HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 1160, September 24, 1946No. 1100 I Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah-1pember 24 1946 , Letter re- Georgc 3t. ✓ Cliff Fryant Letter Re - Alley btw. McKinley & Willie Stre Mrs. Hattie Leigh Letter Re - Drainage Con- dition -Lizzie St. Mrs. Clar Fackenbaugh Stern Sewers Resolution ✓ Amended Intercepting Sewers Resolution + Amended ^.•es e- Cil rlat euL--:lvi•'.e iota 3E cornu Clements b: II At a regular I.looting of the i:oard of Commissioners held in the Commissioners' Chamber at the City Ball, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock Y.M. on September 24, 194 , j Mayor Seaton presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commisstoners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, YJilliams and Mayor Seaton (5). Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. pCommissioner Sims offered motion that the Eoard of Commissioners receive and i! II file a copy of the letter of Chas. A. Williams, City Manager, addressed to '!r. Cliff Bryant regarding the petition which visa submitted to this board at tic mooting of September 17th vith reference to George Street. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, .7illiams and Mayor Seaton (5). Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the board of Commissioners receive an j file a copy of the letter of Chas. A. Williams, City Manager, addressed to Yrs. Hattie C. Leigh with reference to the alley in the rear of her property, which alley is located between McKinley and 'Willie Streets. Adopted on call of the 11oll, Yeas, Commias loners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, Williams and Mayor Seaton (5). / Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive i and file a copy of the letter of Chas. A. .Yilliams, City Manager, addressed to Mrs. i Clara beckenbaugh, regarding the drainage condition in the rear of her property on Lizzie Street. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston Sims, Williams and Mayor Seaton (5). Commissioner Johnston offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION AMENDING SECTION 1 OF A RESOLUTION ENTITLED: 'A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZ R19 AN APPLICATIOF FOR AN ADVANCE OF FUNDS FOR PLA:,NING A PROJECT FOR RELIEF STORM 3E%'EIiS' W. ':JAS ADOPTED BY THE WARD OF COMMISSIONERS Or THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, ON JULY 16, 1946", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, Williams and Mayor Seaton (5). Commissioner Johnston offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION AMENDING SECTION 1 OF A RESOLUTION ENTIPLED: 'A RESOLUTION AUTHOItIZING AN APPLICATION FOR AN ADVANCE OF FUNDS FOR PLANIlING A PROJLCT FOR INTERCEPTING SERb'RS, SEWAGE PUMP STATIONS AND A SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT', 1JIiICH '.AS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF r,OY.V.ISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, ON JULY 16, 1946", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, Iv.Illiams and mayor Seaton (5). Commissioner Sims offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE ".,NAGER TO fiNTI•;R INTO CONTRACTS : OR THE lUI:r3ASE OF - ASOLIIJE AND i',: -;.;TAL OPMATIONS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, 'DURING A j i:L'CLi;iJI;IG OCTOBER 13t, 1940, AND PROVIDING TIIAT PURCEA:.;L.; r0:DITION3 SET FORTH IN THE BIDS SUBMITTED by SAID � r'HPA• AND CONDITiou'1 AS MAY BE REC,UIRED Edi 'lilE CITY :iA;_.. a adoptad. Co.-. Isaloner jolnnet;n olferad motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORD1:,W;CE1 OF Pli.,OCA'Pr'.D Al Pr.:. '`U'Ptti•:A::C CO[;!it.R 0r' 1 - +t._.• ... ? eALUCAR, Y.