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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 1106, May 7, 1946NO. lie,, Proceedings of Foard of Commissioners City of Paducah May 7th, 1946 At a Regular Yeeting of the Doard of Commissioners held in the Commissioners" Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. on May 7th, 1946, Mayor Protem Johnston presided in the absence of Mayor Seaton and upon call of the Rol the following answered to their names: Commissioners Firedlander, Sims, Williams and !%yor Protem Johnston (4). Minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read. Bus Stopst/ Coranissioner Sims offered motion that the letter written by r.iary Deronda Stewart, Owner of the Paducah Bus Company, in which she advises the r,%yor and the members of the board of Commissioners that it will be impossible to restore the 102 bus stops which were discontinued sometime ago, be received and filed. Adopted on call oll the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, "lilliams and Mayor Protem ilohnston (4). Reduce Commissioner Sims offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive City Limits Ohio River and file the letter of R.V.Green, Executive Secretary of the Greater Paducah Association Letter R.V.Green in which he advises that the board of Directors of the association passed on April 20t•, GPA 1946 a motion which reads as follows: I "The matter of municipal taxation of tow boats and barges was discussed upon request of three of our members, namely, Mr. Hoagland, Mr. Roberts and Lir. Igert. Mr. Pierce moved that we investigate the taxation of boats at Owensboro, Henderson and Louisville and if these cities do not tax boats operated out of such cities then a GPA representative go to the City of Paducah and recommend to them the changing of the city limits so that the low water mark on this side of the river would be the city's northern boundary line. The motion was seconded by Mr. Prather and carried unanimously." Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, Williams and ,Ayor Protem Johnston (4). rational Commissioner Sims offered motion that the bulletin issued by the National E4 of are Board of Fire Underwriters dated April 29th, 1946, concerning the changes made in the Underwrit- ers fire -fighting facilities of the City of Paducah since July 1939, to received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, 'Williams and r'ayor Protem Johnston (4). Report of Commissioner Sims offered motion that the report of Dr. 'N..J.Bass, City 'T. EQ April Z' Physician for the month of April 1946, be received. Adopted on call of the Roll, 1946 Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, aims, Williams and Mayor Protem Johnston (4). Cali Comall3siorer Sims offered motion that the Mayor be requested to get in "eating with touch with L+r. Custis Fletcher, Chairman of the City of Paducah Municipal Hospital 'Pas r i to 1 l:oarfl ^_orc:ission, and arrange for a meeting, of said Commission with the Board of ! 1%=.isn; rners for the purpose of discussing matters of mutual interest in connection ! i with the operation of the Riverside Hospital. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Cornission_-rs 1riedlandcr, .:iris, `.illiams and Mayor Protem Johnston (4). Centel. Co^:;Sasicner *.illinas offered the following motion: It appearing that Vrs. tpasnam"a tte resigrA t±or, of 7rs. Peso E. Nn3ham, as City Treasurer of the City of laducap, Coad Fentu6cy teca.^.e effective 63 of 12:01 o'clock A. r.., January 2nd, 1946, and that Henry ^.ell«rs won a.r;ointed to serve n3 City :reacurer in her place and stead and assumed tt:e •'u"es Of ,.is office rr. January 2nd, 124.',, r..ove teat the ton'! executed by the said 7asnam, as principal, e-.,: the Pini •,d 7tates ied:ity & 9:sranty Company, no her surety, on the 14th del of A s=, lri37, to ..,..ce:.e�+. as of 12:01 o"cinci: ,,..... January 2nd, 1942, tut tie rnr,ce'lati..., thereof aea:1 r,.Ieaae eat er sail;rin.1pal or her surety frog '_iat:25ty far paym nt of aay CL:a,^e9 ...rr:rir. ...._ any act n:• omisaion of any duty -r4sr _, ...,,. ace Z:._ Adopted nr. Call of the iso:', yeas, '!