HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 198, August 14, 1939NO. Proceedings of Doard of COrEliasloncre City of Paducah Au, ust 14, 1939 At a re,:ular meeting of the Board of Comnisaloncrs held in the Con- mincioners Chambor at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 3:00 o1cloe,, P.',.'.., on ti,c 14th day of August, 1939, payor "Iashburn preaided and upon call of the roll the fol- lowin nnarered to their names: Commiaslonors Melton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Mayor %lashburn (4). L'inutes of the previous meetinCs were adopted as read. Water lain extension- Commissioner Pulliam offered the followingmotion:. ,,. P. Paxton having g 17.P.Paxton - Pines Road. filed his application requesting permission of the City of Paducah and Commiaslonors of 17ater ]forks to tap the three inch privately owned water pipe owned by L. M. Jones, said tap to be made near the intersection of North Central Avenue and 41st Street at a point approximately two feet Vlest of the present end of the privately owned six inch nein, and to extend from said three inch lateral owned by L. 14. Jones, a two inch line •.:estsard along North Central Avenue approximately 120 feet to the intersection of North Central Avenue and Woodland Drive (formerly Jennings Street); thence Northward along :woodland Drive approximately 600 feet to the North side of the Pines Road; thenen :.est on the Pines Road 120 feet to a point opposite the property of the Paxton heirs; thence ?forth across the property of said Paxton heirs approximately 500 feet; thence with a one and one-half inch pipe line to the residence of W. P. Paxton, a distance of approximately 600 feet and beiri„ a total distance from said three inch pipe, at which said connection is to be made, of approximately 1940 feet, and the Commissioners of :.at^r ::orka having approved the petition submitted by the said 7. P. Paxton; I now move that the application of the said :7. P. Paxton, dated Auvuat 12th, 1939, be received and filed and that his request be granted, subject, however, to all the terms and conditions contained therein. Adopted on call of the roll: Yoan; Commissioners Melton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Mayor 7lashburn (4). Coaunissioner Melton offered the following motion: I move that an ..'crce e; rGpriatiof 4-�G for r carie of ':4 ,._ ordinance entitled:" AN ORDIIIA?]CE AUTHORIZING AND PROVIDING FOR TILE APPROPRIATION OF 7 :'.,r ':et tr -.vey - TSE SUM OF FOUR UfOWAND FIVE HUNDRED (w DOLLANS :'OR TILE PUPCHASE OF la; o^er aroth^.r -seek r 0000.00) A LOT OR PA: CIM OF LAND ON MIRD STREET BE7,7E;ll RwIiTIMNY AVER:UE AND 'IIASHING•"ON STREzTS IN 'mE 17f OF PADIIC, ft, 1:L i UCnY, TO BL U3ED MOR 111E CONSTRUCTION, I A CNTENAN02 AND OPIT.ATIO.i C: A Ii: ORD::& TO h^(TE1Til, ElILA, E AND IAPROVE BIP "RES!1T PU S IC 111i THE CITY Or PADUCAR, A1,D PRib::CRILING T,1 T::I?'S UNDER 'aFiICH :;A ID IAT OR PA?:C: , 0:' :2,?iD :MLL BE CONV'_YED," remain on file font loaat one more d (week r,r public lnspe^.tion in its completed form in which it shill be put upon its 1 ^= .':age. „:!Gpted on call of the roll: Yens; Cvr;is:amors :eltonp 1^ulliam, I ruifl ?.'nyor .