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Minutes Book 20, Page 1079, April 8, 1946
aducah Proceedings of -r.7 oC Co:: .1,7.110117,1'a City of Paducah--- .,t a .eCular i..ceting of the --oard of ',omrisa;oners held in the Cogmi:aian r: .,t ".i:nmbcr at the Lity hall, Paducah, l:entuc':y, at 7:50 o'cloclt F.:;. on lir.r.il. 3th, 1p4G, Mayor .;caton presided and upon call of the Roll the Vallowin(l answered to their nomoo: Coinmi_Ision ra ariedlander, Johnston, ',711liams and 'a;;or Zeaton (4). Comrniaslorar Sims f .. tein,,; absent (1) j --, I l:inutes o_" the previous mcot.ings were adopted as read. iter in Commissioner-illiams offered motion that the petition of Nannie l.:ae iI©lfin mer I;oad and her husband, Wayne ifeflin, and John V. Mullinax and wife, :Yataaeka L. ::ullinax, which petition has been approved by "'homes T. Clark and wife, Ethel E. Clark, Alva Scopes, Herbert :1. 3olZler, Ro,,cr Christie and wife, Opal N. Christie and A. ". Tindall and ';va L. Tindall, be received an' filed and that the request in said petition be --rented, provi,iod, however, that nothing in the rantinn of the request made in said .etition shall ob_i�stc the City of iaducah or its Lo:nmiasionera of •.ater .;orico to ,provide service or pre:,aure or to maintain said pipe line or any part thereof, anr; in no :viae shall the rrantin- of this petition be construed as an obli;.atton now and hereafter on the part of the lit,- oiPuducah or its Corarissioncrs of ':stcr '.:oras to Purchase said privately owned pine line, and no such obll�p tion shall cc claimed in the event tee territories served by said privately owned pipe line or any part thereof .311all be taken into the Corporate City of 'Paducah. adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, ::illiams and iLayor :3eaton (4). =tsar 7i Commissioner :.'illiama offered motion that the board of Commianionera receive en. ,:rrcriAs and file the copy of the letter written by G.H.May, Adjutant General of the Conmion- :ealth a!'.Lentucky, to the Pon. Eldon 3. Dummit, the httorney ;'Aneral, on Larch lath, refernnec to the program for construction of Armories throa--hout the :;tate G a" alae the copy of the »tterney ccnoral's rerly of :'arc:, :97th, 1040. Adopted on cal :Ass, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, ':illiacm an,] :..ayor ..onion (4). _...: n-:• Johnston o: NO ' • Proceedingsof ^^,T'n City ofPodacoh ro11 etionn CO. CO 6000.00 73;".00 2000.00 2012.0 o.n -la Licenses 110.00 .00 111.CO 7000.00 5034. 25.00 24.00 24.00 35.00 22.5 250.00 750.00 223.30 750. CO 933.7 3000.00 10000.00 5477. CO 2000.00 10727.21 :t. 100.00 350. 