«_.__._C 1,%. !'a;3r :rnttm Lah-n7a:n (4). NO. 1107 Proceedings of_BaaT_d__of Commissioners City of Padacob_ May 7th, 1946 Letter Mr. Terrell, Commi stoner Williams offered motion that the letter of Adrian H. Terrell, Harry Mason Suit attorney for the City of Paducah, in which he advises that the plaintiff, Harry Mason, 11 has been refused a writ of mandamus in the suit filed by him against the Mayor and the Board of Commissioners, as defendants, be received and filed. Adopted on call of " the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Dims, Williams and Payor Frotem Johnston (4 . Sell lot to j Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that the Corporation Counsel prepare for James •dlhitfield introduction at the next meeting an ordinance authorizing the sale to James Whitfield I of Lot 28 in Llock 1 on Allen Street for the sum of ;20.00 cash. Adopted on call of tits i Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, Williams and Mayor Frotem Johnston (4). Deeds to lots for Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive Cemetery purposes and file the two deeds to Lots No. 17 in Block 2 and Lot No. 7 in Block 6 in Ylhittemore's Northside addition to the City of Paducah, Kentucky, the same having been purchased by the city for use as cemetery lots, and which deeds are described as follows: (1) Deed fr6m Martha Mae Evitts Shepard and her husband, Edward R. 3haphard to A.F.Warren, dated April 26, 1946 and of record in Deed Book page _, in the McCracken County Court Clerk's Office. (2) Deed from A.F.Vlarren and his wife, Eula A. Warreb to the City of Faducah, Kentucky, dated April 27, 1946 and of record in Deed Book , page in the aforesaid Cleric's Office. II � Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, Williams and Mayor Protem Johnston (4). payroll last 'Z;Iayor Protem Johnston offered motion that the payroll for the lest held of April half April 1946 G 1946 be allowed in the amount of ,x,12,085.73 and that the City Treasurer be authorized to pay the same by checks drawn on the general fund, Adopted on call of the Roll, j Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, Williams and Mayor Protem Johnston (4). Letter i Mayor Frotem Johnston offered motion that the copy of the letter written by R.C. P.. C. Ashton Lease Health ',, Ashton, Division Engineer of the Federal Works Agency, in which he advises that copies Center of the executed leases to the health center property will be mailed to the City and Poll, '!Can, Corninsioners Friedlander, Sims, Willioms and r'syor Protem Johnston (4). Au91t F. -Torts !'nyor Frotem Johnston offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and; 1345 ` file the Audit resort prepared by Yeager & Ford, Certified Fublic Accountants, of financial I.Ouisaill.e, Yontucky, said audit showing the/condition of the City of Paducah as of ill rycrrm er 31st, 1.945, together with the audit of the Improvement accounts prepared by said accountantn, said nudit stowing the condition of all Improvement accounts as of December 31st, 1945. I further move that the City Clerk be authorized to cause said audit to be putll-shed in the Sun-De,^ocrat and alno In pamphlet form, and to furnish a copy of aald; re -ort In pamphlet form to any voter who may a{.ply for it as recjulrod by the provlalons of °R:] 93,7_10. ::r?opted on call of the Roll, �' .sae, Commissioners Friedlander, 31 -ma, , till! isms and "a:+or i-rntem Johns tnn (4). request Lids Coc,V ai:ntr er_edlarder offered motion that a icoaolutlon entitled: "A HE3OLUTION 5 new care .... ?..'i :. rTgf srn $A-;._:. TQ a:-'JERTI 1ti rCR BiOil cGi; THE FUPUA3E OPFIVE 1946 FIVE - °AR n..a ::. F U --.ZD M_.2 -7t.3 C T:lE POLICE :EF'AR'f:r._... Ot '71E 17Y .- .a _^A'. 1 ..._ T:::: CCVD._':.'CNSU �7 ...... 3ATD FU !!CRASESHALL LE tRA^j", County as soon as the County has paid the rental due for the original term of said lease, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, Williams and Mayor Protem Johnston (4). Letter D.rirht Mayor Protem Johnston offered motion that the letter of Dwight L. Norman "Orman Re- e- � ~cheek 5 Commendin.