HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 154, March 9, 1939NO 154 Proceedings of Board of Commisaionora_City of Paducah March 9, 1939 j At a call meeting of the Board of Commissioners hold in the Commissioners' Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 3:15 ovelock P.M. on the 9th clay of March, 1939, Mayor `.*Iashburn presided and upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commisai nors Hank, Melton, Pulliam, Stubble- ., filed and b;ayor "lashburn (5). Mayor Mashburn stated reason for call, to -wit: For the purpose of receiving and considering petition in regard to franchise ordinance. Board of Education- Commissioner Hank offered the following motion: The Board of Contract No.B for stoups -urchased from Education havingsubmitted to the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah its t,nerican Stove Co., approved. Resolution recommending the payment of the sum of $392.00 to the American Stove Company in settlement of the contract proce for furnishing (5) gas ranges for con- struction and equipment of Project No.KY-1219-DS, Contract No.8, said ranges having been delivered and found to be satisfactory to the Board of Education of said city., I move that pursuant to the resolution of the Board of Education adopted on February 2, 1939, that the City of Paducah pay to the American Stove Company the sum of y392.00 in settlement of the purchase price for the aforesaid ranges, and that said payment be made out of its account on deposit in the Peoples National Bank of Paducah, Kentucky, designated therein as "City of Paducah School Building Constructions Fund." Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hank, Melton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Mayor Vlashburn (5). Board of Education- Commissioner Hank offered the following motion: The Board of No.? for Contrstoves stoves purchased from Education having submitted to the Board of Commissioners of the Cit of laducah its g Y Cleaves L: Sons approved resolution recommending the payment of the sum of $256.55 to Gleaves h Sons in settle -I ment of the contract price for furnishing two (2) Kerosene and one (1) Electric range for construction and equipment of Project No.KY-1219-DS, Contract No.7, said ranges J having been delivered and found to be satisfactory to the Board of Education of said City., I move that pursuant to the resolution of the Board of Education adopted on .bruary 2, 1939, that the City of Paducah pay to Cleaves do Son the sum of $256.55 in settlement of the purchaseprice for the afiresaid ranges, and that said payment I be made out of its account on deposit in the Peoples Rational Lank of Paducah, I:ontucky, deairnatod thorein ns "City of Paducah School Building Construction Fund." Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners liank, Melton, Pulliam, Stubtlafield rni !%yor .'iashburn (5). I tLsyor 17ashburn offered the following motion: A petition having 1 rancriae - P�t;tipn � protenttnr• roc,erred been presented to the Board of Commissioners protesting against the paaaage of an and filed - :uestion ordinnnce as provided for under Section 3235c-23, said ordinande boine entitled as cert:."seri to Comty followa; Court '..e:rk r O.trIRt,1:CE CREATING A FRANCHISE2•I OR PRIL'GE TI 1•'UHRISII ']!IT, PO„ER, HEAT AND ANY OTHER PUN.PO.32,; ?OR+".IiZCH LLECTHICIT't IS AND PROVIDING FOR TRE SALE OF SAID FRANCHISE, FIXING AND .',A^CU13E `DIE RATEd TO BL CH,iRGED F Oa IHE SALE ARD DISTItIbUTION I1CF' WITHIN THE CITY, A:.D PI:OVIIIING FOR THE RF.vCCA'riON OF Pr10N BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH OF THE PURCHASLRIS ,ANT, SUL+S"ATION AND THANSLi13_11�,N CONNECTIONS, AND :'J r H S R Ao 'RIE CI7C MAY REWIRE POR Tills I' ^ OVN +ZECTnIC '.I( I!" AND PC.. tlT , 11 ILA.i ' '1::i CITY YAY $ E K.PCI THE 1'0."]L'' I f ]n E tniCF1A LFi 112D AT ',YTIM'-` DUNINC fila: MR, 1 A., Al:., OP.TLuD Y .al. 1,:,.r, U. '1'!!r' i i .•c wan ':uly q,;:;ptra •: oy th•: ioard of Commlasl Gnors of the' 3 docrunry,1:)30. ;asci petition purporting to a s elual to .:SN If thr total member of votes caat for tF, y 1 a:ar.ah et t%` last precerling re,:alar + a _ a nat the � f:'' Caaasge 0f the slid p0 tit ion havin,, b,en r+ ::i,} 01' Padueah, that the petition be r et:, hat the 1St ac quea:ian 13e%ted therein to •racks:, C.-'Urt to I the ballot at to .. _.. ..._. _no .nty the .s _ .."�`lcn, inn Lot pin ed ur,a t0 carry the gs_a.i.,r. as foltc,rs: NO- ..I _.._ Proceedings of pear9 of I'omn 1 overs City of "Shall the ordinance- vAN ORDINANCE CREATING A FRANCHISE OR PRIVILEGE To FUIiI1ISH ELECTRICITY FOR LIGHT, POWER, HEAT A14D AN]Z OTHER PURPOSES FOR WHICH ELECTRICITY IS USED IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, AND PROVIDING FOR THE SALE OF SAID FRANCHISE, FIXING AND REGULATING UNDER ,ID FRANCHISE WE RATES TO BE CHARGED FOR THE SALE ACID DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRIC ENERGY SERVICE M'MIN TSE CITY, AND PROVIDING FOR THE REVOCATION OF SAID FRANCHISE UPON THE ACQUISITION BY ME CITY OF PADUCAH OF THE PURCHASER'S DISTRIEUT=ON PLANT, GENER- ATING PLANT, SUBSTATIONS AND TRAN3I3ISSION CONNECTIONS, AND THE PROPERTIES AND FACILIT- IES OF THE PURCHASER AS 7HE CITY MAY REQUIRE FOR THE ESTA3I,I3I11,211T, 11AINT:rIAIICE AND OPERATION OF ITS 01111 ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANT, AND PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND COI1- DITIONS UNDER 'LiIICH THE CITY MAY EXERCISE TIL POWER OF REVOCATION AND ACQUIRE THE ELECTRIC UTILITY PROPERTIES OF THE PURCHASER, AND RESERVING THE RIGHT TO ESTAMISH, 6I:'.TAIN AND OPERATE, AT ANY TIME DURING THE TERM OF SAID FRANCHISE A MUNICIPAL LIGHT AND PO17nR PLANT AS AUTHORIZED BY THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF KENTUCKY,' go into effect." Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hank, Melton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and S:ayor Washburn (5). On motion meeting adjourned. ADOPTED��S�y,� \ -- , ,1939 APPROVED.i / MAYOR � Y (;LNIIRK