HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 1140, July 31, 1946NO.— //,/o
Proceedings of "--I of ro 11.11 oners City of Paducah .1uly311 at, 1946
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At. a Re3ular !"neting of the Board of �ommiss ioncrs held tbn t110 Commisai onc.r--'
Chamber at the City 'gall, Paducch, Kentucky, at 8;00 o'clock ?.r:. on July 31, 1946,
�pppp Vapor Fasten presided and upon call of the Roll the followin3 answered to their names:
ij Com,Ansioners ?riedlanler, Sims, ,'.1111ams and Wayor Seaton (4). Comhis,ioner
Johnston bein; absent (1)
"mutes of the previous moetin" wero ndopted as read.
Commissioner i Bans offered the follow,h3 motion.
Charles Pan:ey, ovmer of property at 2830 Park Avenue, ;tante ?attin;., owner of
property at 282L- Park Avenue, and Ethelbert S. Cox, and vrifo, 3ettie Coulter Cox,
o -Hier of ', acre of land frontin3 on ?ark 4venue betv:een 2cth ztrect and %'cruiro
::vanue, all in the Cit,, of Paducah, 7.7cCracken County, Kentucky, f:le ,lith f10 !'ayor nn,
-card of `ormissioners s petition, representin* that each of the above names parties 1,
the oviner of the res_iective property referred to in said petition; and sa]d parties
petition the L:ayor and board of Commissioners for the extension of a 6" water rrcin 6n
lark Avenue from the end of the present 6" water :rain on Parc Avenue, near ':orth 2cth
Street, and extendin., westwardly on Park Avenue to McGuire Avenue approximately 468 fe
Ethelbert P.Cox, and wife, Bettie Colter Cox, own unimproved property and have
paid to the Paducah 'later 77orks the sum of .`54.00 plus the utility Tax, which is the
,.-,reed rental for the equivalent of three lots for a period of two years from the
completion of the layin, of said water main.
It n:)pears from the endorsotsent by the Board of Commissioners of the Paducah
::a ter .-orks tiat said request and petition comply with the franchise orovislons and
I therefore, move that the petition of Charlon Pancey, ..nd ochors named horein b
received and flied and that the 'Paducah 1,ater .•or:.s, through its oard o: Coar.iealon:=r:
be autiorized to extend a 6" water main glon; :ark Avenue, be„innin; at the and Of the
exist]n- e" ..nin on Parc ;,venue near 'forth 26th Street and extendtn�3 westerly on Park
,venue to "c.uire Avenue, a distance of approximately 4668 feet, so as to provide
v:n ter service t � the above described property on Park Avenue! Adop tel on call of the
1.oll, 'leas, Cozrmisstoners Friedlander, Sims, 7111liams and -'ayor Seaton (4).
" ^cmzrinnlon-r :iillinms offered the followIn.; motions« h011ie !.. Collie, owner of
Lot: . n.,..: „ ]n :lock 21, Cam P. Ilr cell, owner ov proper t.• ] 1n11in tam ^tree,t
ii ..i .aL-n .0;i:aan, owner of property at,^_,
`..i .... .,... 21st *1.•!.iln-ton tr:
._ _ v •...._ n _ -- - ,
'n rev :r::. :.J t^. .trcc+t
is ' o r .re!1 to the
:r il: ty tax, w't]^n !s t:;ie
-r, •d rhr..:Jl ::i^ r ., .. ' r.. ,y, ., , t:e _. Iet'on o:, t:ne lf,fln.
---atPr : P_L ".'.9' :iti:: i'9 .�. • Gf': FJ t ....� 51; 'NL a .. �: t) franrti•,i ne '!1'n v! 0.13 ..
er�Ycrt :eve t':. x t. _ton G.
. .:llie, e;•,: :more ra-w
Proceedings of City of Paducah
_7-1t. -In--,,, o., , proxiIntcly -n feet, go as to )rovide viater
1,o nbovi on '.,a3hInton Street. Adopted on call o;' the
1.'rl, Sims, ';Alliums and 'nyor ':,,,qt.on (4).
r EIns offered - or.ion that the 'card of' Jonmirs:onari r-3cetvo ar.1
release u;ider ro. ',loanov Smith, for and in cons id^vr. t! on of the )ay-
'ncr of the sur c: has released the City of ?aducalh from all 11-ab,111ty fo
nt c- n
'as received by liar on '.arch 13th, 10.16
�-,cs on o� personal ln*Lxl
a L S idewRlk at C th and Jac:ison Streets. Adopted on call
oners Friedlander, Sims, ..1111ams and . qyor Seaton (4(.
