred Eighty-seven Thousand (,^;187,000.00) Dollars �wLth accured i.._teeest, for the purchase of the is::ue of School It•provc.rcrt Bonds ,i for said sum, and being the par value ther of with accrued interest;- JI ,;:ove that the ' ayor be authorized, upon the aay,I-it of said swn, Into the Treasury of the City of Paducah, to execute and deliver any and all doeuients reciting receipt of said cum, and deliver said bonds to the purchasers. 1,dopted on ca11 of the roll: Yeas; Conoissioners Lockwood, 2.lelton, Pulliata and l:ayor lashburn (4j. Tom, l'iailers aayor Washburn offered the follo;fing :notion: I move that the letter fic-i r letter regardinglHon. Tom Waller in regard to 1938 license ordinance be received and filed. 1938 license 99 ordLaarce 9Adopted or call of the roll: Yeas; Co.amissioners Lockwoo.i, :;elton, Pulliam and ',II,.'ayor Washburn (4). fiu-s suspended Conmissioncr Pulliam offered the followl,:a :rot -on: I move that the rules be sus ended for the purpose of authorizing the:fayor to sign the _!mutes of the regular affecting held on December 27, and any adjourr::cnts thereof and all special or called mceti:;gs slace then; and that he be authorized when all said :.mutes are ;re,iared to sign the same without their bciag read In oue.n session of the Board of CO:::SIaJloners, sane to Include the '.:I:uutes of this called sec.t'ng. Ad0)tcd on call of the roil: Yeas; Cowissioacrs i,ockwood, _".clton, :u1L:a� aad �':1:_;;or ;.-shburr: (4) . On .cotlon zoeting adjourned. Ati01 fED \ - 3 ` _,1937 AtliliiOV