HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 1088, April 16, 1946Proceedings of ' .' - — ""- r. City of Paducah "''rll 1' th, 1346 r', of the Board of Commlasloners held in the Commisa loners I Chamber at the City :fall, Paducah, Kontucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.1.1. on April 16, 1946, 2:ayor ;enton presidod and upon call of the Roll the followin,, answered to their names:i Cor,—losioners .riedlandor, Johnston, ::illioms and layor Goaton (4), Commissioner Sims absent (1). :'inutos of the previoue meeting .,era adopted as read. "atrr Mn Comnisaioner ':•illiams offered motion that the petition of Paul L1. Steger and Tillie ?'as Steror and other residents of the Husband Road be received and filed and tha the request contained in said petition be ,-ranted, subject to all the conditions and limitations named in said petition, it being specifically understood that neither the City of Faducah nor its Commissloners of .,ater 'vorks Guarantee pressure of water servic through said pipe lines and that nothing in the Eranting of said petition shall be c^natrued now or hereafter as an obli•-ation on the part of the City of Paducah to buy or maintain said ripe lines or any part thereof. The water service to be furnished shall be permitted only in accordance with all the rules and regulations no:: in force or hereafter adopted for the sale and c-nsumptic of rater by persons residing outside the city limits of Faducah, Kentucky, and said service may be discontinued at any time when in the judgment of the Commissioners of ':'iter '•or:a the furnishin7 of nater to residents outside the City of iaducah or througl the clpe linos referred to in the petition interferes with the adequate supplying of ng to persona inside the City of Paducah. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners -Friedlander, Johnston, SYilliams and Mayor Seaton (4). ".a t .1 n v/ Commissioner 7lilliams offered motion that the petition of idorman L. lloly to -rocure ;cater service from the 6 inch main of the Paducah Nater -wrks underlying 39th near its intersection with Buckner Lane to furnish water through a 1R; inch privc( h j :ned nater pipe line to property described as Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Use., "H" Avondale ,':•hts .:utJi:ialon to the City o= Faducah, Kentucky, to received and filed and that tt thorlty sought in r aiaid petition be granted, subjoct to all the limitations and con- 'tlons ezrreaoed t`rrein. It is v�:?.rst,od and arreed tat nothing in the Erant.lnl. of the ranucat in _ tits on shall ce construed as any %usranL-oo of nater proasure or r,remiaes to to served and that said permi::uion la granted subject aatlon:; no -.i In ,.,rco 'r hereafter prescribed by the Co::,.ci,:;loners n17MPtlOn c. Ly parsons living outside the city limits .'n., contained herein. ::hall be construed as any )ormiaaion or rt r: Cit, of redacah or its Comminsloners of ,;star •�o:::s to •: =ately ownad water line or any part thereof at thi❑ ti;.e or rere- ?ery a^ry^d Ll .:,"Il no'Ir lines t.n included within ti:e City ter to ly -.ar .....-. ..:at J1RIt`:grtt,o city el' .,,,•;rah nor it❑ Con;a.aatnn0na _ .. ... _ : ...... - : .r any ciolm7 ar:::!n . out .,. � ..r.avatl on 01` O Lrf,uta int, - ar, ... (telt', t, tha NO. 'SOzi9 Proceedings o% !