00370.32 300.00 370.5 tern_ 1600.00 Mala 4275.:0 39294.00 4145.02 31705.00 4905.1 'ran''. -,tnls 653719.41 431729.67 4082D8.40 47791tb.47 499280.5 "ash - z-rIus 12000.00 41061.00 41011.00 25000.00 25000.0 50,5719.41 522790.07 539359.40 502910.47 524260.5 Adopted on call of the :'ioll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, John.iton, ,illivi,n .,na ' nvor Seaton (4). Con-issioner Johnston offered motion that the receipt of Stein hrot-hers and Lo ce, et a.., for all of the 2;; City of Faducah ttunictpal ?:capital Revenue ponds purchased 1' om hthe City of laducah, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, .ommiisioners Friedlander, Johnston, '.711liams and Kayor Seaton (4). r/ Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the letter of Hudy Stewart, City Cle 1c, -.u, ^ccreOded to the hoard of Commi3sioners, fated hnr11 3rd, 1946, together with the copy `he letter writter by him to t:r. H. L. Smith, -;uperintcrdent of the zoard of Educe - `.on of the City of Fndudah, :'entucky of tie same date, and a copy of his certificate to the total valuation of all property to the City of Paducah subject to taxation school nur7oses Ln the year 1946, be received, filed and spread a^on the minutes. ° "April 3, 1946 . ra?•d of Corr::inoioncrs �^ .,'acnh, ::cntucky C^ April 3rd, 1946, I delivered to 1''r. H.L.3mith, superintendent of the :-card du -n tion of the ^ity of Faducah, F.entucky, a 1^ttar enclosing my certificate showing e total assessed valuation of all property in the City of Faducah subject to taxati �t•o1 .- c,.;es for the year 1940. This information was cortified to the ward 0 r the requirements of h:RS 180.440. enclosed a cony of the letter 1 have written to t.r. -.mith, torret r _ certlficate. Very tr ly yours, Rudy tawart CItj C1crk April 3rd, 1946 t 10.440, I a her r: >f all nrop-' t a t! on in the year ].`: ie r ,n • .- . - _ tile' riT'.7 ...... . - ? �i,..7(` ..ich vi(il Td ..Ity Proceedings of »' ^' ..,n " ion,ro Clly of Paducah 'emetery lot "iso Lina ^rutchfiel:l a ire ,opt: Report :'arch 17sty -:ano`err u9pet for i, In -4C T,' T'iE "CARD 0C EDUCATI0:1 CITY 0: IADUCAH, :,Y, .;ia•aart, rlerk of the City of Paducah, 'Kentucky, do hcreLy certify ny of the rayort of the -card of Sdualizers of the City of Pnducah c: a true, full and complete cop;; of said report which v,as filed th the i•oard of Commissioners or the City of Paducah on April 2nd, 194 --pears of record in ;'inute Gaol: !To. 10, nano 1070 of the official ^ �ity. certify that said report of the Board of Equalization shown valuation of all property subject to taxation In the City of Paduca I nu'.• :ca no rlotermInod by the City Anseasor and the t.onrd of i1QUal IzOtign r ity. TII'Al;r 1,7117F-REOF, I have hereunto subscribed my none as Cl^r's of the S.tty of inc'.ucnh, I:en Lucky, and af!'ixed the corporate Deal of uald city, this the 3rd c ril, 19.10. n '•.udy Jteeart City clerk" Adopted on call of the Moll, ''eas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, 'ailliams and 3'ayor Seaton (4). ConmiDsioner Johnston offered motion that deed ranted to I.:iss Lina I% i Crutchfleld for the s:est one-half of Lot :1o. 16 in Llock No. 2 on Yopp :.venuo in tho 'auaoleum addition to Cak Grove Cemetery, uron payment of ,1c0.LO to the City Treasure#, be approved. Adopted on »all of the doll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston ;:illiams and L:ayor Seaton (4). / Commissioner Johnston offered motion that t`e report of fire hazard inspections for the month of harsh, 1946, be received. Adopted on call of the Roll, 'leas, Conmiasioners ?riedlander, Johnston, Tillioms and dajor Seaton (4). Commissioner !