HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 117, November 7, 1938NO. 117
Board of Commissioners City of Paducah November 7. 1938 '
Proceedings of ---•
At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commission -
era' Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 2:30 P.P.S- on the 7th day of
November, 1938, Mayor Washburn presided and upon call of the roll the following answer-
ed to their names: Commissioners Hank, Belton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Mayor Vlaah-
burn (5).
Minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read.
Commissioner 3tubl:lefield offered motion that the petition sued by
Petition on
chan;,ing name of% residents on the Lovelacev!lle Road regarding the change in name of same be received
Lovelaceville Rd.
and filed. A dopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Rank, Melton, Pulliam,
Stubblefield and Mayor Washburn (5).
Mayor Flashburn offered the following motion: The Board of Education of
Arcadia & Frank- ,
lin schools - v Paducah, Kentucky having transmitted to the Board of Commissioners of said City, a
& Elect-
ric purchased resolution reciting that they have received bids for furnishing 2 kerosene.ranren
from Cleaves &
Con for Arcadia and Franklin schools at the price of X71.30 each, and also reciting in
resolution that they have received bids for furnishing 1 Electric range for
school at the price of ,$113.95, the same being the lowest and best bid, and having
recommended that the City of Pacu cah accept said bids and contracts and award to
Classes & Son of Paducah, Kentucky, the contract therefor subject to the recommend.
of the officials of the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works, -
I now move that pursuant to the Resolution of the Board of Education of ttc
City of Paducah, that said contract be awarded to Gleavos & Son of Paducah, Kentucky,
as the lowest bid on furnishing said ranges as per specifications f!led,(two of said
ranges to be purchased at the price of $71.30 each, and the other range to be purchnn
at the price of $113.95), be approved, and contract be entered into therefor subject
the recommendation of the officials of the Federal Emergency Administration of Public
forks. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeasl Commissioners Hank, Melton, Pulliam,
Stubblefield and Mayor Mashburn (5).
Mayor Washburn offered the following motion: The Board of Education of
..rcaa!a & -rank-
lir. schools- 5 v Paducah, Kentucky, having transmitted to the Board of Commissioners of said City, a
;!a9 stoves pur-
chased from Lr+er- reoolut!on reciting that they have received bids for furnishing 5 gas ranges for
ir_sn ."toys Co.
Arcadia and Franklin schools at the price of Y70.40 each, the same bcine the lowest
ar.`: bent bid, and having recommended that the City of Paducah accept said bid and
c-.ntract and award to Drayton Mayers (American :novo Company of Anchorage, Kentucky)
the contract thorofor subject to the recorendation of the officials of the Federal I
_-.ar;:ency A Cr;ir.1str^tion of Public !'forks,- I now move that pursuant to the Roaolution i
,f the ioard o^ Erlucuticn of the City of Paducah, that said contract be awarded to
:.rn:'» n 'ayers (;-r.-ricar, Stave Company,) of Anchorage, Kentucky, as the low+eat bid on
f::rr:ir.;:ing na!d ranGes an per specifications f!le�!, be approvod, and contract be enter -j
ed r.t..refor sutJoet t", roeorusaniat:ion of the officials of the Fedorul Nmovzon
cy ,.._,r.ictr.._ion of I'u!1 ria- Adopted on ca'_l of the roll: Yoae;
^,ce.:ar.sieners Herr:, .--.-..�.,., .ilius, Wtub.lei!cld and Mayor oLkahburn (5). '
Y'-yor .:'_:red tho followirq motion: fie ionrd of rdueation of
s _ ' cs Gcc v . ,-ah, ,,...tuc:y k.:."... tr, i to the :;card of roc_%laaion.,rn of the City of Paduca.}
cd 11 ..ty 'I
a _ca rr:^r.iin;r *.•.":t .:air: c..ty accept Grn Lincoln, Ir:u:klin and Arcadia
r ; .. ', ar ' rer"cdr.;,c;9 un:'•.r contract with the Fodnral
of Pu .'orks, tt:eIr aorepta::ca o'' the coratruc*...ton of acid
s•a::.ls ce s.:c,�^t ., ear`.ct:.... ...rsa crrzta;ned 1r
the 8eso!ution of the City
Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah November 7, 1930
Board of Education of Paducah, Kentucky, and also recommonding that said City grant the
Board of Education the permission to begin the use of said buildings immediately, the
Board of Education agreeing to take insurance to sufficiently cover the sound value of
theme buildings, such insurance to become effective upon the date on which said city
accepts the buildings from the contractors and releases them to the Board of Educationi
and which resolution of the Board of Education of said City of Paducah is in words and
fi,urem as follows;
""IF, the school buildings and additions being constructed under
contracts No.l, 2 and 4 of Project Ky-1219-DS, namely,the Lincoln, Franklin and Arcadia
schools have been completed in accordance with contract documents and requested change
orders with the exception of the gymnasium -auditorium floor at Franklin junior high
school, and
WHEREAS, $500.00 was witheld in the last monthly estimate of Contract
'No.l and is being held out of this contract settlement until the gymnasium -auditorium
floor is made satisfactory, and
MiEREAS, the Board of Education is greatly in need of these buildings,
now, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education respectfully request and
Iireco=.end that the City of Paducah, Kentucky, accept the buildings with the exception o
the gymnasium -auditorium floor at Franklin junior high school for which the City of
Paducah, Kentucky is requested to withold y500.00 of the amount due Hester Andrews on
Contract No.1 until said floor is made satisfactory to the Public Works Administration
and the owner.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Education request and recom-
mend that the City of Paducah, Kentucky, grant the Board of Education permission to
begin the use of these buildings immediately, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Education in making this
request of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, agrees to take insurance to sufficiently
cover the sound valun of these buildings, such insurance becoming effective on the
dnte upon %rich the City of Paducah accepts the buildings from the contractor and
releases them to the Board of Education."
I now move that pursuant to the Resolution of the Board of Education
t`.�-.at the City of Paducah accept the aforesaid buildings with the exception of the i
cyrnasiur.-auditorlum floor at Frcnitlin Junior hiah school, foil which the City of
P:::ucnh, Kcr:t c'ry :o requested to withhold ti500.00 of the amount due Renter Andrews
cn 'c -tract ::o.1, until anid floor is imide satisfactory to the Public 'd:orks Ad.^tinis-
trr,tior. rnd the ews:nr; that the said --card of Education be, and it is hereby granted
_ml..snicn to t^_Fin thn use of thcne buildinga immediately, olid said buildings aro
acrr;:ted by the C;ty of Pa.?ucah pursuant to the agroomont of the Board of Education toj
take to auffielently cover the a:.und valuc 01' said buildings, such insurance)
to t.er..;ne •... ....a cn the date on vi:ach Avid city accel,tn anid t.uildings from the
, n �rtrb7rs srst r•aeasen trier. to the ronrl of htiucatlon. Adopted on call of the
tall: .ems; ;c.:.: S.sa::rc:•s iir,.k, ,.elt_n, fv111a.:., ::t.ubtlofiold and mayor '.Ieahburn (5). 1
On r. t:cr. rm�eti ria- a,:tc;;rnad. '