-card of Lo,nmiaatone ra City of Paducahy,prl lath 1546 Cenctery lots} Conal a a loner .11liamn offered the following motion: 7,'UzREAS, the City of City buy ✓ raducah havin, adopted an February 12, 1940, an ordinance authorizin7 the purchase of I Lots 3, 9, 10, 11 and 17 in Lloc': No. 2,' Leta 1, E, 3, -1, 5, G, 7.and 8 In ,,lock No. 4 and Lota 1.'os. 1, 2, 3, 5, C, X, and 8 In block 'in. G in •1hittemore'a Northaide Addition k fron A.=.7.arren for the sum of :;,2000.00; and, -tiERL•'AS, with the exception of Lot No. 17 in block No. 2 and Lot Ivo. 7 In Block lie. 6, the title to all of said Iota have been cleared and, with the oxceptioua men- tioned, the owner, A. F. Tarren, is In a position to deliver to the City of Paducah a deed under which said city will convey a good and valid title; and, I) 71REREA3, the said A.F.1.7arron, together with his wife, Eula E. ;larren, have offered to deliver to the City of Paducah a deed of conveyance to the aforoaaid n eighteen (18) lots; I therefore move that the City of Paducah accept from A. F. 7larron and his wife, Eula E. Ylarren, a deed of conveyance to Lots Nos. 8, 9, 10 and 11 in block No. 2, Lots Xos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, C, 7 and a in Plock 31o. 4 and Lots Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 8 in Slock ;:o. 5, and that the actinC City :!anger and the City Treasurer be authorized � to deliver to them the check of the City of Paducah in the suet of ,1600.00 in full payment of the purchase price for said property when all city and state and county Ij taxea assessed against said property, to and includin^ the assessments due in the year 1945, shall have been paid, and that the amount raid far said property be charCad to the Contin -rent rund upon the adoption of the apportionment ordinance for the year I i1946. Adopted on call of the ,all, Yeas, Commissioners Firedlander, Johnston, 7lilliams and (Layer Seaton (4). Health ^enter Commissioner ':.illiams offered motion that the letter written by 'tayne C. Seaton, letter accept responsibility '.:syor of the 1,ity of Paducah, and C. E. Roddick, Health Officer for the County of ?'cCrac'ren, dated April 12th, 1946 and addressed to Vr. 1. C. Ashton, Division Ln--Ince for the Sederal l'.orka Agoncy, in which the said R. C. gshton is advised tt:at the city and county accept the entire responsibility for the maintenance and protection of the ` ne health center buildin^ and proportion, be received and filed. Adopted on call of tt•:o roll, Yeas, Commizoloncra Friedlander, Johnston, ailliama and 1'a•.,or Seaton (4). 0 ^a1 ^:._i 7:cmmisnioner -illiima orforod motion that the letter of the Actin-. City .•ana e , :-ar'-ty :•,c _11_ u:a, In wt,ie.h he roeommenda tM1 filin;- of a quit to recover of the ,-y __a of money expended by the City for the Care asci r:aintonn ,ce of tho Girl 1x.1.2, and also a copy of rr. ••lllin.:.s' letter to .;ud3a zrady :;*ew;ar to the le _al obli^atlon imposed upon the County for the care ,f' the ^,t n, the tiny, Le received and filed ane. that the Corr•oraLxon raritra^ for ; o city mandamus suit a`ainst the County . rL Ln cpmpel ti:eu .. the entire -. ... _ , .. ",hast n, Proceedings of ` 3:: s `on�t s City of Paducah "pril Icth, 1946 ^•• C _ ori•1rc. len, Johnstono, m hnston nlfeeotion that he ,,oard of Commi:osionern receive, file+ 307,ead v,in the minutes t e tud,,et of the Loord of Education of the City of Padtt••s"•: u9 ! year !0 sr C, tn-^t'cr ith the certified copy of the resolution under nllnh said Dara n. !:lucation has rcqucsted the levy of tomor nt t:le rate of 'I.10 on each one %.nllnrn of real ane. pzroonal prop^rty subject to taxation for the year 1946. on call of the 1:011, gess, Com;issloners Friedlander, Johnston, Plillioms and I "April 16, 194G Honorable t'ayor and Board of Commissioners City of Faducah Paducah, Kentucky Gentlemen The following• r,solution Is 0 part of the minutes of the re ular meetin- o the card of Education held last night. "FE IT nE,;OLVED by the Board of Education of Faducah, ''entucky, that there be imposed and levied by the tax 1•^vyin-. authority of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, an ad valorem tax of one dollar and ten cents 61.10) on each ;100.00 of real and personal property of the. City of Paducah, Kentucky, subject to taxation for the year 1546, the same being necessary to produce for said year of 1946 the total estimated sum necessary to be raised to support and maintain the public schools of the City of Pa,^ucal•, ;:entucky, less the estimatod sum to be ra_acd from the 3tato Common ;chool "rund. "LE IT PUF.T:11 , EE30LVED by the Board of Education of Paducah, ;,entucky, that it request the tax levying authority of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, to levy the maximu.�• rate allov,ed by the lair on bank stock taxable by the board." Very truly yours, Lee F. Powell President :OARD 0 aDUCATION (SEAL) At ten t: Ethel V. Rice cc^etary 'card of Education Corvaonnoalth of Fentucky '.Department of Education Luroau o: rinanco ';enz�ral Lu(Iret :'or School Year 1946 ict , lanc9 nit, tt^ law ( ..... .actions 1O0.4G0 to 100.530, i.e ) ar,d 'he re^..la:!0ns a0 r9 ^n;10r., ro the hoard of &lucation of this achnol 'is 2 t, t re y rlc4nit » 1 vat nut• it^.mized state:. n r.• L'{et 7t^rip- i:e -:rt. f.o -y needed f•)r ;s;T-:..n.. 01 teoehor.tr salarles, for r.aina..rancc 3n;,-•�l r. , ..501 ...:: iin',a, rc•^alrn, ,jquL;. :rt e,nd other I :_aa, Se.^ «. ..^9r, ,.. :1r•Ft0o1 y:tnr July 1, 1:i to Jttttn 30, 1D , i - NO. 1081 Proceedingsof Lolild n(' Conal.:sinners City of Paducah I '1 :l^_ 10:; O.', r' I'iR.1I. CONTROL1'.,025.00 ..ncirv'o a'_1 payments for salaries of suporintondcnts, ansiatant r mintendcnt, cicrko and .:tenoCraphors for superintendent, attendance ^ lc^ra and othor cansus enumerated and attendance personnel; also ^;�iitures for o_fice supplies and other niacellaneous expenses in r:.ection with the o!'fice of superintendent. Include oxpenditurea bonds of o fficials, school board Per diem, and other „suret;, cnses of business administration. "0 1::JTP.L'CT>0; ....... $330, 725.00 Include salaries and expenses of supervisors, principals, assistant principals, clerical ssdictance for supervisors and principsla, teachers salaries, educational supplies, library and supplementary books and other expenses of instruction. Z00-399 OPERATION OF SCHOOL PLAt;T........................................ 44,500.00 I Include waGos of janitors and enSineers, janitors' supplies, expedditures for fuel and crater, li`ht and power and other expenses for operation of schC01 plant. - :P9;I;:T i;A_dCE OF SCHOOL PLANT .... ...................... ... ............ 