-aahburn t4). ^,r. :3s 3Gner wt u,lei'ield ovv0re,1 motion that a daol of conv,y;,nce from'.:rsl !tc., to John V. ;il.birt, dated Au:st 7th, 1t'x39, and eo:vayir to the •- -,-: '%. GillxPrt w;e ;:•,rth orie-half of fat j9r, 9 in 610c': "T" of t:a Oak Cmova oven, ar. ti:ut :wady Mtr.�urt, Ch:rk, be cut:vrize,, to ant:+r the suis ... :. - ..... ,. Said pro;.-rty u.,an the Ceslatery Re .::tJi`• 1.'901+t e•1 on 01.11 or tl:e and Mayor ,,ahburn (4). i .. .� ,. _. a .oil win. 1.v .. I , hat a rt•:alutien . t CITY OP fA;''Uf.Ai, - ..... ..... ...::� THE F•Z; :i ..., ......, - -TA 7-, - - NO_ Proceedings of h0:;?� 00'^•T-•?n*taat. -City of Paducah Aurna - 4 i 23�.--._—_-. be adortod. Adopted on cull of the roll: Yeaa; Commissioners 11elton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Idnyor :Washburn (4). Cozmassionor Idelton offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance entitled, °AH ORDINANCE AT!%IDING SUB -SECTION "B" OF SECTION 14 OF All ORDII7ANCE ENTITLE1 T af_ic or -finance- 'AN ORDINANCE REGULATING TRAVEL AIR1 TRAFr'IC -- TiL' USE OF STREETS BY VEHICLES, 3TR::l.T n. n?ndnent CARS AND PEDESTRIANS; CRiiATING A CENTRAL TRAFr2C AND BUSINESS DISTRICT; ESTABLIjHING F.OULEVARDS, SAFETY ZONES, AND AUTHORIZING TRE I,7ARKING OF CROSSVIALKS OR Ally ZONS9 HEREIN PROVIDED FOR, AND TSE ERECTION OF SIGNS AND SIGNALS; REZUIRING PARKING, AILD DESCRIBING TI7E S,RELPS OP. POR710N3 OF STREETS THAT IL1Y BE USED FOR PARKING, AND THE I•AI::iER OF UTILIZING SAA -T- IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY; AIM FIXING A PE-TAL71 FOR A17Y VIOLATI07 HEREOF' AI7D AI.:ENDING SUB SECTION "B" OF SECTION 14 AS AKENIDED BY ORDINANCE ADOPTED BY THE GENERAL COUNCIL ON JANUARY 29, 1934," be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Zeas; Corniasioners Melton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Mayor 'Naahburn (4). Co:mnisaioner Melton offered the following motion: 2 move that an Trof fic or - innnco amend- ordinance entitled: "AIl ORDINANCE AIMIDING SECTION 30 OF All ORDINANCE ENTITLED ',AN rent ORDINANCE RE;ULATING TRAVEL AND TRAFFIC - THE USE OF STREETS IiY VEHICLES, STREET CARS AND PEDESTRIANS, CREATING A CENTRAL TRAFFIC AND BUSINESS DISTRICT, ESTABLISHING I BOULEVARDS, SAFE.Y ZONES MID AUTHORIZING THE MARK -NG OF CROSS 17ALKS OR ANY ZONES HERL•T PROVIDED FOR AND TRE ERECTION OF SIGNS MID SIGNALS; REGULATING PARKING AND DESCRIBING TF,r' 3TREhTS OR PORTIONS OF STREETS THAT MAY BE US.sD FOR PARTING APID ME b7ANI7ER OF UTILIZING SAH IPI THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND FIXING A PENALTY OFR ANY VIOLAT- 1017 TR-REOFr ADOPTED BY THE GENERAL COUNCIL ON SEPT-WBER 14, 1925, AND AMENDED BY ORDINANCE A7bCT--D BY THE GENERAL COUNCIL ON MAY 22, 1933, SO THAT SAID SECTION 30 OF SAID ORDINANCE AND SAID ORDINANCE AS AMIitIDED SHALL READ AS HEREINAFTER PROVIDED," be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Melton, Pulliam, 3tub'..lefield and ilayor aashburn (4). Commissioner Stubblefield offered motion that this Regular Moeting of Adjournr..rant the Boarr7 of Coraaasionorn be adjourned until Tuoadny, August 15th, 1939, at the hour of 10:00 o1clock A.M. Dopted on call of the roll: Yens; Conatanionora 7:elton, Pullir,-, --tub.lefield and Myer 'Washburn. (4). A' 0. _� \ 7�^ -- —' 1939 APPROVED: %��GiYyr��_ - c J M yor