^ the officials of the City of Paducah for their interest and effprts in promoting better schools in the city, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Poll, '!Can, Corninsioners Friedlander, Sims, Willioms and r'syor Protem Johnston (4). Au91t F. -Torts !'nyor Frotem Johnston offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and; 1345 ` file the Audit resort prepared by Yeager & Ford, Certified Fublic Accountants, of financial I.Ouisaill.e, Yontucky, said audit showing the/condition of the City of Paducah as of ill rycrrm er 31st, 1.945, together with the audit of the Improvement accounts prepared by said accountantn, said nudit stowing the condition of all Improvement accounts as of December 31st, 1945. I further move that the City Clerk be authorized to cause said audit to be putll-shed in the Sun-De,^ocrat and alno In pamphlet form, and to furnish a copy of aald; re -ort In pamphlet form to any voter who may a{.ply for it as recjulrod by the provlalons of °R:] 93,7_10. ::r?opted on call of the Roll, �' .sae, Commissioners Friedlander, 31 -ma, , till! isms and "a:+or i-rntem Johns tnn (4). request Lids Coc,V ai:ntr er_edlarder offered motion that a icoaolutlon entitled: "A HE3OLUTION 5 new care .... ?..'i :. rTgf srn $A-;._:. TQ a:-'JERTI 1ti rCR BiOil cGi; THE FUPUA3E OPFIVE 1946 FIVE - °AR n..a ::. F U --.ZD M_.2 -7t.3 C T:lE POLICE :EF'AR'f:r._... Ot '71E 17Y .- .a _^A'. 1 ..._ T:::: CCVD._':.'CNSU �7 ...... 3ATD FU !!CRASESHALL LE tRA^j", No. 1103 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah May 7th, 1946 be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, P;illiams and Vayor Frotem Johnston (4). Request 1.!ayor Protem Johnston offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTI N Senator Barkley Y REQUESTING SENATOR ALIEN :7. BARKLEY AND REPRESENTATIVE MOBLE GREGORY TO 114TTIATE ARID Lefislation !aintain URGE THF PASSAGE OF LEGISLATION TO PLACE UPON THE UNITED STATES ENGINEERS, OR OTHER Floodwall GOVE-19rMh'NTAL AGENCY, THE ENTIRE RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF FLOODINALLS COUSTRUC D BY CITIES ALONG THE OHIO RIVER", be adopted. Letter of Commissioner .'Williams offered motion that the letter of Adrian H. Terrell, *"r. Terrell Taxicab 'Attorney for the city of Paducah, in which he advises the board of commissionerscon- Ordinance cerning an ordinance he has drawn for the purpose of regulating the use of taxicabs in ithe City of Oaducah, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Friedlander, Sims, Williams and Mayor Protem Johnston (4). i Farking Commissioner Sims offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE i peters % PROVIDING FOR THE LEASING FROM THE DUNCAN METER CORPORATION OF 100 HILLER 11IJLTIPLE-COIN PARKING YIETERS AND THE PURCHASE OF SAID METERS BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, WHEN THE COST OF INSTALLATION, TOGETHER WITH RENTALS IN THE SUIS OF $7500.00 SHALL HAVE BEEN PAMD TO THE DUNCAN METER CORPORATION OUT OF THE REVENUE DERIVED FR014 THE OPERATION OF SAID METERS; AUTHORIZING THE 14AYOR AND THE CITY CLERK TO ENTER INTO AND EXECUTE A LEASE FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH; AND PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND CONDITI N TO BE CONTAINED IN SAID LEASE", which was introduced on April 30th, 1946, remain on file for a further period of one week for public inspection in the completed form in which it shall be put upon its, final passage. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, Williams and Mayor Protem Johnston (4). Reduce City Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that an ordinance entitled: Limits ✓ Ohio River "AN ORDINANCE DECLARING THE DESIRABILITY AND NECESSITY OF REDUCING THE BOUNDARIES OF TEE CITY OF PADUCAH, KSNTUCKY, BY STRIKING O&F ALL OF T:iAT AREA COMPRISING THE OHIO AND TENNESSEE RIVEP.3 AS DEFINED HEREIN, AND DEFINING ACCURATELY THE BOUNDARIES OF SUCH TERRITORY PROPOSED TO BE STRICKEN OFF", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commi.3sioners Friedlander, rims, Williams and Mayor Protem Johnston (4). Cn motion the meeting adjourned. AD%'P'u�D _t_`a— I_ :. A 1946 APPROVED I