22, 500.00 Include ail o{penditures made -or repair, rcolace.rent and maintenance of the school plant. _59P r;{ C°,1RGE3 .................... .... ...... .. ... ... . Include insurance premium, rant paid for school buildings and equipment I' and contribut_ono and contingencies. fC_-Cn �IUaMIARY SERVICES ... .......... .. ............... .............. 7,325.00 Include salari^_s and expenses of field workera cn-aged in promotion of hcnith activities, cost of school athletics and pfay;;rounds, trans -,)enation of ?upils, inclu'_in t:,e hire, operation and maintenance of vehicles, payments made by the local system for lunches, and other community services, except tuition to other districts. i A. TOTAL CU`,CEIIT EXPEN.23 , Codes 100 to 059 INCLUSIVE ............ 424,236.8G ;Gl TP.A':SPER TUITIOLI TO OMER DISTRICTv 7'C-799 APITAL OUT. -LAY ..... ... .... .......... ..... 7,575.00 Include all rayments for land or new _-rounds, new buildin^s, new furniture and equipment, improvements to grounds and buildinzs, and new schiol buses 7_999 . . . . ............................. EBT :SERVICE ....... ............ ... 1_.9:,0.00 Include all payments for retiring bonds and all payments for interest; also all refunds andpaymentsof temporary loans, including interest payments thereon. B. TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES OTHER Ti:A.l CURRENT, CODES 661 to 899 20,505.00 C. 7)TA :-;iDOET A-PROPRIATIONS A plus B ..........................::444,741.33 D. ::,j-:br of subdistricts that levy a local tax4 i ,._l c t. -t-.od revenue from uch ;;ubdtatrictaar --------.___�---_�----_'! Voted '.'onra un.]Ln Londa _onds are obligation m !in1•lin^ Co. :nnda of Cty :,ubdistvict 'lotud Londa Otherwise - • l Istricta only _.:+•;. Lt two copies I;o trc 7<.rartncnt o^ ':ucatlon, I,urearu of %arch 20. cpondcd cash balcnco^............ .. ,•zm the follorfin- soua•cu�;: ;atoly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19n,;'•', ., ^.onoml,cs tra,los,, ,.ilati e trainin a.rpo.. u:.,1_; ' anraoc,ritely . . . . . . . . . i ^eft n n 014 cth r river., a as, not ar buds•- co<lea i1 0 llufl ,icrn, i I '1 Proceedings of "' City of Paducah - 1 l th, 15•i" v. t t•et to r.r:arinn for schaol G ! clu: it bh^ r.asCaaed valuation of ban1c, -lila and franchise taxes from .:tato ihx Lcr.: i•,...ion ar..ounta to a-proximatel;• 19,:177,. ' ! rrT9uce ,.213,C50::_C ) P0, 000 i U off �'tt a' ^ a of all Tan': shares liatrict amounts to r. '_ �.,imum p:rmitt-d L la•a is 40y •rfil,l produce 1,353 CS olaation of all tagpayinL franchise cor-orutions, a., asseosed .r.^tiisiar., amounts to an,: oximately ,•1,•:72,071— an levy made, "fill groduco40,192 78 in -!strict on District 'faxes 5,000 00 a liste:9 for poll tax is _, and Lased on . 1ERICT Ti,.:iaTICN )1^0 to 1130. 204,203.2 piiw 'list : alarce with C) 44h,741.; I'. `ncah, ::entucky =•pril 1G, 10x3 15, 1046 Ly State .:card of 3ducation =oard of Education approved 19_ ::all Chairman ' ice ;ccretary ---CAii, CITY DI3T ICT above Lud-et .,is respectfully request that the levying authoirty _ 1.1C cents for general schaol purposes, and alevy of cents for fun.'. r.ur ouc.^, on the one hundred dollars valuation of all property subject t e'mal tax; also al levy of 40 cents on tl:e one hundred dollars valuation of aub°ect to common school tax; a capitation tax of cents on all rra e ecmmnn rch^ol rlstrict tnenty-one years of age and over not to exceed r ti?^ fiscal year 1946 is respectfully suanit ted b,, order of tion on this 16th day of :.pril, 1946 Chairman ;,lucation Secretary Ethel i.. .