01 Paducah In conjunction with the federal Public Housing Authority
`.Ia,.,kn. fifty-three housln,; units for the use and benefit of Veterans of
.orad '..nr ::o. 2, %7,i!v.h units are t be located In an area between Ohio Street arl,,l "C"
71!r `;trent and 23rd Street within the city limits of Paducah, and It appearin:!
that -,,iter for domestic consumption and fire protection be furnished to -aid
units, and It further a,-,pearin: that the Federal Public 'Iousin• Ai.thority his
locit.on of said units upon condition thrt the City of ?ndiwah provide
fnc*lities, .-.,ater in -i other utility facilities for said units, a-, -I that at
-ie prec,:- t "tine the -water mains of the Paducah nater ..orks do not extend 30 as to pro
_c -vice for domestic use and fire protection, and It further a Hearin, t'ilt the
of Cotmissloners of the Paducah ',.'star 7orks has approved the furnishin,; of water
aforesaid, zubject to the authority and direction of the City Commissioners of the
-Ity of -nduca�., I- therefore, nova that the ?aducalh "ater ..orkS throuLh its Board of
..!esioncrs be authorized and directed to lay a 6 Inch main to connect to the
ox1.qt_`n; 6 inch main now located at 21st and Ohio Streets, and to extend said 6 :btich
r o Cvarfly on
Ohio treat a distance of approximately E30 feet; andthat a
be made t. sadd 6 inch Train, as ext-nded, at the Intersection of F uth
C:ao Street and to extend along 23rd Street In a sout'�erly direction a
.,,rox' ritely 412 feet; to ;o thence . '.est-wardly on Tennessee Etreet a
:ro;,.1n,,5t,:1-, 360 -feet, providin, a L6tal extension of 6 inch a n of
t^ install f!ra hydrants as nrociQerl for in '391,1 franch's
. ,.r-fv .-IrPt'1011 01: this motion an; ti -C witnorIzAtIon and
r -,i'. an aZrnciivznt on Vio part of i,ljo o
r :,.t tater msiln rentals as rjrov!-'(,O. or
113 motion and the nizthoz-%!xt! nj
nn a-,rce :ant on the part c-, t':v !,j,: -r
f� rentals as provided in the frnl-.eI_fo
to t.c*ln vt;,is!
t' ons on. 122Z12 tc, 1242.0
�Gllra to1 m tax
Proceedings of '^^r'' n^ o-rj,3lonorn City of Paducah culy 31, 19 c
t_;e Limit "67.00
Error in Assessment 14.31
in L.S.Service 71.45
7::iscellaneous 7.50
Total 749.72
These have been checked and are due •:o be exonerated accordin.; to my kno:yled_;c
�! and belief.
Signed Henry Collins
City Treasyror
Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners -riedlandor, Sims, .71lliams
and :'ayor Seaton (49.
Lillie Champioh Comamissloner Friedlander offered motion that the copy of the letter written by
Porsonal injuries
Adrian H. Terrell, the attorney for the city, to Yr. Chas. A. Ylilliams the City
"ttns,er, concerniri3 the damage claim made by Yrs. Lillie Champion against: the
City of Paducah on account of injuries she received in a fall on the sidewalk at 4th
and Tennessee Streets on July 27th, together with the release executed by the claiman
?.'rs. Lillie Champion, be received and filed and that the 3oard of Commissioners rat1f•
�pI the action of the City ;'anager in authorizin3 the settlement of the claim for "25.00.
�J Adopted on call of the Roll, 'leas, Commicsioners ^riedlander, Sims, '.Mliams and
t.n or Scaton (4).
File Lease and V1,
Cor,..•nins'_oner rriedlander offered motion that the Poard of Commissioners rece-ve
Option on Heal;h
center and fil-: the executed counterpart of the Lease Azreement with the option to Purchase
entered into between the ib.ited States of America and the City of Paducah and the
Couaty of 7:cCrnc'ron, Kentucsy, under z:hich Lease Agreement the City and County have
pd�i leased the health center property from the ti_rited States, retaining in said lease an
option to purchase said property. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Co•*si>slonors
N Friedlander, Sims, 7lilliams and t.a,yor Seaton (4).
's -n,3 "lay pay ✓ 7ayor Seaton offered motion that the .City ^ressurer be authorized to pay the
a y*,:lanC
tall of the Fennedy Funeral Nome in the sum of '.25.00 for transportin,; dames Clay
oh July 2Jth for a further medical examination, the 1mount n:)proprlated in
t t -,is bill be charged to the c'ontln-ont 'und. Adopter] on call of the
^em,.1•tnionars riedlan,ler, Sim., ;illisra "a -or Snato
:% at.. _ offered motion that the ,'card of
r each : c;rarkon ;oub ty, .:c:: _._ r0u
.. ,t.;. -unt,r
�r t, On! tt:o City of ?aducah, .. .,_ and thrott;la its: 'n;or,
csnvcyed to the
I 1't.Ori of Uir, 1'+n,l'S
..',•_,ort fon' use iu O;13t1'uC F.lOn
'k•ray. Adopted o:, call r,: ;.oll, Lean,
1li:rucs anti "Ryer'eaton (4).
