HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 14, January 11, 1938NO.. 1 { .. .__— Proceedings of ""a" of Co_::. Ls_Ioi.u•. City of Paducah January 1.1, 13::8 At a ca1L meeting of the boara of cooz..jz>ioneis veld in the com- -1s;.ioni.•s' Cha;aber at the city hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 1:eo o'clock t.::., on the '.Lth day of January, 1938, �1ayor 16ashburn ;resided and upon call of the roLl the fol io"r.i:.g answered to tireLr na:ces: Coatjaisoioners flank, Melton, Pulliaa:, tubblefield :.:ayor viashburr= (5). Mayor Washburn: statea reason for call, to -wit: To consider .notion in to flood wall. ?boon ::ayor 'iiashburn off'erou the folloriln� a•otion: i :cove th+t the a,ot'<or. delly- erini, � •o?tcd at the CozLiIa6ioa,es1 ':c-uting hcid ir. the Coiamis-vlonurs' Cha.ubcr at the City, [aps on s<u Hall at 11:50 o'clock A... on January 8, 1938, which read as follows;_"I move that the wall res- ,ags pertaining to sea wall rights of way be received from the U. S. Engineers office c ind- ed and that said maps be turnc:, over to W. F. iIc:urray, Chairman of the flood viall cosaittee, r,Lth the request that he and his committee proceed to obtain options iron the ovf,.crs of said lands embraced in the survey It. the naene of the city of P�Iucah for :ub•aisslor. to the board of eo:<�.issioners for their approval. No option obtained by s%ld con^ittee 'rill in anywise be binding upon the city of Paducah until approved by the board of co.s:.,issioncr•s by the adoption of necessary ordlnance,^ be now rescinded. A.o:.:.ed on call of the roll: Yeas; Commission_rs Hank, Ltelton, Pulliam, Stubblefield e:.d :.:r:yor Washburn (5). � mayor Washbarr: offered the follov:ir:g motion: I move that the co��u..ication from Si. F. '_c...urray, chairman of the city flood wall co:_atttea, in reg.r :.:c- -;i to _o charges to be ^ade for services rerderea, be received, filed and spread upon. the ray's let- alcutes. Also copy of letter from ;layor Washburn to ::r. .lcwurrsy: ter "January 11, 1908 � 'Lr. I.j. F. :.c::urray, Chairman Flood Wall Co_nilttee raducah, Kentucky Lear yr. :4c:durray: The questio.t was raised ;;onday that It. the appolntr_ent of the flood wall committee no provision mas made that a charge for ti:e services rendered In obtaining options would not be _ade against the- city of Paducah. z it has beer. 'ry urdersta: Ging that the services of yourself and rnc:nb;.rs of your cora- I j nittee has beer. a voluntary offering In behalf of a civic :rovoa;ert an,. that you at no ;i time• co,"ac:a,>Lat.ed .:. king any ch:.rge for any services rendered. I wish you could :rterzae advise •:e by _i.tter w:.ether or riot my i:: presslon is correct or incorrect. Yhmrio is to be a .arch."; of the toard at 1:20 this afternoon and if It is po7_Lb1e for yo:: to attend, I wish you ';,oald arrar:ge to be present. Yours very truly i Lagar T. Washburn, _:ayor° "January 11, L:i.:�8 (� P_ . :., ::,:mucky i :y dr: r Wl'.. L...r..: i .. ... .our .r j n._ .!. ve to i.i. .... - ! of y upom which m Proceedings of Hoard of Co:aria:: Lor.:;. s City of Paducah January `'ea 'mall delivered to Flood Control Co r-ittee to ob- tain rights of ways v Brier Licenses csh bon .. by us regarded as vital to our homes and businesses. Certainly any :Ilisunderstanding as to the object or purpose of the co.,Lttee can o,Ly hampor ar,d iarpede the work which Its members are trying to do and = r:ould sug;gest, if I Way be permitted to eo so, that if you or your Board +mould prefer either to change the personnel of the co.—ilttee, to declare its powers and authority, or rather its lack of power and authority, or to undertL.ke the work upon your own resoonsibikity, you will find the individual members of tris =:zIttee entirely cooperative and anxious to aid in any cal,ncity, officlaLly o: unofficially, actively or otherwise, as will bring hbout the early realization of flood arotection to this coawucity. Yours sincerely W. F. .lclurray, Chairman" Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hank, 3elton, Pullla.c Stubblefield and !tayor Washburn (5). Llayor Washburn offered the follov.Ing motion: I move that the Imaps pertaLning to the sea wall rights of way be received from the U. t,. iinglrcer li office ai.d that saud maps be turned over to V1. F. :•:c ;urray, chairmLn of the flood I. wall committee, with the request that he and his committee proceed to obtain options from the o.,ncrs of said lands embraced in the survey in the namee of the i! j city of Paducah for submission to the board of coxmiss toners for their approval. d No optiod obtained by said committee &1.11 In anywise be binding upon the crib of Paducah until ap;.rov�d by the board of ed:..,nlssion:rs by the adoption of necessary onaLuarces. it is understood mmol by and between Ir. L+cMurray, chairnai. of the flood wall co.,-tlttee, and iembers of the committee that no pcharge will be .;ade against t'r.: city of Paducah for services rendered in obt:�tni!:L, the options above .rentiored. Adopted oa call of the roll: Yeas; Co7J:aLs.-Loro s Har.!:, :.eltor,, Pulliam, StubbLefield and ',:ayor Washburn (5). Com.r;ission_r .lelton offered the following motion: That a license to per,it the rctailii:g of beer and light wines to the following a),Mc•<ats be approved upon, ,,roper paym;nt to the City Treasurer: J. G. Oakley 124 N. 4th Peter Oreskovich 111 S. brd St. (Jefferson Cafe) Llrs. fi. Fletcher 1819 Bridge Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Co::ralssioners Hank, ::elton, Pulliaw anci ;:ayor Washburn (5). Co:-Usalonix Hank offered =:otlor. Uat the City :;anagen be I instrictcd to pl._re a..ad L^: the Paducah Labor :,cws to th•_ a:oour.t of :.mooted or.� esii of tn•= roll: YoL,s; Co._._:isslo,:yrs filar:&, ..._lto,i, Pulliam,, „S iclu a:. ayor W, _hburn (5) . 0,. Otto- .SAL.:g adjourned. �---'---