^,ice :7oa-r —of iMucation ,Love reo.m;,': .:a:: .anted on L: r - ,... .. .. _ _ �t .^r.. � f. !.i:� •:Lly of 1. .:. �. '"+�.^ ,... l . ",!Ion of 'cna, Con:;nissionoro .: i.: 'l: i.• _r, .. .. V- .. r .'c: ❑:: %.,a:; t1.e :.or;•oratlon rounicl -- 1 .c:+;h.orizin- the sale to 20.(0 cash. .Adapted on call of t ,e ar;d ryor -,Caton ( ). r,risaioner;: roceive and ,,r to in or-+ 1 NO. Proceedingsof '"' ' n: .isalon.raCltyofPaducah April 113th, 194G Treasurer Ps�eds Cor..misaloner Friedlander offered motion that the Board of Corvalas:onors to City '"a «ie Davis r^ceivo and file the deeds under which Henry Collins, Treasurer o: the City Sf Paducah :'irnie ;Nolen y' Fazel Francis ';cntucky, has ?-rchased certain property of delinquent taxpayers under and pursuant Ck:arlea Noah to the Provisions of XRS 92,670, said doodo being described ao follows: h (1) Dead to property of i.:agtie Davis dated April lot, 194C y conveying a lot described as follows: "Being Lot ;j23, in Blk. #12 in Gilson, Roc:; & fully 1 ! Addition, .lat recorded In Flat- Boo:c 'A', pope 250 McCracken County Court Clerk'a Office, fronting 40 feet on L;aGgio Street. Being conveyed to ;:aGGio Davis by deed of record in Deed Boole 124, nage 527. in acid Clerk'a Offico." (2) Deed to property of lU nnie Helon and :xa. Elcanor omith dated April lst, 1946, conveying a lot dcacribcd as follows: "Being a part of Blk 26 of the Langstaff lands above Ialand Creek and beginning on the Southerly side of South 4th St. (Mayers St.) 80 ft. west of the H.E.Mc Gee property; thence eastwardly to•irards twill St. 80 ft. to said 1:cGee property; thence southwardly and with the �j tcGoe line 254 ft. to the Bolen and Conner property; thence toer:rdo Clements St. and with the Bolen and Conner lot 80 ft; thence northwardly 254 Ft to a point of beginning on South 4th St. L'oinG conveyed to Linnie Nelon by Deed of record In Deed Book 150, page 594 in ;:cCracl;en j County Court Clerk's 0!fice. (3) Deed to property of Hazel Francis, at al dated Npril lot, 1946, conveying lots described as follows: "Being part of Lots ?112, 113, 114 and 115 in _lock 10 f in Jersey City Addition. i`ronting 28 feet on the 7,1orth i side of Elizabeth St. btw. 5th St and 6th St. extending back of uniform width 115.5 feet. Being conveyed to Hazel rrancio and husband J.T.Francis by Deed of Record in Deed took 204, page 340 in t<cCracken County Court Clork a Office. (4)Deed to property of Charles ',,'ash, dated April 1st, 1946, conveying a lot deacribee.. as follows: "Laine Let ,;5 in Llock fj6 of Vaurhn's 1:'.dltion recorded in elat Loo:c 'A', page 37, in 1.,cCraoken County Court Clcrlt'a Office. Baing conveyed to Charles :;ash by deed of record in Deed Book 4138 page 214, in said Clerk's office. Ad,)pte3 on call of the Roll, Yeas, Connni.oioners Friedlander, Johnston, ailliams a^r. "ayor Seaton (4). Liayor *'eaten offered motion that the r.:o:nbara:::p of the '.oterana ii.,"�InG ittee be Increased Ly the a`�polntmont o!' three ad'iitiaf-nl r:ambara, and that atillo, .,:.Conway and Henry ❑onool.cr„ar Le a•.pointod to serve s.th the . sa Lhat nald ec'mmittee as now ronsLitutod ohul_' c.a composed of tt:e foll_.,ing A.