HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 1155, September 10, 1946115 5 ! Proceedings o, Board of Commissioners City of Paducah 3eotember 10, 1946 At a •`egular Meetinr of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commissioners' Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.it. on September 10, 1946, Vayor Protem Johnston presided in the absence of Mmyor -Seaton and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, :71111am3 and i 'isyor Protem Johnston (4). I! i :?inutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. '"a ter line ✓ Commissioner lilliams offered motion that the petition of O.E.Allen and others Old Yayfield Road, Hendren residing on and near the Old Mayfield Road, Hendron Road and Burger Road, outside the Rd F: Eura_er Rd city limits of Paducah, Kentucky, for authority to tap the privately owned water line of Hendron Community ':'later Association, for the purpose of providing water service to said petitioners as set forth in said petition, be received and filed and that the request in said petition be granted in accordance with the terms therein set forth. It is understood, ho:vober, that in granting the privilege sought in said petition neither the City of Paducah nor the Commissioners of Yater Works obligate the said citl to maintain said pipe line, or to purchase same at this time, or in the event the territory should in question become a part of the city limits. It is further understood that the petitioners will subscribe for water service at the rates now, or hereafter prescribed for water service to consumers outside the City limits and subject in all respects to the rules and regulations of the City of Paducah, or its Commissioners of ?�ater 1,orks which may now be in force, or hereafter enacted. Nothing in the granting of this petition shall obligate the City of Paducah to guarantee water pressure or service, and said water service may be discontinued throug�I't said pipe line, or any part thereof, at any time, when in the dustment of the Comm- issloners of 7later Works, the furnishing of said water through said pipe line interfered with adequate service to other persona or consumers of water. Adopted on call of the Roll, 'leas, Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, •+illiams and Layor Protem Johnston (4). transfer Payor Protem Johnston offered motion that the petition of Hal H. Clampett and his interest in water line wife, Y.ary E. Clampett and C.E.Evans for permission to transfer from C.E.Evans to Hal Y, Evans to Clampett ✓ Rlampett and his wife, t:ary B. Clampett of the right which the said C.E.Evans now holds to connect a one inch private line to the private line of Henry Seamon, T. E. Bell, Arthur VanVac`-or, Hal H. Clampett and E.L.Frizz ell to Lot 24 from 37th Street and the pipe line wt:ich in to be mover, and disc?nnccted and t:o connection made to supply water to Lot No � 24, ^ountry Club Addition for the purpose of furnishing water to a residence now leing i cenatrueted on sal! Lot No. 24 be granted subject to the limitations and conditions coni talned in Bald petition. I 7athin^ contained in the 7rentinZ of this request shall be construed as a E:Uarantee� of pressure or water anrvice on the part of the rity of Paducah or its Com.^:issionors of� �stnr ,aria, on -1, nothing !n the :rant,in^ of void roquost shall now or hereafter be con 3tr•.ed as en oc11•at'ton or errce^int on tho lurt of tho City of Paducah or its Comm!ssion- ±s of •otar tc p,±rchaaa nr Bel-31rc na!d wntar line or any pert thereof or to sane; nc 3'1ch shall arlse ahoul'i aelr', territory whepa antd privately ,n c�":•;'. n line liea -re a%nex,a` .o or taken into thy eorporato liml.ts nl' the city of Ad-,pted x: all of tha loll., Yetis, ^.cmmiaaionnra .rlollander, Siena, Y'1111ams :r:,t n ::�na:;r, ;4:. Floodwe11 ^. _._ssi^r.tr .a cC_:.n .:._,.:e r.5: tnr, .card ter, misai ears receive n. S. Eng -� .. ...� 1 o and ilia the titter .. C01. ',JY e a .... .. .1 /�,'; recersi3er �^ > icer ti:n "cr.a ;t En Sneers!n which he procidin�. ade ,:ate de4!11.^.es .o ra ce sttF:! .. rr,.,::: ln_ farms ad!hcert to the flood wall and la dra ins ce .._tams ?oaj -R-, tr.e tetter of1 A. _raci ey, the.. risr "_i.=1ty `,n of the it ed -tatea an:Sneers' No. 1156 Proceedings oponrd of Commissioners CitpofPaducah_ September 10, 1946 Office to remedy the conditions causing the flooding of said farm lands, and the copy of the City Manager's letter of September 5th in which he requests Col. E.E.Tallay of the United States Engineer's Office to reconsider the request and that adequate 6 drainage facilities be provided by making such changes in the floodwall as may be i I necessary. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commiaslonors Friedlander, :lima, PJilliams and r:ovor Protem Johnston (4). Reports of Commissioner maims offered motion that the followinC reports for the month of Fire Dept. ✓i i Cemetery ii August, 1946, be received: Fire Department, Oak Grove Cemetlery and Dr.-h.J.Bass. Dr. Bass l! i August 1946 Adopted on call of the atoll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, Williams and Mayorj Protem Johnston (4). ; Building jCommissioner PJilliams offered motion that the Corporation Counsel prepare for intro- ntro- Inspecfor inspector Create Position duction at the next meeting an ordinance creating the position of building inspector, providing for the appointment of a person other than a member of the fire department tO serve as building inspector, prescribing his duties, and fixing his salary at :175.00 per month. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, i Williams and Mayor Protem Johnston (4). Floodwall- Commissioner "illiams offered motion that the letter of Mr. James G. 15heeler, t'later standing I.C.Rightof ✓Attorney for the Illinois Central Railroad Company, concerning the nuisance caused by way -City Eng. investigate the standing of water in a ditch alongside the tracks of the Illinois Central Railroads 1, Company where the floodwall crosses said tracks in the Ploodlawn Addition to the City of Paducah, Kentucky, be received and filed, and that the City Engineer be requested i to make an investigation for the purpose of determining whether the United States i En_ineers' Office should be called upon to remedy the condition of which Mr. "heeler ' complains. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Mms, tiillisms and Payor Protem Johnston (4). '750.00 to War, lj Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that the City of Paducs� appropriate the Bund sum of V50.CO to the McCracken County Jar Fund, the amount of said appropriation to b� charged to the contingent fund. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissionera 1 Friedlander, -ams, i'ii111ams and Mayor Protem Johnston (4). Letter Stanley Sayor Protem Johnston offered motion that the letter of Stanley D. Patter, President Petter PC- Fardly ;ervice of the Family Service Society, with reference to the additional anproprintion of Addltioral Arp:roprlatinn 12CO.C.0 race -mended ty the City Manager to carry on the wor!: of the Fomil; Service 3oc1e*,y, Le received and filed. Ad-pted on call of the Goll, Yens, Commissioners ?tier?len:?er, -Ira, •+illinma and r.:ayor Protem Johnston ;5). :rn ^3l s'i•'..^. Mayor Irotom Johnston efferad motion that the bids of the standard 011 ^ompany, tho .+hell O11 ':aripary, the Gulf RefininE Company, and the Sinclair Refining Company for the ael,� to the 'sty of, iadur,ah of gasoline and oil required in all overnmontul operations for Lhe four montha poriod boginning October lat, 19-16, be reco.lvod and t'lled, ttat the rid of the =:hell ril Compr,ny for the nale n: gasoline to the City oi' Paducah at O-IC75 leer gallon and the t,id of the "inclair Refining; Company for thr, sale of oily to tte city at per gallon to acaoptod, and that the Corporation Counsel be roq,wstood to prepare for intraiuction nt the nest meeting an ordinance authorizing the city to enter into r.ar,trnr,ts vitt, an"' companies frr the purclwse of gasoline and oil at the af.resaid p:i9es. Aarpted nn call oi' the Poll, Yeas, Commissioners F7•iedlunder, lira, _..Srrs sr.d t.ay�. Irotern Johnston (.;. 1157 Proceedings of Board of rommissioners City of Paducah September 10, 1940 A:port_onment Ordinance / Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE � Amended AMENDING SECTION 1 OF AN 0 DINA&CE ENTITLFM: 'AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE APPORTIONMENT Ob PUBLIC FUNDS OF TOE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, FOR THE YEAR 1946 AND APPROPRIATING THE i PUBLIC REVENUE OF THE CITY TO SUCH PURFOSES', BY INCREASINGG THE SALARIES OF ALL EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY, PROVIDING THE AIdOUNT OF SUCH INCREASE, AND TRANSFERRING THE SUP -1 OF "7,175.65 FROM, THE CONTINGENT FUND FOR THE PAYM.;NT OF SAID ADDITIONAL SALARIES, AND SY 77ANSFERRING FRO1' THE CONTINGENT FUND THE ADDITIONAL SUEZ OF 1,540.00 TO THE FIRE DEPART] EiENT FOR PAYMENT OF ADDITIONAL SALARIES TO MEN IN SAID DEPARTMENT*.',P.O HAVE RECEIVED P"CMOTIONS% be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlande, Sims, �Iilliams and Mayor Protem Johnston (4). On motion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED 1'cQn 1946 APPROVED C t1-Cler