HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 1100, April 30, 1946Proceedings of City of Paducah ^D•' 11 1.1"ic !,--i In the !:�ntucl:y, ut 7:30 O'cloc': n r i1 Z:Q, 1l uon o- . the Roll the follow1n,- answered to th,-It, n-.1r,.,3j: Johnston, Aris and ':n:;or :>aton (4). Conininsioner —311,iamo 'n,,iter of the pr3viruo m2etinZ were adopted as read. ::i--cloncr Zino offered motion that the Board of Conminsioners rocolv- and file iter of '-drian I'. Terrell, Attorney for of Inducah, with reference to f-.:- leasin,-- of pnr!cin,- moters fro:: Duncan :Teter Corporation, opy of tiio form of contract on,, t:i, performance bond which :,.r. Terr "--,7rcd on call of the Zoll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, ---,.-,n (4). -.ia31on—•.- Ams offered motion that the report of the faducali .latex- 'aovks for -:,Dnth of :qrchj 10,16, be received and filed. 9Jopted on call or the Johnston, Sims and Mayor -inton (4). 'ollo-ainf- appointment. of Tdg!:s as a merrfbor or the City Flanninj anI -only„ i:-.,.-ired on 1:arch 10th, 1946; n--nint the said .;,hult- RiCCs to serve as a nember of said Conmission n -o.:, torn of fo= (,) years, his additional torn of office to ox^iro an �:otlon that the re----nrl-on or ;.C.1ynum as a of' the -nnin- 1r.. L-rlon t? accepted. Adopted on call of tho :;ol,j, year, nhnston, Sims and :ayor Loaton (4). .)llowin.- appointment: t! !") M%e M7 of Iizcqh 1 -a" -is rest nation as U t; Co, �:Ia.qion nnd said roslimatlon hsvin- been accorted; 7„rve 03 a Member of sat! CommiaELon In the place ❑0 that -U7,1 ;jar;"In- ntl(l -Onlo- COmmionion as now -Oq arch l;, arch 19, 19�'O and no nov., m,r.ber j,avin.; ton —Cal 1701 -pt. 11 No. U11 -- Proceedings of. o' City of Paducah 30, rl '.I bri t ton. a callow, et P l .;"z! -00k :'d!, `:1'9 -.710 In thy tfore3ald Clork'n Of'! 27, CA;lce. arren, to the city )i Ilipe 216 in ti, !,,1n2- johnziton -1 notion tLat th,• seder. of ti t 4,illiar.lo, to -ej -ve vo a TrmL er of' the ileo trio il, nt "i ty or 1'vducah, be approved. Adopted on e,,all of the 1:011, 'fees, 1 1,-, n ro 2riedlanjer, Johnston, Sims and !:Dyor -:eaten (4). t0 Co:mnizriorier Johnston offerod motion that the Co,rorntion Counsel propsro for 'n*ro-luction at the next mpotin,, an orFlinn-ine qiitho�lzln- the sole to John ::tacks ,,I' Lctr 13 �7 14 on ':oorner 5troet for the sum of :"1100.00 cash. Adopted on call of Lh• ..oil, Y,,ss Commissionors Iricdlander, Johnston, Sims and i.ayor Seaton (4). Jscicsor lommissioner Johnston offered motion that the letter of jsdrlan K. Terrell, for .1-1 ln,'.urles Attorney for the City of 11aducall, with reference to the settlement made with C.D. Jackson on account of Injuries received b.., her on _cbvuary 19th, 1946 as n result of her fall on the sidewalk chile ivalkin,- on the South side of broaiway Lotacon v.leventh and 7%,,,elfthl3treet, to-cthor with the release si_-ned by the said tars. C:r,.Jac%azln, to received and filed and that the City of Paducah approve the pa.iment to her of the ours of 75.00 in full settlement of her claim for damages on account of said accident. Arinptel on call or the Roll, lens, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims and T.'ayor Seaton (4). ,aces t) lots fo ✓ Commissioner :r iedlander o fered motion that the Loard of Commissioners recei.,e cn-,ctory 3:urpose , r. 4 file the ci-ht original deeds to the lots hos. 0, 9, 10 and 11 in Block No. 2, Lots :.os. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 7 and 8 In Lloolt 1;o. 4, and Lots ;;o:l, 1, 2, 3, 5, G. and 8 I r. -- 1 c c,: ':o. 6 In .',hitternoro's ',:ortllcidc addition to the City of loducah, Kentucky, th,, caro !laving been pul,chaned for use as conetery lots, and which deeds are described as folln-s: 11 (1) Deed from L.A.Albritton and his wife, Pearl Albritton to 'a:,, Sutton dated June 26, 1939 and of record In Deed Book 24, nn,,e 207 In the EcCrnc!z-.,n bounty Court u erk's Mice. Ij (2) Deed from Rosa Coltharp and tier husband, --'. P. Colthnrl), t,. — ...arren -o,. ovoniber 14, 1945 and of rocort! In 'Lced Look 235, page 572 la Oe cCrac'c-,,rl +Ourt Office. -I el fro -nn -Ps. i;ertrutlo Lydon, n zIrlow, et al, to A.F..2urren, dated 1^45 or record In bao(j Look 240, Pa,'o 48 1-1 the aforesaid 1 Cleric's C ce �'rom 'Ir-rancQ 2. Adams, et al., to dated !'arch Ilj;�; -orlc 2,14, pa_re P12 in the nforc.r;aL,j cfflcO. ny .;utton Tiarris ane her ,.n­jo ..a of record in In the a for rl '.I bri t ton. a callow, et P l .;"z! -00k :'d!, `:1'9 -.710 In thy tfore3ald Clork'n Of'! 27, CA;lce. arren, to the city )i Ilipe 216 in ti, Proceedings o City of Paducah 'erod motion that the charf-os proferred by Chia *,. ...111IMS) :an: In s t ' r. ::gyne i:arrott, a police officer of tlic (21ty of a duca, . . . .... said charroa shovinC. the service of a copy on the defendant on 27th, be received and riled. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yens, Johnston, Sims and ?.'.ayor 3caton (4). nyor �eatnn offered motion that the writing under which 1,:r. Kayne Earrett pleads lty V, to the !harZoo preferred a7.ainst him by W.r. Charles A. .'Illiams, the jActinj- It-! irm,cr, be received, filed and accepted. Adopted on call of tho Roll, Yeas, rom:u:'_,ioners 'riadlander, Johnston, Zims and Payor Seaton (4). "*ayor --eaton o farad motion that,- The Charles preferred by t'r. Chazloa A. 7_.'_lams, the 'actin;; City :-anat.er, against 11,. '.myna-OrreUt, a police officer of the of lsdiicah, having been received and filed, anti the said .7ayne _tnrrott having ,7,tCrOd 0 plea or -uilty to said charges, and the on iso having been submitted to the ;-n-fl. for judrment upon ti -o Actin- City 'tanager's complaint and the exhibits attached to said COMPISint; I move that the -card of Comininsioners adopt the following findings of fact and jud,-ment:- That the said ayne Earrett has been guilty of neglect of duty and has violated the rules of the police department of the city of Paducah and that the said Earrett be suspended from duty without pay for 6 days. his suspension to begin 'ay 1, 1946. Adopted on call of t- e Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fi"dIander, Johnat n an,! Mayor :;eaton (4). rornnisal,.mer Sims offored motion that the letter of !r. Chas. A. ".11lians, -1tr "ons,:cr,vrlth reference to the matter of mskin-. donations to charitable or7vnizattons be received and filed, and that the -card of Cot-miasioners --t ­c_Lcy that they ";:.11 refu--o to -rant the requests for the Mnlcinr of any year 1946, excepting those which have been specifically provided -nrortionnent Ordinance. Adopted on call of the Roll, 'lens, Johnston, Jims and Payor Seaton (4). r �:'fercd the follq,.