HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 179, May 22, 1939Proceedings of oro- of crnlsriom .'n City of Paducah + 1939 At a ro ular mooting of the Board of COI'uli -"ioner. held in the CommIcaionern Jnm1bcr at the Gity iinli, Paducah, l�entucky, at 2 :00 o'clock P.a. on the 22nd cloy of I'qy, 1259, L'ryor ',-'ashburn presided and upon cell of the roll the followinG ruts;rorod to their names; Co:=issionors Banc, i,.elton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and I.:nyor +anhburn (5) I'inutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read. Cosmicrioner Hnnk offered the following motion: I move that the report on _- en the Pac:uenh er:•ra o System in its rolrtion to the Paducah lood Protection ":orka, ach r^sort wan prepared by Paul B. ::ood, Professional Lh,-ineer, be received and filet to - =yl and that the City I::anager be ,Ivan leave to withdraw said report from the records if i necessary to submit same to the United States Engineers for approval, said report to be returned after it has been reviewed by the Engineers. .Adopted on call of the roll: '�eaa; Commissioners Sank, I;elton, Pullian, Stubblefield and Itayor ':Iashbu;n (5). ^or ia:,ioner ?_ank offered motion that the report of Paul D. '.%ood, Profession II• cl-nZineer, on the proposed North 32nd Street diversion ditch be received ar-d filed, r:n:: that the City Rlana„er be given leave to withdraw said report from the records and rail the same to the United States Engineers for approval, said report to be returned to hi= after being reviewed by the Engineers. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; ^.o=.issionors Yank, iiolton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Mayor Washburn (5). Cor-.issioner 3tubLlefield offered the followim; motion: T. E. Pell having n in °n r filed his petition with the Eoard of Commissioners requesting the right and privilege `s7 to connect a 4" privately ormed pipe line with the main ormed by the City at a point on 35th street & Pines Road, dnid private line to be a 1" line and to run west on the Pines Road to 36th street; thence Korth on 36th street to the City limits; thence .'out:: on t:llson vcnuo to t'ao lots o:nod by T. E. Dell, a total distra:ce of approx- instoly 000 feet, srnI the Cormtissionors of dater Works having endorsed their approval or, the petition filed by T. b. Pell, and having agreed that the installation may be msde in the .rnnnr r cs not out in his petition ftled,herowith,- I now move that the re- eet o=the said T. . Loll be granted but that the Snntcllation of the pipe con- r.rr3 the r:ator service ohnll be subject to rll 01' the terms and conditions in trr. petition filed Ly the said T. Well, enc the city shall in no event fnilur^ to aur-.ly water or any apec+.fiod pressure. ,:;opted on c: 11 of _..^ipnors Beni;, .... ton, Pulliam, Stuhblcfiold and i;ayor ,inshburn :.•r the followin` motion: I cove that an TIM Uii1TsL .;TATE., C' UPOI: '.II:: I:.: r i .. .. .. .......,. _.... .-.... Oi i