HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 1133, July 16, 1946NO. Proceedings of `-ozcaissienorr. City of Paducah July 1Cth, 1940 At a liogular J.eotinr, of the ooard of Coamrissionors hold in the kommiaaioners' i of the City I:all, :aducah, Kentucky, at 8:00 o'clock P.I'. on July 16, 19.16, featcn presided and upon call of the Roll the followin- answered to their names: o:i: clorc; :,riedlander, Johnston, 7;Illisms and I.'ayor [;Caton (4). Corrmdssioner Sims bein- ntsent (1). r s�:tes of the previous meetinr were adopted as read. I :r-issfonor ••illia=s offered motion that the City of laducah appropriate the aum o t..^1 ✓ '2:0.00 for use by the Paducah-YcCracicen County Health Department for malaria control, the amount o^ said acproprlation to be chavZod to the ContinCent 2und. Adopted on cat of t! -,c hall, Yons, Comxassioners Friedlander, Johnston, .'illiams and I.:ayor Seaton (4). Commiaa.toner .illiams offered motion that the City I.anager be authorized to pay to "rs. Eleanor Snith the sura of ,9.85 in full settlement of her claim against the City o —�,ucah for damages on account of injury she received In the accident on Larch 13th, 1946 at 6th & Jackson Streets. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners rledlander, Johnston, 3illiams and 2..ayor Seaton i4). ^omrissionor Johnston offered motion that the bids of Allcock Lumber Company and "crry Hodge for furnishinz the City of Paducah 25,000 feet of No. 2 Three inch bridge _,-ber be received and filed, and that the Corporation Counsel be requested to prepare for intro�uctlon at the nest regular meeting an ordinance accepting the bid of'Iurry :i!,,e and authorizln the City :•tanager to enter into a contract for the purchase of Be d limber. ;adopted on call of the moll, Yeas, Commissioners 1--riedlander, Johnston, '.iillisr.s a^,' -a:,or Seaton (4). Johnston offered the followinC notion: Thursday, July 18th, Lsing at the Nair, 1 move that all City Lmployees be allowed a half holiday C j eh e ception of the olice and .ire reTartment personnel Adopted on call of the :oil, 'lean, Co;nissioners Friedlander, Johnston, :7111iame and 'ayor Jcaton (4). . ; t^r 'en. '=nlssioner :`riedlander offered motion that the :;oard of loomrai:.stone ra receive and file the letter of G.H.Iay, Adjutant General of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, in he a,.vizes that the doed to property at 21st and ]-:onroo troota for use as a ito f,r an urrory is not acceptnule for the reason that it contains a provision ^.r .. e event the work of constructing, said armory shall no', t-•, -;.n iurin'" _ t.o,' on Call of the moll, Yeas, Comminaioners a'rledl nrn!-, , Jahnsto 1 that the ._si-nation of' C.e'.Lroyles ac a -carbor f tho c ital ^_cnr:issior. be received, !'iled anti accepted. _'Caa, Cm fssioners 'ricdlan,ior, Johnston, .:1111nrs and NO. 11:74 Proceedings of ' omrd of commissioners City of Paducah Jul' 1Cth, 140 Commissioner Jill'lams offered motion that on ordinance entitled: "Ail 7UE CITY TRLWWUPER TO TRAKjF.:R TO 'CSE CONTINGEI.'T 1ULTJ :D 1)3E ..2 l"':' :......_..? 03 (:,,,.;RAT_, :OVER:zrENTAL EXPEIISE OF THE CITY OI• PADUCAH JURI::G 71ST: YEAF ransfer 1?':S 7..._ C;' ._@,840.27 DEPOSITED TO THE HILID JURFACE ACCOUNT, TOOE'MS 11 ',.I'TH SUCH ::4,64C. to 'encral :_0::L :.iI:S A3 :.;AY hE COLLECTED FOR .STREET PAVING COHaTRUCTED by TJL. C1PY O Fund frog e. Hard .,urface',. 