-iredlander offered notion that t-hc .:oard of ^ommiDsloners receive, f_le and spread upon the ninutes the budZet propared by ti:e City "a•:a`er for .... :car 194 , Dol:! 'tud,Set si:owinC in itenizarl form ti -c a?prooriation recor.minled Ly hip for I .nt of current expenses, for permanent imp^ovements and all other ':overnmontal expenses, with comparative statement in parallel columns of the a-, proprio ,nq �I. an cxpen'atureD .for thq current and next nreceedin_ fiscal year, and the Inorease: -Ir ecroasea 1n the a;,proprLations rccowv named. I further move flint a public haartn- ne hel,:l on t,,- i:1cj,-ot outauitta,l by the lity ''ana:7er ,r tl-c 12th lay of 11;4111, 194G at 7:30 o'clock Aaopto,I ,"n c n11 6f the 7o'll, -fear, Commissioners _ri.edlander, JohnDix,: , _lll:a:: ,nl ..c .j., 1• �cc2:�ciod Cudgel ,nth -,I', •- '944 1945 1945 rs nnC.GC nc i n• r ..., t tol 111.43 J C.60 NO 1.-27 Proceedin65of :card 0. Cemai731Of1er5 CityefPoducoh April 9th, 1946 - A.3- 'IAT:CS P-_ DONATIONS 900 Grlendly :iome-'hhite 18CO.00 1800.00 1800.00 1800.00 1800.00 3 C 1=ricndly ;Lome-Colorcd 0110.i 0 GOO. CO 600.00 600.00 600.00 :n, Mothers club COO.CO 500.00 600.00 (00.00 600.00 Settle c;:t rouse 120C.00 1200.00 1200.00 1200.00 500.00 4 rarne-ie Library 7000.00 7000.00 .00 .00 .00 ,600.00 107 Pauper 3urials 600.00 G37.50 600.00 1137.44 310 Parks -pito 12000.00 12689.40 14000.00 186j9.4G 31C -A Svilnminr Pool 6000.00 3684.60 5000.GC 5330.30 1000.00 600.00 :12 Saleatlon Army 440.00 440.00 480.00 480.00 480.00 - Parks Colored 3000.00 2743/98 4000.00 3181.95 500.00 1 15 ned mons 1000.CO 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 .00 bl^ Sundry Donations 2600.00 2463.00 000.00 JPA Cooreraae Plant 1365.23 2365.23 Recreatlon Frogram 1000.00 522 Veterans Housing Project 1000.CO Tatals 36605.23 34760.71 31880.00 30842.15 31080.00 1,LEGAL DEPARTMENT =CC Galary Corporation. Counsel 3200.00 3200.00 3240.00 3240.00 270.00 240.00 401 '3a1 Asst Corp Counsel 1280.00 1230.00 1320.00 1320.00 110.00 320.00 2 ;a'- Loral Stono�raphar .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 03 tatlonery- tnnps- c 150.(0 76.43 84.00 76.95 100.00 4^4 Inuits 8- Claims 4000.00 2024.24 3000.00 2006.27 000.00 05 Logal 3ercices-Back Taxes 7000.00 4168.87 5000.00 3670.10 150.00 000.00 -,. -ac% lbx Collections -Pers .00 592.36 .00 1101.83 .00 Totals 15630.00 11341.90 12644.00 11415.20 530.00 Ir GO. 00 -• ,:;c3 7EPART:.:ixT °al Treasurer 2600.00 2600.00 2640.00 2640.00 220.00 2640.00 L�Inry Auditor 1520.00 1457.16 1560.CO 1560.00 130.00 560.00 ;al -City Clerk-Ztc 2324.00 2324.00 2364.00 2364.00 197.00 21364.00 5CE 381-):acbine Ooerator 1260.00 1227.00 1320.00 1331.00 110.00 1320.00 c Gsl-Clerk Imp Acct 1520.00 1520. UC 1560.00 1560.00 130.00 1560.00 5'5-A Sa1 7tro ^lerks 2400.00 2356.33 1551.00 1551.00 110.00 1320.00 -E Sal Tno rlerxs 2240.00 1960.00 2280.00 2280.00 100.00 90.002280.00 _ :al Extra Clercs 1440.00 1464.87 3000.00 206.53 500.00 1 Asat Tar. Assessor 1340.00 1340.00 1380.00 1380.00 115.00 1.180.00 -.