HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 137, January 16, 1939NO 137
Proceedings of 'card of Contm,rnlonors CifyofPaducah JRnuarP 1Cth. 1933
At a re;;ielnr moetin;; of the hoard of COmmisslonor5 hel.:l in M] r,
Commissloners' Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Gontuc.rl, at 2 o'cloc;: P.:%,
H tho 16th da,,, of January, 1937, ,,:a;;or '::aohburn prco'ded and upon ca:l of the roll
iI tho follo:,in- an!iwored to the'r nnmos: Commissioners hank, Pullism, Stubblofl,�Ifl
and i:ayor 3:ashburn (4).
L:inutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read.
Conmissioner Hank offered the followins motion: That this payroll
for the first half of January, 1939, be allowed in the amount of ;;10,195.20, and that
Payroll first
Z of Jan. '� the City Treasuror be authorized to pay same by check drawn on the General rund.
1 Adopted on call of the Holl: Yeas; Commissioners Hank, Pulliaip, Stubblefield and
..:nyor ',.ashburn (4).
4 Mayor +ashburn offered the followlnL motion: Edward :.-illor havtnz
Sam :sullen
appointed heretofore been appointed a member of the City of Paducah i,:u.ilcipal Housin_ Commission,
:!ous i n7
Commission and tendered his resi:•nation for reasons set forth therein, said real*,nation havin;;
Until Jan.
17th, 1939
been accepted, and there now existin;; a vacancy on said Commission, I now offer c':e
name of Sam i'ullen as a member of tae City of ?aducah i:uniclpal Housing Commission.
Adopted on call of the Roll: Yeas; Commisslonera Hank, Pulliam, F.tubblefiel.l .an,,!
^a -,or
i•;ayor :.ashburn offered the followin; motion: I move that this re•;ular
meetin;; he adjourned until Tuesday, January 17th, 1939, at the hour of 2 o'clock P.Y.
~ f;ayor
At an adjourned ro�nlcr mcotlnZ of the -oard of Co:c-:1 ^lens:; 1r,'l1 7...
the Co=.Ii sioncrs' Chamber at the City !;all, ?ndi.cah, i;antucicy' at S o'cloe;: 1' '* on
t`:e l7th aj of dnnunry, 193^, :'a;,•or ';lashburn prc--_dcd and t.Pcn ca711 of t5e roll
u follcwln nns:•:eroci to their names: :or:nlaslonors 2ullinip, Stubblefield <.:1
-'n--or :ashb:rn offered tho folio -.71.1Z mutton: _ Tovo tient this
be adjourno:i until '.;olnesdny, •?anuary la, 1939, at the hour
_ ;inpted on call a; the Boll: Yeae; X3'11' iunors Pulliam,
... .... .. -,. ,,.,urn (3).