HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 1126, July 2, 1946I F)F iMVlsfi�l Proceedings of ' ^ * c^r,mf a 4 t ^--1 City of Paducah July 2 1946 "later '.'aim Sunset the At a Rerular l.:eeting of the Loard of Commissioners held in the Comnia3loner s' i� Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 13:00 o'clock P.V. on July 2, 1946, ':ayor Seaton presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners ?riedlander, Johnston, Sims, 1.7illiams and '`.ayor Seaton (5). i'.inu,os of the previous meetings were adopted as road. Comaissioner Sims offered motion that the petition of Loren 11. Jones for permission to law a 2-" .vater pipe line along Sunset Avenue to connect to a 6" water main of the Paducah :aster 7.7orks, near the intersection of 39th Street and .:unset Avenu , to furnish water service for lots lies. 65 to 76, inclusive, Elock "C", .;unset Court .subdivision to the City of Paducah, be received and filed and that the authority �I sought in said petition be granted, subject to the limitations and conditions expressed therein. � It is understood and agreed that nothing in the granting of the request contained in said petition shall be construed as any guarantee of water prosauro or I� iwatersertice to the premises to be served by said water line, and that said permission is •-ranted subject to all rules and regulations now in force or hereafter prescribed I by the Commissioners of hater :7orks for the consumption of water by persons residing I i! outside the city limits of Paducah. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as ' any obli-ation on the part of the City of Paducah or its Commissioners of .7ster ::orks to buy the 2y: inch pipe line, or any part thereof, at this time or hereafter, should the territory serteed by said water lines be included within the city limits of Paducah. It is further understood that neither the City of Paducah nor its commission er3 of '.later �:orka shell be liable for any claims arising out of the excavation of streets or roads or the installation of said water line, and that the petitioner, Loren b':. Jones, by the acceptance of this order, indemnified the City and its Corrmissioners of `:••later :,orks against all claims and expenses on account of claims arising out of the excavation of said streets or roads and the installation of said water line. Adopted on call of the roll, Yoas, Commissioners .riedlander, Johnston, q Jima, ::illiams and l.'.ayor Deaton (5). Co:wnissioner 1711lians offerocl motion that the petition of 7dllie tlowman OtErie for permission his wife, ".ludic Theo O'Brien/to-c onnoet a water line to the ono -inch privately o+ncd :•rater line rennin; along :.utter Street for the purlosc of 3upplyin�; water for _. '-,ur^oaea to tho residences of petitioners Le -ranted Subject to all condition in said petition, it being 3necifically unloratood that >.•ar t."'.^ `xesh moil its Commissionora of '.ater -.oras runrnntee proasure : m• ter ace^:ice t: P coir' nine lines and that nothin_ in the :-ranting- o" said titlon aha?'. now or hereafter as nn 01111-ation on the part of' the City ...r,Y, to _....�,_.. •�si•.'. !�ihri lines or any part thereof. "he son•;: •.•: t': :.. r,l:�hcr<! ohull be l-+crrittecl only in accordanco with e-... ..... !r. .nrr,.e or heraa-,tet• ar?opte! for the sfrle r,11<1 gator:,nr mutable the city limits .. sadtu•aY:, ..•:r:tuc%y, ff 3c nt irAI at; any time when in tnu juclt:memt of theCo¢m:13310 a - ,nter tr, c•e3,dents Outside thQ City of Iaducah or is t.-6 el.ition interf3rea anti. Lhe arlo:nate r.s, City :rale. A13pted on call ot• the -.rat ,_-3, llliana and layer ieaton (5). t Proceedings oCity of Paducah Julv 104G _ n Conniaoloncr rriedlander offored moLion that the petition of Loren T.. Jones; �. ;'c";utt, and "ra. ,:lice '.:c":utt for permission to extend a two inch nater main now 1 owned 1••r Loren Jones frim n point on Jorth 40th Street to Buckner Lane, a distance o+ ^proximately 300 feet, and a petition of S. ii. McNutt and tars. Alice t"ctlutt for rermission to tap or connect to said 2" main to be so constructed for the purpose of furnishing a 1" nater line to a residence to be constructed upon lots 23 and 24 Block Avondale Hci¢hts Subdivision, be received and filed and that the authority souiht In said petition be 7ranted subject to the limitations and conditions expressed therein. It is understood and agreed that nothing in the granting of the request contained in said petition shall be construed as any guarantee of any nater pressure, or water service through the napes