HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 125, December 5, 1938No. 125
Rpard of CommI.—I gra City of Paducah December 5, 1938
Proceedings of ----- ---
A t a regular meeting of the Board of C0mmi33i0ner3 held in the Com-
riissionorat Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 2 olc1:)cR P.P., on the 5th
d:y of December, 1938, Mayor Claahburn presided and upon call of the roll the following
answered to their names: Commissioners Hank, Melton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Fayor
7,aahburn (5).
Minutes of the previous meetings were a,1opted as read.
Commissioner Hank offered motion that the payroll for the last half of
Payroll -last k Nov'/November, 1938 be allowed in the amount of $10455.06, and that the City Treasurer be
authorized to pay same by checks drawn on the General Fund. Adopted on call of the
roll: Yeas; Commiseionors Hank, Melton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Mayor Washburn (5).
tater .7orks Oct. Ll
report Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that the financial report of the
Paducah Water :forks, Municipally owned, for the month of October, 1938, be received
and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hank, ?Belton, Pulliam,
tubblefield and Mayor 7,ashburn (5).
Mayor 'Washburn offered motion that the letter from the Paducah Flood
Flood Control Com.v
letter regarding Control Committee in regard to purchase of right of way from C. T. Allen be received,
C. T. Allen deed
filed and spread upon the Minutes:
"December 1, 1938
1.1r. L. V. Bean, City Manager
E:r. Edgar T. Washburn, Mayor
Board of Commissioners
City of Paducah
Paducah, Kentucky
In cloning an option to purchase right of way from C. T. Allen it was
agreed by and between the Richt of Stay Committee and C. T. Allen that far the �ilsideration of his sining the deed and deeding such property to the City as ..'.a. noc-
easary for the right of way for the flood wall, that we would deed to him such property
las was left off the property purchased from E. R. Frields and George Childers.
In acquiring the property from Mr. Frields and Mr. Childers wo were
forced to purchase a small amount of property that wan not needed for tho ri3ht of way
and there was no additional cost to the City in acquiring same.
1.7e trust that you can nee your way clear to dead to C. T. Allen the
above property for that consideration.
Yours very truly
1'1. T. PIERCE
C. 1% CRAIG"
Adopted on coil of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners flank, Melton, Pulliam, 3tubblafiold
..�..'. IBa;or .'Jac:hburn (5).
Mayor '.ashburn offered the following motion: Ise. Noll Kru^or having
h,,rotof^oro ber-n n;-;-ninted to fill a vacancy on the Board of Trustees of Carne;,.ia Lib-
rnry, and she having tendered her realgnation,- I now move that Frod Ilotunn be :iolactodI
.ria ',..,.�Lco fw• qx_n� is Librrry, his appointment end!.--,-, September, 1939. !
• !i
crll of t o , G1: Yens; Commiasioncrrs Hnn.:, Eelt,�n, Pullinn, .;tub:acfiei.i !
-a:,hir.crr; o.. .rad the tb71nw1tt^, motion: I r.,pva that an ordinaneo
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PAr'7C, fI, ITS
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Proceedings of _"nrd of Coti.13slonors City of Paducah Doceaber 5, 1938
DEED LOOK 200 PAGE 10, IN TI1E AFORESAID CLERK'S O:fICE,rt be adopted. Adopted on
call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Iiank, Melton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Mayor
l7ashburn (5).
on motion meeting adjourned.
ADOPTED ^—'--�-'ti..��l_ _..,,1938 APPROVED:,6e,-•--
f I..nYOR
j� At a call meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Com-
exmis3lonerst Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Y,entucky, at 5 o'cloP. L, on the 7th
day of December, 1938, hlayor 17ashburn presided and upon call of the roll the following
answered to their names: Commiaaionors Hank, Yelton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and
Mayor 7.1ashburn (5).
Mayor Washburn stated reason for call, to -wit: To adopt resolution
accepting bids and awarding contracts for extension to the existing water works
system in Paducah, Kentucky, and to transact any other business that may come before
the nectino.
of Mayor 1:'ashburn offered the followin£ motion: The Board of Education
�n-V of Paducah, Kentucky, having submitted to the hoard of Cc
mrissioners of the City of
an Paducah a resolution recommending that the said city accept contract No.5 for finish
hardware purchased from Hart -Lockwood Company for Franklin and Lincoln Schools, and
for finish hardware purchased from Hart -Lockwood Company, contract No.6, for Arcadia
and TU7.;a an schools, and which resolution of the Board of Education of said City of
Paducah is in words and fi,uren as follows:
'rO� s:7 ^tEAS, the finish hardware purchased from Hart -Lockwood Company,
_ Contract No.5, for Franklin and Lincoln Schools being constructed
under contracts No. 1 and 2; and finish hardware purchased
from Hart Loclvaood Company, Contract 110.6, for Arcadia and Tilghman
schools bein;� constructed under contracts No.4 and 3, of Project
No. KY -1219 -DS, has been completed and carefully checked by the
Architect, G. Tandy Smith, Jr., and the residrnt engineer inspector
of Public 17orks A dministration, Smith Pose, now, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of Paducah, Kentucky
request and recommend that the City of Paducah, I:entuckly, accept
the hardware as furnished on the above nnmed contracts.'
1 roe rove that pursuant to the above resolution of the Board of Education that the
Paducah approve an,I accept the hnrdware as furnished on the above named
`-aet3. Contracts 5 and 6 were completed and accepted a3 of Dario date (November
1 2 and 4.
1 of the roll: 'Lees; Corcisaioners Hank, ;Belton, Pullizin, Z;tub.ioflold i
n,:.'. :hburn (5).
}!ay,ir .ba' -izrn o. u the folio,. -ring motion: I move thst a recolut-
.. ;C5. OF BID., AND :i. ... •. _. %.' TS 7110 7110 T•?.. -c:., ..:.i= ,.A'r7