(.lar 1e, vibe shall serve as :.:r an, .,.i:u?t:: , Charlea ;a:ryor, 11:`rca, R. V. Oreen, Loonard iatlllo, i. Conway and ated on call of the Roll, Yaaa, Co. A aion,;ra rrlodlonder, V. - v warm t :at, ;t , iot,.or of .n.:, ask :or 1”" - „ NO. Proceedings of G- 7L,212,121's City otPaducah -orll 10, 1940 --11C. innr%ctlon !n the cor,"I'leted form in viojiclj it --tiall .a put upon iLj final pac;oa;;o- opted on call of the 'Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, --illlainu and aver Zentnn (4). "tank Co--'ssioncr Friedlander offered motion that an ordnance entitled: "X5 Or(DINAA 171-- T::_ 011FRAMON OF TANIK, TRUCKS U3ED IQR 111111 MANji-ORTATION Cr' GASOLI E OR LIQUID OVER CERTAI:,' STREETS OF TIME CITY OF PADUCA17, F.iIITUCrY, AND .--oll VIOLATING IME PROVI3IOITS '.01EREOF", be adopted. Addpted on %oll, Com:'A'esioners FrIodlander, Johnston, Williams and l,,ayor Seaton.(,.). ease li: acro Commissioner Friedlander oifercd motion that an ordinance entitled: "A.: O'DII .ract,Cth V ':0- TUE 0; N r'.' a 11 MOVMN� A 1-ORTIO, A 15 ACRE TRACT Or GROUND AT GI, —o, S—I-MTS TO THE 1-ADIWAH B7.ICK AND SJPFI,f COK.PANY FOR USE IN THE DIGGING AI:D R—CMAL OF ',AND, AIM ALMiOIZIZIN:! ME 1-:AVOR AND CITZ CLERK TO E;(ECUTE, FOR AM ON iEEALF OF YH� Cll'i Or ;—r - CA%;, A LASE CONTAINING TEL TERM.3, CONDITIONS AVD COVEIIAtITS PROVIDED HEREIN", Le li adopted. Adopted on call of the troll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, !I ' -illiana and I.ayor Seaton Lorrow Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "All O.-,DI.'iA1-,CE M.). CC )rIZIIr,' A::D DIRECTING TiE '%tZOR A'1D CITY TREASURER TO !:OTRO;,' TILL SUM Or' FIFTY THCUSA..D 7 (,50,000.00) DOLLARS F -1 OR M -- USE ANID ELWEFIT OObTilTit'sCIW OF PADUCAIT, KLITUCI(y, is CCU^_E A NOTE OR 1"OTEJ FOR SAID SUM OR 3U'-:3 FOR 01) ON T�nALI, 01' SAID CITY, AN -C 'T7v T'CITY FOR IMqY .-D-- ��Z E FIRST C113 -HALF 0, Vill; YEAR 1946 AS 3ECuRI hea,'.opted. Adopted on call of the Poll, Yeas, Con-ii-n-sloncrs, v'rledlsnder, hnct.nn, "Illianc and :.:ayor Seaton aton offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "A..' O:MNA%CT- ACCEFTING tn i ('ARD, IN THE SUM OF X25.00 FOR Tjj2 1-URCjjijSE Jr LOT 5 111 '��E.. :Jr.-D.�. HC zT AL., 'ME OFFZP OF :EORGB GRI,.FITli Ili 7,:;L 3ij OF 100.00 OF LLOCK 26 OF ME LAN03Ti8ll LAVIDZ AbOVE ISLAND CREEK, THE ;Ull OF w40.00 FOR T.IL PURCHASE ON LOT :10. 2.3 IN CLOCK ':o.12, =.. ;IL0::, 'FjLL-,' ADDITION, Aid]) THE 0- VER OP RAYRI -OND PAS 1II':T.11t.� L i '-XHA3E 0-- ;, ;.TIT OF LOTS N103, 112, 116, 114 and 115 [:i 6LOCK ✓—'TION", to adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, and j.;ayor .caton (4). t r.o t. L n ttat an ordinance untitled: 0 -�077 -- 01: -DA::,, 3TREZT fiEr.!LLN 20171 an<' 30 L02 14 Ili -'1OCK 13 OF 1Mi--A:,-D :,A' —1; ALSO ,...00T 1 02 OX:LAND D ClTi GLLjl; c pl, id. Adoptsj --,11: % i— ptid on call 1C JS Proceedings of Loard of Commd.golonors City of Paducab APi'11 1Cth, 1J;C _ovy �.'1 I.ayor aoaton offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "Ah OnDG.,t.: : idili ^dlaence-1? �C I `i':iE LEVI63 A::D RkMJ N TAXATION 01 A L I'RCPcRTY IN ME CITY Or' i'.,DUCbh, XE11TL0,.:i, iU::JECT 'm TA'CATION FOR NOICIPAL PURM3Ed A:.D POR SCHOOL 1'U:,P0.::;5 FOE 'UE TRAR 1046, A:ID Tii. RA's OF IOLL TAn : ITII US FUR, 03IsS Or, SAID TAXLj TI1hRb ::D R D:•s INBD", Le adopted. Adopted on call of the Poll, Zeas, Commiaaioners Friedlander, Johnston, 71111inmo and I.ayor Seaton (4). On notion the meet.inr, ad ourncd. D"FS-,D ',�� dol. 1946 APPROVED