- '•.1 Tax Assessors Clerk See Extra Clerk 75.00 00.00 Tax ^ssessor 1820.00 1820.10 1860.(0 1860.00 155.G0 860.00 1--eonrd Egfializstions 1125.00 1125.00 750.00 750.00 892.50 -.*�••�-Jurplics 2640.00 2534.79 2640.00 2758.04 3000.00 c nt 1350.00 321. 0 120.00 90.00 200.00 2400.00 2622.65 2640.00 3620.58 3500.00 itis e 2100.00 2100.00 2300.00 2300.00 230O.Co n°ir-- 6585.0(1 6036.83 7443.03 17400.09 17490.86 - 5040.(:0 4096.62 4800.00 7811.66 7500.00 - oars: .00 CO 7500.00 5418.24 5000.00 Control .00 .00 3600.00 4158.15 .00 .CO .00 .CO .00 .00 r,t ons C0.00 426.59 480.00 578.32 780.00 F,"i IOUs Comm 300.00 500.(.0 "00.00 570.00 000.00 ..."_- • .,.3sor 000.00 40664.00 37832.99 52391.03 .34086.61 1430.00 G 926.36 - :-: 2480.(0 2480.00 2520.00 2520.00 210.00 •520.00 -. 1an-r 1700.CO 1700.00 1740.00 1740.00 145.00 740. 00 300.(0 540.00 504.00 334.50 360.00 r C84.00 E84. -;o 684.00 684.nO 57. GO 384.CO 480 c0 369.19 396.00 237.98 300.00 1240.00 340.,-0 4.70 204.(.0 521.50 ^s1tF Jnit 3 r.,.CO 35C0.00 3500.00 65C0.1110 " 50':.00 SOO.GO 500.00 5JO.CO x833.84 1600:00 .00 300.00 OCCU �r ^0. ., . .00 275.00 35.00 22.00 2G4,OU 00 .00 .CO 500.00 101: Z7. i,, 7 0G23. 'U 10312.33 434. CO 1 041.34 id0.(:0 :39x.(:0 2'45.00 t nIO.GU Inn. no '100. '! 1£0.00 1CG.v0 P - n 04C.i;4 170.00 040.00 iR]. : 3 t:.( ,.::, I✓1'wco/io rlrr•ve�" jJ : i d2G.C,0 j i Proceedings of -pard of Comminnionors City cf Paducah iiprll 3th, ING 707 :al -act Jail'r rI'MTT 1x5.00 7C8 Eq-lipment E: "uppiies 3900.00 708-A Photo Equip-Rinrer Printing Sufplies 709 ,"n intenance Auto ,: "totorcyclea 1380.00 '09-A3s1 Auto "echinic al -Watchman 1500.00 710 Ka intenonca adio Equip 300.00 710-A Sal Radio Vol 'hanic 84.CO ?1 Cas ?• Cil Sal Oeneral 3000.00 1^ 'ra"fic I.ic-his-S1:-nal System 360.00 13 Stationery -v amps -:Ziac 720.00 4105.50 ieedin� Frls hers 1200.GO :5 lra vel ing Ex ense ::40.00 '1C Yaintenance ity Jail 1:0.00 713 Office Exp -F lice Jude 240.00 7,19 St. I'artcings Point £. _rushes 480.00 72:? Sal -Dog Cateer tchman pEquipment 1280.00 Totals 106:75 64972.00 96.78 FIRE EiATVM UT 1500.00 800 Salary of Ch of 2800.00 Col 'Salary of +s t Chief 2080.00 902 Salary of CaOtains-5- 360. ( 0 10080.00 304 Sal-Sivitchbourd Operators 5280.00 805 Salary of T'egghanic 120.00 2100.00 808-A Sal Class Airemen .CO 45760.00 8 5-E Sal Class 5 Iiremen 3000.00 .(,0 307 Purchase of 1 q uipment 4068.00 808 Yaintenence J quipment 1584.CO 809 faint Fire A arm System 240.00 810 Hise Stores •$ �uoplies 560.00 611 Gas Cil J 456.00 812 Laundry J 300.00 813 Li-hts-Gaa- I one-h;isc 1188.00 '•14 Guel 1500.00 360.00 B15 ;aintenance f Bldgs 1500.00 816 Tires 618.81 240.00 817 Injurier to iremen 386.63 '1= Traveling rxoenses 259.67 .00 Totals N 78596.CO . OG' 1083 STREET DEFAR rI'MTT 1x5.00 301 Zalary-3uper ntendent 2420.CO 902 Salary Cleric 1400.00 903 Zalary-Forem n .00 04 al -Watchman :11 -ht 1.'ochanic 1400.