lotion: C.i'.foylea rzr... .ta3ol.1 71. eek hty°r.:•
r: us ro.,bors of the amity 0i' caduca}; F'uracihal
= r.na ?eavtn; Leon accepted;
t0 serve as a merber 01' 1:, -If, Cit,
of ?ad+.tech
tt,e unexs?rel terry of tf;a ia, 1 _...', oyles
a ma3ser Of Bel , i; .r'1 durin..;e
_r,*.a®s to aer%d ..,ll r-;0'.^ s':ccessors cr
.. :. n3 :orstS•..a}e aFsll be ce*�esed
NO.. f", �1�
Proceedings of
of Paducah
1) 'r. -'lson, whose Corm expires on Lec•n;.-cr 3ist, 1946. i
..; .. i r. r-, c' oso term expires on :;ocember 31st, 194G.
( ) "rs. :,ivers, :chose term ex ires on December 31st, 1847.
ra• .ney Loeb, chose term expires on December 31st, 1947.
.:... ..._cis Fletcher, whose term expires on December 31st, 1947
Locke, ,nose term expires on }ecember 31st, 1940; and,
(;) Charley ?:atfleld, whose term expires on December 1948.
A3opted on call of the troll, Yeas, Co.mnissioners Friedlander, Sims, 7lilliams I
and 'layer Seaton (4�.
Commissioner :7illiams offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive
q%, rile the letter of Pearl Tanner, Adjutant and 0_ficer in Charge of the Salvation
Army in 2aducah, Kentucky in which she requests that the city help assume the
responsibility of carin3 for transients. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas,
^c--17r:overs Friedlander, Cims, .7111isms and e:ayor Seator. (4)
c ro�±ssioner Johnston offered :notion that an ordina
arnce entitled;
F n� A?'T9�,&IL_±:G ;..?E SALT_ rO .;-iS. A LG'_' 0'
_ ...... cAD:iAY a?: :;Tlc:cr :. rtC.:Y is a)
CI ["f CL..:IC TC
adapted. ,.dopted on ca11 of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners
.'rledlander, L'ixs, .,.illinms and 'ayor Seaton (4).
_ r z' Commissioner 74111ams offered motion that an ordinance enticled: "A:: O,Ddl'AI; E
"'..7i. : L1.C-f ?UGL :'OR THE SAL, OF 25,300 feet of No. 2 three inch brid3
, ....:.:!. CIOs 0'r' i9J^_ SP:: C•F 'U,625.00 for PAY14h?1T O -r ME PUh
_ F:- C- 7l :-.AIIAG aR O UI TUA I±•? rO A C..; itAC T
"r....: c", be adopted.
j _-^ioner "1i111ams offered motion that an ordinance entitled; "A: 0. _',.; E
r O
?; r]t:�';.Il r ',DVD
L 17T:: J' .. _:...rt 1946
_ ._,I', Sims, '.(illin : and : a^ ea ton (,I
•.'ot •:gat an ordinance cat±tle;l: , C i
l 1..tn tiliD
r. J
NO. 1144
Proceedings of '01-d Of roe -1c"'On-r-0 City of Paducah - 'i I;z 7,1 - *Y I 11A 2
.1.7 -rove -:In t
Schn,�Ildran lid
'r,st- 'acrd
2 ter orks v
lo -.i if3sloners
'-1,Tor ^_oaton ofTcred motion that an ordinaneq entitled:
B:)3VI— 01.1 0., ?-.0i"Sn 17 LOCAT-D A j'.'Gr, T'10:Z OF'
OLD 1ZOAD I!; T:!� CI O�" PADUCAH, n1i'MC."'Y'
.'-)C?TT,D C" JULY 22nd, 1946", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll,
.-issioners Friedlander, Sims, *.,'illIams and S'.ayor Seaton (4).
Commissioner .1,11redIRnder offered motion that an ordinan.co entl-led-
C '1'... A 70jV,0 PC; T'O,N AS P - 'L "10 0: R -
T ccl"Y•.' 'A N0: D
AC r--- CO-1—I�.'10:;.:.-,5- 3C.d T:T.: PT
be introduced and remain on file for one (1) *.*,,eo1c for
:val -, lic inapection in the completed form in which It shall be put upon its final
Adopted on call of the r,'oll, Y, -.-as, Cotmis3ioners "riedlandcr, E."Ims,
and Vayor Seaton (4).
On motion the meetin.- adjournedl
A!)-,- ?MD 1946 A Fr,'OVED
ity CWrIc