11AD'.iC1:H L: COIlJU1;CT.IOI! iJITH THB Y;ORi: :-IiOJ`;'CT3 ADL?1NIJTRATION UNTIL T111I23 ii1:J tiiiEPi Jt. •.ccount , PAID INTO SAID FUND THE TOTAL SUIS Ov' .;38,252.21, AND TO HOLD ANY EXCE.iS COLLSCTIOLS SUBJECT TO THE FURUFF, ORDSRJ OF TiiL EOARD OF COb.fdISJIONERS", be introduced and .i remain on file in its completed form in which it shall be put upon its final panaal;o, July 30th, 1946. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners lriedlander, Johnston, :iilliams and Fayor Seaton (4). Purchase I! Commissioner :%illiams offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "A'. lot from :he �f TralinD Corp I 03DI::A:CE A,PROPRIATING ME JUd OF ,;350.00 FOR TSE PL:.CI1A.Z ':(0:.: 'i PSADitll O: A LOT 50.01 bDET 21: 'JIDTii AND 229.6 FEET I:: DEI'TH ON T:iE JOUTli .,SD.. C'! �'_..JTRI:ET, i JAID LOT INCLUDIi+O A PORTIOIi OF 29TH JTI:iiET IF SAID JTREET CLARK STREET 110 i,ASHINGTOI! ZTRIZT, AND AUTHORIZING TtIE ACCEPTii.:C_; 0. r. :;_ED TO S,'7 F 0P3RTY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, +I Johnston, '::illians and Layor Seaton (4(. _Letter 'ater Co Commissioner Johnston offered notion that the board of Conmisaioners receive i.e. :Till Colemsc request water and file the letter of bass Lois Sutherland, Treasurer of the Paducah s'ater .:orks, in rain on I'cGuire Ave which she advises that the request of Mr. L Yrs. �iill Coleman, and others, for the extension of the water main on I.:cGuire :.venue cannot be feranted for the reaaon that her lnvesti,�ation discloses that there are less than one (1) consumer to be served for each 100 feet of main extension. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Concaasione criedlander, Johnston, '':'iilliams and Payor Seaton (4). Delicate land `tayor 3oaton offered motion that an ordinance entitled: : O';;1.:;,.r-.L••?1C T P Dr -sod td...;:L',. 0: .. ... f .. CERT:4:.. 'ORT101, C2 _.. ;_ .._... _.. .. _ L _ ... 'i.:. C :S.iTRLCTI O:: ,. • i.:.. _...,:, '!. ._ . ._._ i:1G:i:: Proceedings of Co. n�iinlonc-rs City of Paducah -ayor Seaton "'ferod motion that an ordinnneo entitled: ORDl:1jdXE COUNTY HEAL1111 i. .. CIE!"; COU;;PY HEALTH UNIT, hND AUTHORIZI:IG THE FUND TO -.iL A. PROPRIATLON be adapted. ed. the Roll, 'fees, 3 ,,Iopted on call of Commis 3 loners Frlc-"-..ander, Johnston, 1.7illiaris and 1:ayor Seaton (4). Ar.ond or-linnnco"All 1,ni Co:-,�ii..,Lionc, .,rlcdlander o:fered motion that an ordinance entitled - 101" 1 C- M:)l --::-ITLED 1AIT ORDINAUCE DONATIM TO THE Al?l,:Or(Y A TRACT 0r' LAND LOCATED AT 7. 21.�'i 7. I'.l TF-` CITY 0.- PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, A%D A' CII"L' Cl,:.,: -i YOR AND ON BOIALF OA' T11E CIFY OF 1 0 L TH Or KENTUCKY DEPART.., F- UT ARZORY CCS` 37; il :7. .-'.NCE TO SAID PROPERTY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, -fees, Gom�isslonero rriedlander, Johnston, *,Villinms and Eayor Seaton (4) 1,,r Commissioner Johnston cCfered motion that the board of Commissioners receive and file the letter of ':iss Lois Sutherland in which she advises that the request of �t?r �'a In 7 "rs. -arrie Forkhan, and others, for the extension of the water min on V'iclMr Avenu ,nnnot be ,ranted for the reason t1at her investiation discloses that there are less thon one consumer to be served for each 100 feet of main extension. Adopted on call o :Zoll, Yeas, CorLilanioners Friedlander, Johnston, 7111liama and i:ayor :ieaton (4). On motion the meetinr adjourned. 1946 Ai PROVED ul� 7 II