HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 159, March 27, 1939NO_Ii_—__..____ Proceedings of r'ca••cl of Cn - Isniorers City of Paducah Uarch 27. 1939 At a regular m^etinC of the Board of Commissioners held in the Comarissioners' Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, I:entucky, at 2:30 o'clock P.M., on the 27th day of March, 1939, Mayor V;ashburn presided and upon call of the roll the I follow in answered to their names: Commissioners Hank, Pulliam, SL•ubulefield and :.:a;ror 'Mashburn (4). Minutes of the previous meetlnGs were adopted as read. Commissioner Hanle offered motion that a letter addressed to Co-.._'aunicati3T the Mayor and Board of Commissioners from four members of the Detective Department, from Detect— I've Dept. be received sad filed for future consideration. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; COmjissioners Hank, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Mayor Washburn (4). f Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: A. R. Paducah 17cter 'aks- Herndon having filed his petition with the Board of Commissioners requesting per- A.R.3erndon to connect mission to connect a private line to the main line of the Paducah :'later Works located to main - Blandville ; on the Meadville Road at the city limits line of Paducah, Kentucky, said line to be a Road 3/4 inch line and to run a distance of approximately 75 feet to the house from the main connection, and the Commissioners of Plater 'Morks having endorsed their approval u. -on the petition filed by A. R. Herndon,- I move that the petition of the said A.R. Herndon dated March 22, 1939, be received and filed and that his request be Granted y1. by the Board of Commissioners, but the Paducah Water Works shall not assume any part q of the cost or liability on the connection and line except to make the connection of I' its pipe to the maon and to install the meter, said connection to be made sub$ect to all of the terms and conditions contained in the petition filed by the said A. R. Hern- don, and the city, in no event, shall be liable for failure to supply crater or any rspecified pressure. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hank, Pul- liam, Dtubblefield And Payor Washburn (4). j j Commissioner Stubblefield offered the following motion: i'Ca3�ey ' arbl� & parley I•"srtlo L Granite Company, a partnership,composed of 7d. L. Beasley, Sr. and Granite Co., eee"•c: from C.^.L'casloy, havin7 presented to the Doard of Commissioners a deed of conveyance .,_zzie bark- er estate - e -exited by the heirs at law of Mrs. Lizzie Parker, deocanod, under the terms of which On;; ;rove the said Beasley 1.larble & Granite Company has acquired title to the Coat one-half P, of Lot ;Io.S in block IIo.14 New Addition of Onk Grove Cometery in Pnr]ucah, Kentucky, I bnir.^ t..p aart: lot *,urrhaaed from the City of Paducah by I4ra. Lizzie =arkor on zt 4, 1.327, as the same ap^oars of record in the Cal: Grove Cem^tory Registry on ,'.age 2C4., I now rove that the conveyance of the said Parker lot to the Beasley i I SrCir, c- :•c, -:ite �;o�c;.any ba approved, an` that the Clork be authorized to correct the ce:%ctery r3cer'a to show snicr:nvo•;ance. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeaa;, Co.--?sai;nar. I?n-;'r,, Pulliam, 't':b.].'::iel! and Yayor'',-aahburn (4) I t J -�:r •as:•. am offored motion that the letter from Thomr,s Ii. 1' r .nrt�n . .!i .•a1. ._ I:.. n r o; the Parh:eah Municipal I:ousing I i be re -c 1.0 -:,f., Aloptcrl on cull of t]:e roil: Yeas; ! sahburn (4). . e.� .,. - _ . ._.. ,. t:ia frr'. 1 ,..... ':�• . ... _ :ova I 'hat a rsaal..•.i�.„. _..i.].e':, . .. I .. ....'YOR OF 722 rrr ” OY: AIIY OF AIC?f!i,' A, POP'. AM, ON EZRA_ . , l P 0" L71M AWAC112 1.4 Ay LA: S.. a% "✓.'t._:.^_ n 1. _-Zi, COffi3::�ea7FiXi. 1..0 1a:1- NO. 1 6o o"rd of Corm,n A, Dnera City of Paducah march 27, 1939 Proceedings of - -" ,i rayor 'Mashburn offored the following motion: Mentors of the Board of Com- McCrac'sen County Public rtinsioners hnvinr received numerous complaints from citizens in regard to unsanitary :-nit notified of complaint regarding unsanitary car.- condltions of premises , and these complaints having bean given to the McCracken County ditions in City. health Department, and for reasons unknown, delay has been very pronounced in forcing the tenant or owners to comply with the law. Inasmuch as it is the responsibility of the Health Department to see that all laws pertalnin, to health moanures be enforced, I now move that a copy of this motion be sent to the McCracken County Ilealth Department and that this be notice to said department tha$ they must fulfill the requirements, or that it will be necessary for the city of Paducah to withdraw financial aid. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hank, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Mayor ':Jashburn (4). Mayor 'Washburn offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance anti Pullinm, :3tubblefield and Mayor '•:asl:L..a (4). i i On ❑,tion men_ing ar)journed. 1 "AIT ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND RECONSTRUCTION OF THE DRIVE'9AY ON IIAR- Ordinance for construction !RI3011 STREET FROM MIE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF 3RD STREFT TO THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF 4TH of 4rrison Street 3rd to (STREET AIM FROM THE '.'.'E3T PROPERTY LINE OF 871I STREET TO THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF 213T 4th and 8th to 21st streets ISTREET, EXCLUDING INTERSECTIONS ATT13TH, 16TH & 17TH STREETS IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, MCCRACKEN COUNW, KENTUCKY, 11ITH Ail NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS, SEWER rAIID DRAIN PIPES, AIM ALL NCCES3ARY ENGINEERING, ADVERTISING AND LEGAL AIID CLERICAL iSERVICES IN CONIfECTION THER=',7ITi, UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF AN ACT OF TIP GENERAL ASSEMBLY Or THE COMMOYNDALTH OF KM- TTUCKY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR SESSION IN 1938, PROVIDING FOR ,THE IMPROVEMENT OF PUBLIC HAYS IN CITIES OF THE SECOND CLASS BY AID OF THE '70RKS PROGR A D1::;d IST;; "ION OR 071MR AGENCIES OF THE FEDERAL OR STATE GOVERIMENT, AND AT THE EX- CLUSIVE CO3T OF THE OWNERS OF REAL ESTATE ABUTTING ON SUCH IMPROVE "ENT ACCORDIING TO THE I:�'BER OF FRONT OR ABUTTING FEET, AND PROVIDING THAT A TAX SHALL BE LEVIED UPON SAID LOTS OR PARCELS OF REAL ESTiM FOR THE PAYIIENT OF THE COST ASSESSED THEREON AND 17,111CH COST SHALL BE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TOTAL COST OF COMPLETING SAID IMPROVEMITS AND ,TNS TOTAL AMOUNT OF THE CONTRIBUTION OF THE WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION OR OTHER AGENCIES OF THE FEDERAL OR STATE GOVERNLiENT EIIGAGED IN 14AKIITG SAID IMPROVEML31T, AND .'HICH TAX SHALL BE DUE AND PAYABLE AT THE OFFICE OF TIIE CITY TREASURER, ONE-H.,LF THERE- OF ..'TEC THE :JORK OF CONSTRUCTION BEGINS AND THE REMINDER TIER,OF PATEN OI1E--HALF OF SAID dIYPROVE14ENTS SHALL HAVE BEEN COMPLETED, 7.111CH TIM SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE BOARD OF !COMMIS.:IONERS PJIT'H THE ADVICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER," be introduced and remain on file �i�for not lean than one week for public inspection in the completed form in which it shall ibe put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; COMMAS3.ioners i, !(Hank, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Mayor 'Washburn (4). Mayor 'lashburn offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance entitled: / "All ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE C0113TRUCTION AND RECONSTRUCTION OF THE DRIVE'VAY ON CLAY Ordnance for construction STREET FROM THE '',EST PROPERTY LINE OF 10711 STREET TO TRE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF 21ST of Clay from loth to 21st �jMSEP, EXCLUDING INTERSECTIONS AT 13TII, 161H & 17TH STREETS IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, 'L'CCRACKEN COUNTY, KF'NTUCKY, UITH ALT, NECESSARY MANHOLES, INNTAKES, CATCH BASINS, SE'CJER I1D MAIN PIPES, AND ALL 11_¢CE33ARY EINGINEERING, ADVERTISING AND LEGAL AND CLERICAL 3EP111, :; T:N CONNECTION T:C:RF"JITH, UNDER THE PROVISION.i OF AN ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEI.:- BL'1 COL:'!O:lW'-`ALTH OF KIi3ITUCKY ADOPTED AT ITS RLGULAR ZE::.;ION IN 1938 PROVIDINIG OF PULLIC '':AYS III CITIE3 OF TMI ZZCOND CL413S BY AID OF THE :'iG^ICS OR OTHER AGE:;CI'._S OF THE FEDERAL OR STAT: COVERNNML'NT, ANT) AT O'SNER3 OF REAL ESTATE ABJTTING ON SUCH INSPIIOVM:1:NT ACCORDING O11 ABUTTIIIG FEET, AND PROVIDING THAT A TAXSHALL DE LEVIED UPON 33AL ESTATE FOR THE PAY1.0'T OF Till: COST Aso 3S%D TF.EREON AND -- .. IMME BET,NEEN THE TOTAL COST OF COMPLETING SAID IMPROVE- "' :'I' THE CONTRIBUTION OF THE 'lORF.3 PRO3IIES3 AD?'I::13T:IATION OR L OR STATE GOVERMENT ENGAGED IN MAKING LAID IN•:PROVZMNT, :,::D PAYABT,E AT THE O-.KICE OF THE CITY T3Ii:r,.;UR'cit, ONE-IIALF ::5TRUCTIOI1 BEGINS AND THE Riw'I:I DuH TH*- 1.07 ':AIEI1 ONE-HALF TINE BEEN COMPLETED, ,JHICII TIME 3111ALL B DET-It:.:11161) D'Y ME 'ME ADVICE OF THE CITY ENCIINEL'R", be introdur_od and rcmaln at: one week for public inspection in the completed form in which :. tic: it3 final passage. Adopted on call of thu roll: Yens; Pullinm, :3tubblefield and Mayor '•:asl:L..a (4). i i On ❑,tion men_ing ar)journed. 1