*4!nC motion: 1 move that an ordinance "1077 O<' CITY '.VEIGHL!u;]TER, Ills ih; J11ALL 1tV,1_,IVj,: 'o�j HTS i' iV10E6" e gall, Yea3, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston in ov;linunce entitled: 7I7Y 0." "Arl n NO._ 1100 Proceedings of Hard of City of Paducah ""I'll 3 t h, 13.6 0.00 to c% '_�ctric Plaht Cantrnct F:c nd acne-arrett case Commiosioner Johnston offered the followin,7 motion: 1 move that th oard of Oommissioners receive and file a copy of,the F.9solution of the electric '.lout :,onrd of the City of Paducah entitled: "A RESOLU'T'ION REQUESTIR'; 14E CITY Ot PADUCAH TO ArFRO?RSA'i"c TO TAE EL_CTiIC 1LA NT BOARD CF FADUWI, KENTUCKY, THE ;UM OF THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS (,300.00) rC!Z PAI:'E_iT 0'-8 7113 "E OT ITS ATTORNEYS, WA1:LER & THRELTELD, FOR LEGAL SERVICES RENDERED BY SAID ATTORh'LYS FR06 JANUARY 1, 1946 TJ 6.ARCH 31, 1946" And it a,-pearing that the City of Paducah has nr;propriated the sum of ,;5000.00 to the electric Flant Board for use in connection with the aCquisition.of the eleetrl ❑;,stem of the Kentucky Utilities Company, I move that the request of the 3 octrle -card be granted, and that the City T.:anager and City treasurer to authorized to dolly to said boa+•d a check in the sum of x'300.00, the amount of acid payment to be char^ed aCa_nst the appropriation made to the electric Plant :bard in the Apportionment Ordinance of 1946. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners r'rlodlander, Johnston, aims and Mayor Seaton (4). Co:rnnissioner dims offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDIii;,;;CE AUTHORI M, THE CITY ?:s:NAGER TO E::TER I11TO AIM E:;SCUTE r. CONTRACT vOR T, -.E r6RCHASE OF :ASCLI% E AND OIL FROM 7HE SHELL UIL COMPANY FOR A r Ri0fi OF FOUR (4) ?.:ONTHS 1st, 1946, AND FRESCRIEI710 IRE TER1.:5 AND CONDITIONS UhDER T,SiCiI SAID PU2CHASE f3KAIL EE MME", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissione riedlander, Johnston, Sims and Vayor Seaton (4). Commissioner -ims offered motion that the Board of (,ommiosionera amend .its ju70mant entered upon the cherres preferred sLoinst t:r. :':ayne Larrett and that said Jud7ment Le nmended to read as folloINC: ""hat the olid ':hyne Larrett has been Huilty of noClect'of duty and has vinisted the rul a of the nolice ccpartment, and as ilia punictm:ent therefor it: la !:hc 'a' rar.t of the board that he ohnuld be nuspcndcd from duty for a perlc(: of sia ch,:. -s, 'rut upon the recjest of the :.aid ..ayno Larrett, he ,hall not be suspended ;pt the vacation cerlo,l to :A,Ich ho Is entitled in the year 1946 to reduced six days. p.nnoted an r:all of the moll, 'iaas, Comminaioners 13'_iodlander, Johnston, ;;ims, and "n;;or ..eaton offered motion that this rei�ular ,c14: -l; r- 'If the .:oerd of Cornmissin t.e g7j�,,wn,,d ;:ntll. ?'ay 1st, 1946 at 4:00 o1cloc% r.`?. ,;:opted on call. of the ;,ell, -r^as, Cor_^a�slnnnrs ..._naionler, Johnston, maims and :'ayor caton (•11 f^ Pybtem