«N'i--,�CdY, 4iiiCd '8Aa ACCi`&D .Y THE it;Al. RErOftI' r.h'ie00lai7 IN A RE:iCLJ %O.j Le w!rIpteJ. Adopted on call of the troll, i®as, :......, .riel, :-tr Jci»sten, ins, t4—isn.a ur..:i Nader :.oaton (5). i S 1 f NO. 1161 Proceedingsof Eosr,i of Commissioners City of Paducah September 24, 1946 Plat slut- tiayor Seaton offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "Ali ORDI:1ANCE AFPROVIII divide lot NE corner of �"HE PLAT OF THE .;UBDIVISION OF PROPERTC LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF BTI AND FINL�Y 8th 2_ Finley STREETS 11, THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KE-UTUCKY, 1-111ICH WAS ACCEPTED DY THE CITE PLAiiNING AND C01,11ISSION Bt ITS FINAL REi ORT E1,11bODIED IN A RESOLUTION ADOPTED ON SEFTn14BER 20t 1946", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yens, Commissionera Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, '.'iillisms and ,'.Iayor Seaton (5). Zone Plat St Mayor Seaton offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE APPROVIN Jackson to ad 1Zayfield /THE FINAL REPORT OF TrE CITY PLANNING AND ZONING C0181ISSION PROVIDING FOR THE ZONING OFA Road for residential 1/PFOPERTY ON BOTH SIDES OF SOUTH 21ST S'iREET PROM JACKSON 51RhET TO THE OLD Ir1AYr'IELD ROAD purposes only FOR RESIDENTIAL PURPOSES, AND PRESCRIBING THE PENALTY TO BE IMPOSED POR VIOLATSON OF T"I RESTRICTIONS SET FORTH IN A RESOLUTION ADOPTED Bf THE CITY PLANNING AND ZONING C0141"li6 ON ON SEFTEMBER 20th, 1946", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissions s Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, Williams and Yayor Seaton (5). Fullc:ln�- Code Mayor z-eaton offered motion that an ordinance dntitled: "AN ORDINANCE ADOPTIN Fuildln^ In nrector THE FUILDINiu^ CODE RECOMMENDED BY THE NATIONAL BOARD OF FIRE UNDERW-AITERS, EXCEPT CERTAIN Cr,31rnr.ce CLAUSES AND SECTIONS THEREOF ::RICH ARE HEREBY EXPRESSLY ELIMINATED, AND ALSO ADOPTING THE STANDARDS 07 SAFETY APPROVED BY TIE DIVISION OF I11SURAIICE FIRE PREVENTION AND RATES SECTION OF THE STATE OF KENTUCKY; PROVIDING r'OR THE APPOINTMENT OF A BUILDING INSPECTO TO ADMINISTER AND ENFORCE THE PROVISIONS OF THE BUILDING CODE AND THE STA71DARDS OF SAFETY; FIXING THE FEES TO BE CHARGED Bf THE CITY OF PADUCAH FOR BUILDING AND VRECKING PERMITS; FIXING AND PRESCRIBING THE QUALIFICATIONS OF. -,THE BUILDING INSPECTOR, HIS COMPENSATION, POWERS AND DUTIES; PROVIDING A SEPARAbILITY CLAUSE AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES 114 CONFLICT.THS'RENITH; AND FIXING THE PENALTY FOR VIOLATION THEREOF", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, >>illiams and .7ayor Seaton (5). Ordinance rA- ✓ Commissioner Sims offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE eiv^1nf;-e7rnvat- inr in otreets 1.F1,U:_1 TINT ; THE DIGGING, OPENING OR EXCAVATING IN ANY STREET, SIDEWALK, GRASS PLOT, eta. ALLEY OR O'i'ifER 'PUBLIC STAY OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND FIXING THE PENALTY FCR A?f VIOLATION THEREOF", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Cor..-a:aioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims and Mayor Seaton (4), Bays, Commissioners ,lilliara (1) A,npolnt A,•nnt _, Co=iaaloner Johnston offered motion that the City of Paducah ;.:unicipal housing Veternnn�- i I :Inunlr. niv Cor_niaaion l.e a-polnted temporarily to serve as agent of the City of Paducah in connec! tion with tee ronatructlon of the ':eterans' Housing Units, and that the Corporation C.:nslQ rc Led to prepnre :or introduction at the next regular meeting an ordinance cr-;vl:;.n;• for the execution of a cooperation agreement under which the housinf, co:nmisslon s"all :e aut^prized to nerve as nanaalnf; alert for the City after said housing units ta•-� ..sen r_enatrurted, aald r_noperatl n r,vreement to set forth the terms and conditions .raw- x.-i,.t_ tte faeilitles are ro vs anaaed t;y c:e housing, commission. Adopted on coal I t,e 7"311 er,a, " ..rival^."._ra ... , Tarter, Johnnton, .;ims, .Ill Iama and Yuyor Seaton (v). 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