HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 1150, August 23, 1946No. 1160 Proceedings of Loard of Commian:oners C11y of Padaeah Art'•ust 23, 1946 At a Called 1LectinC of the Logrd of Gouvdasionera held in the Con;misslonera' Chamber at the City Rall, }mducah, Kentucky, at 11:00 o'clock A.!:. on .iu usL 1x16, V r Seaton presided and upon call of the ,,all the folloc:ing answered to their namos: Commi: olonars Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, ';.illiama and A'ayor Seaton (5). G Repeal �' "myor :eaton offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION arba,e Resolution HLEEALING A RESOLUTION ENTITLED: 'A RE30LUTIOi: AUTHORIZING Tlld Cl':Y rdA:JAGER TO A^Vu.T'_S -;OR IS DS 0'r C01i}2ACT':`RS Y03 HE COI,L.CT:ON 01.' GAIIHAOE, 'TRASH AND A.,I:LS _.. ,..": CITY OF PADUCAH, ..,]TUCI:Y, Pin C::I I1;0 i1::;i:' 2 I:: ..,:ICF! JAID i:IDS .iHALL LE N:J PRESCRI=i:I T::d T1 :,:.J .,.D CONDITIO1iS TO cE CONTAINED IN 'PEE CONTRACT iC]?-DCCESSFUL LIDDER l'lili, :.]i ,UIRED T: &.GUT'S', .a:iZ^.H '.TAS ADCFY-LD i:Y '11L''I C01.'l IS3IONERS Oil AUP,UST 13, 1946", be adopted. Adopted on rsll of the .1011 Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, C:illinms and L'ayor SOaton (5). Repeal I� Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "A71 O1,DINA OarbaCe Ordinance i :, .6 LI :G All O:-DINAIJCE ENTI.'LED!, 'AN 0?0114ai:CE DEFINING 'CARLAGL', 'TRA.ilil A:D 'AiHa I PROVIDING RULES A1'D REGULATIONS FOR 7,;B COLLECTION AIM DISFO:,AL THEREOF IN THE CITY i OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, PROVIDING THAT T?i7- EXPEISSE FOR THE COLLECT101i MERLOF .SHALL LE Fn ID Er -HE USERS OF THE SERVICE, AILD PFOVIDING FOR THE Ei]FORC--L.::'f TH&REOF, TOGETHER ?AKING CERTAIN OFFEIISCS AND VIOLI TIO?'JS 0 TAId CRDI:;,iNCE PUNISHABLE, AND FIXING TILE FINALTY FOR SUCH VIOLATIONS', 'dr:IC?i '.AS ADOPTED BY T s BOARD OF CO:.:ILIS.;IOiiERS C:] AJ3UST 13th, 194E", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, 'Leas, Commissionary 'riedlandar, Johnston, Sims, flilliama and :nyor Seaton (5). Petition Jtayor Seaton o;fered motion that the •-oard of Commiaalonera receive ::n3 filo protestin L•arbaCe the petition rnich ryas filed by J. :iarvoy Sullivan with ?:udy Stewart ^1ty c..Lci ., on T Au�uat 22, 194C, p-roteatinC a_aLnst the passage of an ordinance entitled: "All O/DIPANCE DEFIIIIN^v 'CA:':P,AGE', 'TRAS11' ALD 1,1SJ{ES' PROVIDING Li:S Ai:D :'jLATIO?i> r0a Ti:"'. COLL!CT10:I AND DI.iiOSAL TP•ERE01, Ii: THE CITY OF i:DUC:Ii<, .,._ "J-:]SE FOR T.iE CCLL.r•:CT.O:I THER30Y JEALL tii IAID Li _„_]:.. Jr .J F:°OVIDING OR TRE\l�'0}iC^s" :SRT IIIHREOF T0:4ETIIE$ VLOIe+'LiON.i OF T::I:, OFDI'Jc,.tCE P...;ISiA Lti, Ai;D rI:il?I'T T_]c iL.,AL'Rf r011 Also protoatin•- a,_sinst the :,assoge of a resolution ur,titl0d: "A :, S^.I'7^10:] A:.'P:malziNG THE CITY 14MIAGER TO ADV RTISn !•03 LIDS Or CON-MACTOR:i 'BASH ArID do1:E; IN TiiE CI'PY 0 !ADU CAIN, ':EIITuCIS'L, :....,.:.,..L i:. Irl! SAD BIDS SFA-L SLi'a D, A17D F"°iCaTLI1;i; TETE D I:, 'I'L rC:.;'1;..CT ,..:S:i iii.. ..dr:rcS...J'DL .:Z i:•L .... ....,.. ,i.':,.?". Adopted on call a=file :;a'_l, Yeas, Ca:,::1:;aian••.ra, .:imm, ••illii+ma arid, b;a;;or .,Qaton (5). ALCI