to be constructed or the premises to be served by said crater lire, and that said permission is wanted subject to all the rules and -c-ulations non in force or hereafter prescribed by the Commissioners of 'ater :;arks ,.r the consumption of nater b,r persons reaiding outside the city limits of Paducah. ::ot.hirc contained heroin shall be construed as any obligation on the part of the City of Fadueah or the Commissioners of ".titer Jorks to purchase any part of the said nater pipe line herein referred to at this time or hereafter should the territory served by said nater line be Included within the city limits of f-aducah, Kentucky. It is further understood that neither the City of 'raducah nor its Commissioners of dater '.or'sa shall be liable for any claims arising out of the excavation of streets or roads or the installation or construction of said nater lines, and that the petition - ,,r, Loren I% Jones, by the acceptance of this order indemnifies the City and its "om-ninsioners of :'titer :Jor'ss aCainst all claims and expenses an account of claims aria nz o,it of the excavation of said water line. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, rcisntone rs 'riedlander, Johnston, Sims, .7illiams and :'ayor Seaton (3). ''ayor Seaton offered motion that the reaii-natlon of ;.7—Fairhurst as a r of the Padurah Golf Com:aiosion be received, filed and accepted. Adopted on call :ell, Yeas, ;otrtiasioncrs =riedlander, Johnston, Sims, l illioms and t.:ayor .;eato (5) i nyov .;caton mar?c the follo'.ing appointment: R.R.Fairhurst having resi`ne a:: _.....er o: th'a f ariucah !elf C".ommi^,slon, I horeby an.noint say .Jacobs to serve on nri• Ccrm'_-:-ion in th— r.lace and stead o' th,� said R.v.'.l'alrhuraL, so that said Commis P :rr nn nrtit .... .Oi..:1 consist of' the follo:•rin„ members: :.r, •r ..�ca`..^, .,.::o tIrn of o:f"ice will expire on "arch 26, 1948 _ -at trrc: of 0::t'ice .';Ill ex^ire of ":arch 2G, 1950 will exnire on Parch P3, 1084. :.i -sed . aync C. uea ton, 'n;Jor --':r n 7.,. .. ...•.i:,n that Lha Board of Co.^.,11aaion.rs a t servo no a m'nbor ci the _.,.., ?, '7-)a3, r)or:ai :slam rs . ric•llc,nde,, :... er.terl nn call NO. 1128 Proceedin6s of i earl of Commisaloner-- C;(y of Paducah Jul, 2 12.1 tt r City k Comm o.sioner .+ims offered motion that the letter of the City :'ana,7oi In titslch sale of lot he explains Iiia reasons for recommcnrlin- t1,o sale o1' the lot at 211 :'Jashin^ton at ^11 �;ash.N, C Street Le received and filed. Adopted on call of the :loll, Zeas, Cour^.issionora '�riedl�acler, Johnston, Sims, 71111ams and 1:ayor :;eaton (5). Sell lot to Commissioner aims offered motion that the Corporation Counsel prepare for J.:'. Jordan Introduction at the next meeting an ordinance authorizing the Salo to Jesse V. Jordan of Lot 16, Eloc'.c 3 on Clark ;;treat between 16th and 17th Streets for the sum of ;40.00, :14.00 to be paid in cash and the balance in two (2) monthly inatallmenta with 60' interest. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commivsioncrs 'riedlander, Johnston, Sims, '7illiama and i::ayor Seaton (5). Report of Commissioner .Jilllams offered motion that the report of Cak Grove Cemetery for Oak Grove -ray 5: June 1946 the months of Yay and June, 1946, be received. Adopted on call of the Stoll, Yens, Commissioners riedlander, Johnston, .Sims, S;illiams and Mayor Leaton (5)1 erort of :ire Commissioner tSillisms offered motion that the report of the fire department Co Copt. -ay 19nr_. ti -,e month of t:ay, 1946, to received. Adopted on call of the roll, Yeas, Commiraionera ?riedlonder, Johnston, Sims, 'iilliams and Payor Seaton (P.). 1.c`tnr "r. Terrill Commissioner :Jilliams offered motion that the :.card of Commissioners receive :'.e- accidents no -'.i• -once of I and file a copy of the letter of Adrian Terrell, Attorney for the City of1-aducah, officer or city -nr'_oyea with reference to the right of the city to pay damaCes resulting from an accident caused by the ne ligcnce of an o:ficer of employee. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yen Commission:ra criedlander, Johnston, Sims, dilliams and Va;or Seaton (5). „eater 1'r. Terrill Commissioner Villisms offered motion that the Goard of Commissioners receive re- payment of r/ salary police & and file a cop; of the letter written by Adrian 11. Terrell, Attorney for the City, to fir^_men injured ^hs^les ;- '•allitims, the City ;tanager, with reference to the legality or,payino the regular salary to a policeman or fireman during disability caused Ly an accident s'rlcin out of and in the course of his employment. Adopted on call of the T.all, -coo, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnaton, aims, ..illirima and B:ayor Seaton (5). Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the letter of the City '.annZor with :t r.^1_ryf:n `.c ^efer3ncc to the requost of 1,:1,. L. L. nelson, ouperintendont of the .ublic Feria fir nr a•'.9ltionsl appropriation of .,2000.00 for the oporntlon of the par'cs :'.r.- "gal lurin, aha year 194G, 'r+s received and filed. Au'')pted on call of missioncra .ric(Ilandor, Johnston, aims, '.;illinms and .. ,,cr Coaton _ Johnston offered motion that the :.oard of Ca.:.misaione1 pay to t un rat :'.or-, the sum of ,50.,0 for ambulance nervi^.e for Jnrsea ^lay to .n June 13th, 1946, and from 1' -cm -,his, Tennooaeo on Juno -0th, 194,, n='• ...o ,.i to the Contingent ;und. Ad-)ptcd on call of the ]toll,: on, r, sic .. t.n,tor, Johnston, :;ims, anr, i ayoh .oaton (u). r "elVay July 4�� _ r'fered rnotlon th.,t- iuly 41th Loir.r a ?syel hell• .y, 1 ii to nj10,0i a t:o' exec -r tion o:' tY:r ;slice 1-1'irted on rail , the ;ell, ;'os,a Cormai.alanera _ i71c:ra find h,,.t. ,.nt-,n .aceta Of fared mrtion t hat ti,.o .^•art, if ti_q „trout and Soarer �• .war :ej. 4 vas ti46 :L :aueithe i„ . + AJ, � on eaii , .. s.aasianerm +s•led:enl<:r, Iannator,, , •i?'i•,,a and NO. "-'I'l of int:"Via^i n'7rT'a Proceedings of Cfty of Pndncah - Comnla-!oncr Jima oCfercd :action that the notion of the defendant, '•;111iam rnin-s to sat aside the order, Fiotion or jud`ment rendered by the hoard of _.r. Monera at a special hearia- t:ednosday, June 26th, 1946, under which order, 'on and judgment the licence of the ::efendant, -Illlnm i'. JonninCo to operate a lunch roor. at 211 _roadway in Paducah, Tlentucky vas revoi:ed, be received and filed, that the :card of ommiasioners over -rule said motion. Adopted on call of the -oil, ":Vons, ^.ceTisaloners -riedlander, Johnston, aims,-illinms and Vayor Seaton (5). rayl. Commissioner ?Friedlander offered motion that the coard of Commissioners �''1 ,-i:e rcae4vo and file the letter of Carl ;Caths, Executive secretary of the Kentucky unlcipal LeaCue, dated Yay 222nd, 1946, in reply to inquiries made by the City 'anager concernin- Civil Service, Cemeteries, City Fhysicians and the Buildinr Inspector. ed on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commisuionera Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, illiams and ;."ayor Seaton (5). Commisaionor :L^ledlander offered motion that the --card of Commissioners ✓ receive and file the letter of :•s. i;. R. Hummel in rthich he proposes that A Use and ^ccupnncy endorsement be attached to Policy 1,,W823 covering the health center building and that the City of raducah accept the recommendation of the City :'anager by de3linin a to approve the insurance of said buildin.� by the endorsement proposed. Adopted on cal of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, aid's, ;lilliams and t:ayor Seaton (5). Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that a copy of the letter written b ! rLnn Terrell, Attorney for the City, to Qharles A. ': illiams, the City ;.'anager, viith -.^nre to the legality of cstablishing a traffic court in the police department of of Paducah be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Poll, Yeas, _ .,_oners riedlondcr, Johnston, Nims, '.illiams and Y.ayor Santon (5). A 7'ayor Seaton offered motion that the Eoard of Commissioners receive and file - _ ..rJ-:ire.• 7ro.s�to the letter of minters,=ecorators and Paperhonf^ern Local Union x;1500 in whlclh said local czpr^^zea its a-;­reciat_on to th3 "ity Yanagor for :-ia recent address to the _ocal unions of C.L.V., a.1 also for the addresses of the city comtal::aioners who tte ,'ei o rlctlln,. Adnpted on call of the Boll, Yeas, Commisaionera l,riedlander ( Johnat^r., _ '.11inms and T.0ycr sea tan (5). .1111ariz olfarod motion that an ordinanco ent.itle_l: I .. ..♦.... .. .. ... ... i. .. .... .. .'"�J.11,'.'"1 ['.e ff:l LltlfJi',: NO. 1150 Proceedings City of Paducah July P. 1040 ALMORI7.IFG TRE CITY TREA3LRER TO TRA:;.WLR SAID UU ? FR03'. THE CO'1;T1NGzNT TO TEL AYFROPRIATi0.: TO THE FULLIC HcALTR DMAR'Y::S:IT", be introduced and 'romain on file at least one week for public inspection in hho completed form in which it shall be put upon its final passage. Adopted on ca 1 of the Roll, Yeas, Coraniasioners Friedlander, Johnston, maims, Jilliams and ...A or 5oaton (5). On motion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED 1046 AFPROVED rit ,lark Y