HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 161, April 3, 1939Proceeding's of 3onrrl of Cor:rar sioners _City of Paducah April 3 1939 At a ragular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Cornissienersf Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 2 orclock P.M., on the 3rd day of April, 1939, Mayor CGaahburn presided and upon call of the roll the followli answered to their nw.-ea: Corot-AssiOners Hank, Melton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Mayor .:-.ashburn (5). Minutes of the precious neetings were adopted as read. J mayor Mashburn offered the following motion: Dr..F. A. Jones probecard to ash having, verified a petition in the l.'cCrackon Circuit Court, filed by Dr. F. A. Jones a probe of Cis,• Audits g;rs. Flva Jones, charCing the Mayor and Board of Commissioners and the City Manager with causing Audits to be made in such a manner as not to reflect the true financial condition of the city of Paducah; that it was done by one or all of us to deceive the taxpayers and citizens of the city of Paducah. If this statement is true, members of this co=mission, the city manager and the auditors are all subject to indictnent and upon conviction subject to the penalties for such an offense,- I move that this com- mission co on record asking the Honorable Holland Bryan, Commonwealth Attorney of this listrict, and the Hon. John Kirksey, County Attorney,to make a thorough investigation of the charge contained in this verified petition and if found to be true that any menber of the commission or the city manager is Cuilty of such acts, they be indicted and prosecuted, and if the investigation shows there is no truth in the otatement and that it is false that Dr. F. A. Jones be indicted and prosecuted for false swearing. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hank, Melton, Stubblefield and Mayor Tashburn (4) ?lays; Commissioner Pulliam (1). vyr,12 - 1' Commissioner Hank ofered motion that the payroll for the last lest half of !:arch, 1939 be allowed in the amount of 0010,548.63, and that the City Treaour, i be authorized to pay same by checks drain on the General bund. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Cor-nissioners Hank, Melton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Mayor Wash- b-:rn (5). Mayor Wanhburn offered the followin;; motion: I offer an instr::^_t to .''':rpt to r07,nissioner Pulliam's motion that a scientific asseasment of all proper eontrr.. .. .. Cit• ce arvm,'od to read that the Cit Mann or ascertain the coot of the l:PA coat of -•� I Y g ossa^':c:•r.` � ^•. for t' -at purpose and retort to the commission. Adopter' on call of the _:•.;icn•:rs Fan':, ' •:,ton, Pulliam, Stubblofiold and Mayor : ashburn (u). Cc. 1r• C .::r .'tub'.:lefield offered the following, notion: etty t r... , to tia of Corrrissloners her deed to Lot 1:0.94 in ::lock between Baker and Miller streets in Onk . y, l:er.tuc'ry, which deed was duly cxoc::ted ::e 1:::,- ... that the, canvoynnce 01' satd lot be ;r .:ed enP= rt<.- .._ rr•rteri to 81,oW sale. conveyrz:.-r.•. A; -opted cn f!*::,. ..., rs._. :'ea:, ra !lank, !!eiton, 1111111`1M.Jtu.:lefield - ` ar/' Payor aaa:Lur>: Fatiticn :r:� 11.n that t!. not-It,on tooting lo- i cation of alined by regi' :,s Sr. .- -- r an,', ... :;th ah(i iio,asln, r :srt^rrt* et. i' ct be fu i i 2 � No. 162 Proceedings of Board of e-+ + m City of Paducah April 3. 1939 Mayor Waahburn offered motion that the petition signed by Petition protesting r,. Heusint project on 'residents in the vicinity of ISadiaon, `nrrinon, Clay, Thirteenth and Fourteenth atrecta :'auison, Harrisen,etc ,protesting the location of the Housing Comm.inalon project be received and filed. A_opted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commisaionors Hank, Y.olton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and ba yor Washburn (5). Com.-SssioneP Pulliam offered motion that the letter from 'Che Paducah PaducaY.:;un-P.c:.tocrat letter reCareinf, Audit'fun-Democrat be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: 'lean; (Commissioners Hank, Melton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Mayor "aahburn (5). Fetition protesting Mayor Washburn offered motion that the petition from property paving of Clat street- owners on Clay Street from 13th to 14th protesting street improvement be received and 13th to 14th 'filed. Adopted on all of the roll: 'Lean; Commissioners Hank, Melton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and I-ayor llashbubn (5). Adjournment Ltayor 17ashburn offered motion that this regular meeting be adjourned i "until Aprils, 1939 at the hour of 2 o'clock P.b:. Adopted on call of the roll: I: Yeas; Commissioners Hank, Melton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Mayor Washburn (5). ADOPTED �� S\�\3� , APPROVED: �I/lI/I��`�y..,C�/r�-•.- MAYOR :.�-:r:r�.t:ti::;r=.:;r �r:: � :tef::•."era:-:rrrteo-;rx�:-� x;s;: �;s;r s;r:r;r At an adjourned regular meeting of the Board of Cormtiscionera held in the .Commissioners' Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 3:15 o'clock P.M., on the 5th day of April, 1939, Commissioner Hank presided as mayor pro tan. In the absence 6f =lryor ,ashburn and upon call of the roll the following ana.;erect to their name*: ";o=nissioners Melton, Pulliam, a;tubicdofield and Mayor pro tem Hank (4). Board of =qualizera 1939 i) Mayor pro tem Hank offered the following motion: I move that the report of the Board of Equalizers of the City of Paducah for the year 1939 be received and filed and spread upon the records: "Paducah, Yy. April 3, 1939 "Ilan. L. 7. Bean, City "ana3er Kon. 3,IEar T. .;nai; turn and Board of Co:e._.iaaicnors Gentlem•-m Ila, the and^rcl;,ysed mombers of the Board of Egaallzation of' the City of ,. hercwith hrn=i you the tax aasos=ent for the year 1539: _ _n--or's Tots! on ;;gal at. tc Irprovenents v 1.1,7569180 r�a3 lncrwn3e by L„}r.rA . .,.-niroaae ty :qmrj _ en .Qal state and v(re::tti (t'n11 rc, t,$) :aaor's ?btal ,,n iormontil fray crty 2,455,255 15 0 3 U43 jZ Oar:! —5 212Z T , l tN.i :eportl ( u11 rota) 17,5/.5,675 1;A "r 110,550 My( .lal iste} 1.19, 3.0 � �C•v= ,.,,... 'otal 17,c 0,070