(0 0,. :;81-1'echanic 1st Class 1689.45 SOG Sal-1Ccchanic 2nd Class 1368.50 :)CS -A Sal Oeneral epairman 1485.75 07 Sal -Flusher Vperat^r 1650.50 503 S91ary Repoi an 4105.50 G9 Sal -Ms chineroder sen 3052.00 480.00 al -Trues 'r vers 6256.25 -clary-eorsCkrs 527.48 2502.50 011.09 Sal. 'Uf-ht 'art L'en 2502.50 00.00 ;a,,"n-Lar ::rs 7938.00 - al-Part;:a tchman pEquipment 771.28 :.. 106:75 .00 96.78 --cuiprent 1500.00 240.(,0 315.87 2520.60 200.00 1401.33 1320.(0 180. 00 110.00 1440.00 1 i^s 360. ( 0 82229.34 2748.00 08144.00 720.CO 2940.00 2940.00 245.00 120.00 2068.00 e 2160.00 .CO 2100.00 10021.31 - 3000.00 10200.00 4810.52 204.(0 5247.88 - 113. G0 2220.00 2220.00 185.00 2220.00 . OG' 1083 qi 1 :1520.00 25rO. :;10.00 252C.00 0..;0 ',.:0.'^0 18a.t 0 670.00 15:0.00 -.10.•`it 7„40.^0 1Q&.±0 ::140.00 1. "0.00 1:11.70 11S.Clf 10:30.00 ` l:j.25 '0.00 1000.00 100.00 1200.00 1:0.60 10.00 300.00 G!: b.. U) 1x5.00 1840.00 2181.11 2000.00 610.75 4000.00 250.00 2231.05 2000.00 3690.30 1000.00 1027.91 .00 .00 .(0 151.20 300.(0 184.59 300.00 100.(0 190.(10 90.60 150.00 2335.27 24c0.00 2430.60 2400.00 371.20 430.00 144.28 11100.00 480.00 766.69 480.G0 647.60 480.00 527.48 960.00 011.09 960.00 11.09 00.00 1G0.91 150.00 132.20 144.(,0 152.1C 144.00 106:75 120.00 96.78 120.00 134.13 240.(,0 315.87 200.00 1401.33 1320.(0 1631.94 110.00 1440.00 81874.61 81762.00 82229.34 2748.00 08144.00 2800.00 2940.00 2940.00 245.00 2940.00 2068.00 2160.00 2160.00 2100.00 10021.31 10200.00 10200.85 10200.00 4810.52 5400.00 5247.88 5400.00 2180.00 2220.00 2220.00 185.00 2220.00 39452.98 46800.00 43652.50 61200.00 6434.69 .00 4741.10 3478.26 3600.00 1085.72 2755.00 1548.51 1608.00 1252.41 1500.00 155.34 240.00 8.05 204.00 515.83 600.00 618.81 600.00 447.55 480.GO 386.63 396.00 259.67 360.00 275.05 250.00 844.96 852.00 898.74 900.00 387.39 372.GO 365.79 372.00 769.05 240.00 101.69 960.00 30.15 180.00 273.71 240.00 73.05 60.00 .00 150.00 76277.21 78252.00 76428.93 430.00 92247.00 2420.00 24:10.00 2460.00 205.00 2450.00 1400.CO 1440.00 1440.00 120.00 1440.00 .00 1800.00 1800.CO 150.(0 1800.00 1400.00 1440.00 1440.00 1440.00 1089.45 1760.00 1755.(,0 1701.00 1297.10 1404.00 1444.80 1408.80 1485.75 1430.00 1518.40 1526.20 1670.50 1650.00 1827.35 1826.30 4183.28 4230.00 4352.10 4226.40 3763.90 3780.(0 3756.15 4930.60 4879.86 6450.00 5817.65 7323.25 2517.06 2600.00 2112.64 1291.40 2493.00 2580.GO 2558.05 2582.80 6581.10 8200.1.0 8570.00 9005.50 738.31 804.00 723.14 761.28 .GO 9600.(.0 8963.92 8646.00 1643.39 1500.GO 1910.70 2000.00 2618.81 2803.00 37x'18.41 3000.00 L1.41 180.CO 214.13 225.00 .38 SGO.(0 591.11 300.00 304.60 360.00 408.95 408.00 27.00 48.00 6.(.0 48.00 .00 96.00 114.42 100.00 2589.83 3000.00 1116.61 3000.00 226.78 2.32.00 178.70 192.00 45.10 48.00 2. Un 4 25.00 396.85 204.00 69.54 1700.00 .00 000.00 SL5.0 0!110.00 .00 1031.00 10_l. ? ,00 4G 02225.00 j0413.