HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 144, February 6, 1939Proceedings of ^ ^r ^� —Chy of Paducah "ebr r r•• r 19,31)
At a re-ulnr meetin- the Eonrd o Commissioners 1r^l�1 in the Cod-aasionarsr�
.,nter at the City Hall, Fndllcah, ::entur.::y, at 2 o'clock P."..i. on the Gth dny of Febru-,
pry, 1:59, l:a or ;; aohUarn ; r_ai o:'. and upon call of the roll the follovlin� answered
to a^ir na-cr: CC-,iss?on'^s Ilan'.:, i?elton, Pulliam, itub).lefield and ::ayor :aahburn
:_nutrs of the previous meetings were adopted as rend.
Commnissionor Hnnk offered the followln,; motion: C. B. Mershon havin^ patitio
--' e to the City to approve the layinr of a 1" private line run-:inc on Bush Avenue east
`"•` a ,li�tar.ce of 356 feet, the coat of said instillation to be paid for by C. B. ',.lorshon
.r.. L.-ucker. The Pnducah 'dater .7orks having by their writ en endorsement in the
^arm of a letter approved and arrCed to said installation in the mraler as set out in
,'ora^on and D.L.Tuckerla proposal,- I now move that the said petition be
receive^ and filed and that their request be -ranted by the Zoard of Com..issioners.
Sut the city of Paducah shall be liable in no event for failure to furnish water or
nny specific uatcr pre -cure. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bank,
:'c' -ton, Pulliam and Stubblcfield (4). Nay; Mayer 'l:ashburn (1).
Corz:issioner hank offered the followinC motion: J. E. VanVactor Navin,
p^ti`ioned to tho city to approve the laying, of a 11" line south on the Lone Oak
a distance of 150 feet and thence west a distance of 150 feet, to connect to a
^rivate line extending south on the Lone Oak Road a distance of 926 feet, now
connected to the 24" :rain leadini to the reservoir and outaide the city limits, the
cost of said installation to be paid for by J. E. VanVactor. The Paducah ::atcr �.orks
- by their written endorsement in the form of a letter approved and agreed to said
_.. ion in the menner as set out in J. E. VanVactorrs proposal,- I nor :Hove that
_'Son be recolvee nr' filed and that J. E. VanVactor's request be granted
Comris:�ioncra. But the oil o" Pa':ucah shall be liabla in no Quant
n i .wish :::ter or any specified water pres:mro. Adopted on call of the
r 1.n , Bolton, Pulllnm ani Stab:.lefleld (4). tSay; 1:ayor
offerfr>. the fol?owill-. notion: Me 7tato-'::ice 3ecreatioa
lrectec: by Pnlm r ilu•hca, havin-- cal:Cr, t`:at a Citizens Lz,y
.. ., pf all o:• •a.^.iaatiCns o: tlir.. city oi' In-?rr,•:h, be dons - .
or urpoae of coonerntlr°,• with the
In sr,,
.,H in their program for till ''orma of oia ar
.. -, nt..l.tice, arts, crafts nnc. other forma
:rt:hCnt be concurred in an,.i thet the following l
11rs. I.:arahnil Puryour
: I,:ra. J. B. Acr_ ,
b:rs. 1% J. Keeney
- . y :Dean R. !Zatheson, Jr.
a,n+ sa:u eon:-I—ef, Nan na nutl:ority Ly sail appointment
1 .r: !,ln,llnr upon ..I;a e ty of
Hors Hank, Volton,Fullian,
NO 1.4E
Proceedings ofCity of Paducah 1"01MInny C, 1029
...n yor .,nohburn offered the fo rno!-_ f,: 7L r1o,:c that a rono1ution on titlods
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