HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 1136, July 23, 1946NO, ll v
Proceedings of -oard -f Con, i:isioncra City of Paducah July 23rd, 19
alar ;,bctinL of the "card of Corasisstone rs hecld in ti.c• Co:,: 1::;;ionersv
at t..^ ^ity ?fall, Faducah, Kentucky, tit 3:00 o1clock f.:', on July 23rd, 194C,
'•a'^or ;-�aton prcaided and upon call of the .^.oll the followin;� answered to their namos:
Comrissioncrs _riedlandcr, Johnston, Sims, Williams and -ayor Benton (5).
"inutes of the previous meotin,; were adopted as road.
a ter line /
Commissioner '.illiams offered motion that the petition of ;Torbert 1:a11ox•stein for
"erbart V
a 1 inch water line to Lot 32 in Llock "E", Avondale Hei hts ::ub-division .e received
and filed and that the request contained in said petition be granted, subject to all
the conditions and limitations named in the petition, it being specifically understood
that neither the City of Paducah nor its Commissioners of :tater '.:arks guarantee precsc•e
of water service through said pipe lines and that nothinZ in the 3mantinZ of said
petition shall be construed now or hereafter ss an obligation on the part of th^. City
of Paducah to buy or maintain said pipe lines or any part thereof.
The water service to be furnished shall be permitted only in accordance with all
the rules and regulations now in force or hereafter adopted for the sale and consumptln
of water by persons residing outside the city limits of Paduoah, ientucky, and said
service may be discontinued at any time whon in the judgment of the Commissioners of
'rater lora the furnishin; of .voter to residence outside the City of 'Paducah or throurlx
the pipe lines referred to in the petition interferes with tho adequate supplyin;, of
water to persons inside the City of Paducah. idopted on call of t e Roll, Yeas,
Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, iiilliamo and h:ayor featon (5).
a.'.1' /
i*nyor Seaton offered motion that the rest^nation of Russell If. cock as a n:e::i:ar
"'oc;:itnl :,_.✓✓✓
of the City o1' Paducah L:unicipal Hospital Commission be received, filed and accented.
Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, 31ms,
'::illiams and :.*ayor Seaton (5).
:rll lot to
Co=mic-,loner Johnston offered motion that the Corporation Counsel prepare for
Introduction at the next meetinm an ordinance outhorizing the sale to :rs. E.H.
Ra71and of Lots 13 and 14 in clock "AA" on Porth 34th Street for the our, of ,450.00
cash. ',dopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Co.^unissioners Friedlander, Johnston,
ina, .:illinrca and :'nyor .;cuton (5).
ncr Johnston o:fer,10. motion teat the Corroration Counsel prepare for
a^'. :•
:.._ _,.. ,.t the next muotin;; an ordi::aneo authorizing, the sale to :,:ra. Irene
_arta^'car or r, lot of oath 17th ;treat bot:uoan --roadway and ;:ontucky Avenuo for the
:ash. A-lopted on call of the R011, Yeas, Coma:issioners :'1eedlon,lor,
rnd :ayor `caton (5).
. .• v'
,.... ...11-)Toffered motion that an o: . I r..: , •. ..,d: "A:J UiiuA..-.."c
NO 7
Proceedings of ^n ', City of Paducah Jul ^ 154,-)
Ited on call o- the -toll, Zeno, Comminsioncra Zricdlandor, Johnston, Sims, 1111ams
'Iyar Seaton
"iyor aton ol,fcred motion that an o -d.1nnnc,:) entitled: "A?; 0- h, ;L,
t Otiv
el__1:11,, 0
T-,'__ -7T,' 0:1 AVL:;bE FOR LU31NE.;L —C!"i
TO jl- 7;'.035D 20',l 1110LATIOTT 0: T11-,' lil' A l.r.._)LUT
ACC; 111TV 11.11:::IL; I A: -.D J7jLV Oth, I946", he adopted.
' cct on call oC the -.toll, Yoas, Commissioner Johnston and I-'ayor :;oaton (2), Nays,
)cT_ts n I ro Y lo,, lo ndez, , Jima and ',lilliamr (5).
a ;imn offered notion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINAWE A,ER
'U 'iI"IC O: ONT UIE 17E'3T 3lDr U 17TH STREET l:ET.7EM
E'T 1:T 11:s CITY OF FADM11, XMITUCKY, '..RICH .7A.3
:,.il: CO: I-'10:; LIT.a fFATAL RUIORT E.,.-PODIED INT A
JULf 22nd, 1046", to held over for one (1) week in its completed
fors: In it shall be put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of the boll,
Yeas, Co--iissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, ',7111iams and 1,:ayor Seaton (5).
:'a;; or Sea ton made the following appointment:
1: it arpearin,-, that the term of office of the Lev. A. K.. Forrish as a member of th
�Ity op rarlucah 71iniciral llousinj Covrvninsion expired on July 22,. 1046;
Subject to the P.pproval of' the !card of Commissioners, 1 hereby appoint Lance
-,-":,,ctt to succeed the 71ev. A. 1'. Farrish as a member of said board and to serve for
o term of four (4) years from July 22nd, 1946, so ttiat said board as nor. constituted
-kinll connnred of the rollov.rin,,: mowLnt;:
.Seaton, Payor ard Zx-O;'ficio member
(2) L. J. ;noolc, whose term expires on Jul,- 22, 1947( Z ,. 73n,,ly Smith, whose term expires on July 22, 1946
(4J.L.T'unal, Jr., whose term expires on July 22, 1049; and
a Doonett, ,vh.o.se torn: oxVirao on July 22, 1050
.;I ned Wayne C. -Ioaton, :.a,,or
w Tohnzto:: d motion that the Lovird of Uommijaioners approve th
')!nl. 1% nco Do3sett to:nerve ns o ij,oiq4ar ), the City oL' 1'sduc
f lour (4) years, ba:7Lnnin,: July ':'nd, 1-J46.
.,21odInridor, Johnaton, iT s, 71,11innis
m -!on
ot : Lola
`:Ins, hurley
Proceedings of - CItyqfPaducah Jul;; ::3,
It ct^,,):ars from the ondorSo:-.'Ut I -Y the -09rO
"ll."s that 511:11 requost and petition non.pllcu
V,•. E that thr, otItion of Lola Ycdlay and others (IFIM06 heroin
clued an' -Iz,7 nn' t1int the Paducah ':stcr orlps, throti-Ii its -onrd of
,inners, to ai,.thDrlzoI, to lay said six inch main alon7 jtrlet I I'DM
street and on ;oyiell ;treat from atraet to Llzzy
.;treat and on -Lizzy itroet I-ast 00 feet to the and of the existin,- C" main total
aance of a?proximately 1400 feet, no as to provide '.-ntor aervice to the lot a
nlur'-Itln- alone Street from Yeiser Street to Cowcll -'treat and on Sowell .;treat
"o—io Street to Lizzy Street and on Lizzy .5troat -.ast 30 feet to the cn,i of tiro
r-xistln3 3" main. Adopted on call of the Roll, feas, Commisolonera eviridlander,
Johnston, Sims, and ::a or Soat-,,n (5).
On motion the meetin� adjourned.
Proceedings of City of Paducah L'L