HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 188, July 10, 1939Is NO 100 Proceedings of Board of r^ j +ones City of Paducah July 10. 1939 _ ! At a regular meeting of the Board of Coxmisoionors held in the Corunizaloners+ Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 2:45 o'clock P.I.S. on the 10th clay of July, 1939, Commissioner Hank presided as Mayor pro tam in the absence of Mayor Washburn and upon call of the roll the following answered to their nines: Commissioners Melton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Mayor pro tem hank (4). Minutes of the previous meetings aero adopted as read. Commissioner Itank offered the following motion: Eoard endorses Install- ation of gas tanks in In order to correct any erroneous impression that may have been gained by statement City ;and published article regarding the location of 011 Bulk Stations in the City of Paducah, this board hereby goes on record encouraging the location of stations in ,Paducah when constructed in conformity with the Standards of Safety of the State of Kentucky and the Building Code of the City of Paducah. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Melton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Mayor pro tem Hank (4). Commissioner Hank offered motion that the sum of $50.00 Central Labor Union Nag - azine appropriated $50 be appropriated by the City of Paducah for a page ad in the Central Labor Union Magazin to be published on Labor Day, and that said appropriation be charged to the advertising fund for the year 1939. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Melton, ''Pulliam, Stubblefield and Mayor pro tem Hank (4). Commissioner flank offered the following motion: The Market House rents to be collected monthly 17arket Master having reported that the license fees of a number of persons renting i!stalls and benches in the Market House are in arrears; I move that the Corporation Counsel be authorized to Ii irmediately institute suits for collection of unpaid license fees against all persons who have failed to pay the rentals on the stalls and benches when the same become due jand collectible, and if necessary he may cause an attachment to be issued at-ainst the liproperty of such delinquent licensee in order to insure the collection of said fees. ilAdoptcd on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Melton, Pulliam, Stubclefield and i fl:ayor pro tem Hank (4). ,1 /i Commissioner Halton offered the following motion: I move Ordinnnce amordlrip ordi- ': nonce on D.S.C.Hospital that an or-linance entitled: "Al ORDINANCE AM11DING AN ORDIIIAIICE I.11TITLED,+All ORIIIIANCE Loan A1dF,'::DIrl^, AN ORDINANCE MiTITI.ED, "Alt ORDIN.1IICE APPROVING AND ACCEPTINGTHE TERMS AND _.::7-`::.'. ;:' A RESOLUTION APPROVED BY TILE MAITAGIIIG DIRL•rTO,,3 0'r 111E DISASTF.Ft LOAN ,'-�7 13T, 1938, AS AM011DM 13Y TIIi ;,M NDATCRY Rn.;OLUTIOI1 OF SAID L1AI;AOIt!"i 1038, PROVIDING FOR THE APPLICATION by THE CITY OF PADUCAll FOR A i TH-USAIID (010O,000.00) DOLLAIIS AICD ".1IICH RESOLUTIONS .... ::RE APPROVED IN FULL PWRSBY" EI APP,:OVING AND ACCIsPT1NG 1 (+f' THE: A14,NDATORY RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY d:11AGING DIRGC' ORS .CieORATION ON AUOU:iT 11TH, 1938, 1_,. 7xa T"'I,I.:. AND CONDITION:: 011 _.:'a"LI!I::.OLSTXON ADOPTIzU LR :;AMD MANA!;IN:3 ^:.^ .'..__; ON OC:C)DER P.911I, 1930, 0D "i^. ALUnm ARE ..4tAC, D ll�k:ilti t," : :.:::. ... ... )L'[ D Ill . ULL I1 7ti:FsY+ DY .:._. .,.. NAC1"IU6 SUFrSr1:T"'ION b Gr' ::r.'r'I'1GII B G:' .._:;1L11 1 OF ;;EC1'i0N 1 0r' SAIU a!opted. Aiol:"l on Intl all the roll: Yeaa; Ccmmisslo:,ora L:elton, Pulliaa, .. _.. 1eI'. and Mayer nro tar: H nk (4). i NO—ia9__ Proceedings of Board of Commisoioners City of Paducah July 10, 1939 Commissioner Belton offered the following motion: I move that a Resolution endorsing resolution entitled: "A RE30LUTIOR ENDORSING THE PRESEP]T RAILROAD A.1D BUS FACILITIES 1Rilrosd & Eyes system in AS BFING SUFFICIENT TO ADEP'UATELY SERVE THE TRAVELING PUBLIC IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, PaducAll. KENTUCKY% be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners V.clton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Wayor pro tem Hank (4). Adjournment Commissioner Hank offered the following motion: I move that this regular meeting be adjourned until the 13th day of July, 1939 at 2 o'clock P.M, Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Belton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Mayor pro ten Hank (4). i ADOPTED— . ,1939 9 5 I APPROVED.' 14AYOii jp V o -i I