-4 47::.GO 04357.73 qi 1 :1520.00 25rO. :;10.00 252C.00 0..;0 ',.:0.'^0 18a.t 0 670.00 15:0.00 -.10.•`it 7„40.^0 1Q&.±0 ::140.00 1. "0.00 1:11.70 11S.Clf 10:30.00 ` l:j.25 '0.00 1000.00 100.00 1200.00 1:0.60 10.00 300.00 G!: b.. U) 11052.03bU0.00 11100.00 qi 1 :1520.00 25rO. :;10.00 252C.00 0..;0 ',.:0.'^0 18a.t 0 670.00 15:0.00 -.10.•`it 7„40.^0 1Q&.±0 ::140.00 1. "0.00 1:11.70 11S.Clf 10:30.00 ` l:j.25 '0.00 1000.00 100.00 1200.00 1:0.60 10.00 300.00 G!: b.. U) NO. Proceedings of °ard of Oorninaionera City of Paducah April 9th 1946 "s as of caur i:en 3052.00 3095.00 3256.00 5;,45.65 517 10}3,00 'as -011- "-ease 135.0 114.23 152.00 113.99 72.83 150,00 ;:nterinls", Supplies 120.00 103.49 4.62 120.00 24.00 10.38 50. i0 a,:airs to nnuipmant 49.00 24.00 25.19 24.00 11.48 24.00 .`0 :.ster Rent Flush Tank rurc`:ase of Equipment 951.35 951.35 .00 .00 .00 ?y^als 4330.35 4294.83 3556.00 3554.33 5519 .(0 • !Cin :LF:,IC INTEREST r in & Int on Funding bonds 55406.25 55406.25 53093.75 53698.75 58712.50 60.00 I 1'Cl int Bank Loans 120.00 177.19 39.59 175.26 00.00 174.26 .00 174.26 24.55 1'02 Trans of remittance TO`als 56703.44 SSG21.10 53923/01 53805.01 59017.05 Ij Oat Grose Cemetery n? superintendent 1520.(:0 1520.00 1560.00 15GO.00 130.00 15GO.00 area o: Laborers 5377.63 5580.38 0504.00 GG06.19 6512.50 48.00 ^3 1:a#ntenanne Equipment 24.00 .00 692.58 48.00 300.00 .00 54.00 30 04 :agpntenr.nce Ldg 350.00 .GO 1 05 3a8-011-0rease 120.00 96.15 120.00 103.12 150.00 1SCS Tolls-CLaterials & Supplies 540.CC 502.12 480.00 400.78 96 .C.0 1707 Lighta-Fuel -"r ter -Phone 156.00 145.12 148.60 118.21 155.00 "ball 8087.68 8536.35 9160.00 8902.30 130.00 974. I 30 L'A!�}:ET c USE 14^? Sal 1,:arket 1:aster 1760.00 1760.00 1800.00 1300.:0 180P.00 1402 t.%intenanve :;ldza 124.00 1021.57 96.00 21.92 214.00 1403 ':cteriala r• -ucplies 03.00 4.60 48.00 4.92 2{x.00 1405 Linhts-:rater-Etc 120.00 102.95 120.00 122.24 14.00 1;05 :,ccalrs F! Improvements .CO 23.33 24.00 21.,-0 2 .CO Totals 2970.00 2912.50 2038.00 1970.08 2015.00 CISf SCALES 1500 Salary .:eiChmaster 920.00 920.00 960.00 960.00 80.60 320.00 1503 i;alntencncc Z7 Repairs 1120.00 .00 600.00 87.59 32.00 1502 :u,5l 18.00 38.10 36.00 233.80 B.CO to be discontinue 1503 Supplies 48.00 19.64 24.00 11.31 8.00 May lat, 1/3 year :a'als 2106.00 977.74 1620.00 1082.70 80.00 360.00 4 I�C0 Coat of barge 3024.00 1"CP Coat of "nerati.ons 125.00 :otall x119.00 f t'pen 1800.00 2539.40 960.00 398.56 6 0.00 _ boa9s-A71 �.:ployAea 1560.CO 2037.49 2160.00 1533.37 18 .CO '.. 3360.00 4576.89 3120.00 2031.93 24 0.00 ito ,:ay Etc 17040.00 17099.15 18000.00 17170.47 lII0 0.00 170,1.00 17099.15 18000.00 17170.47 180C 00 7575.00 13000.00 1G723.:-.2 1/3 Yr _nit 3730.31 „730.:1 iiz;C5.Jl '_1308.91 18000.00 16723.22 21CC 1 pta 1'0.CQ 46.99 43.00 120,.5E 4;3. C59 48.00 ..:.(1 _^a .411 ✓aero-:=r:7a :.. 553.00 400.00 463.00 .00.'Co be Ui3continuedl !La y Is t r,000.00 2a to 13 4UC,•. ;;ti 0.00 468.00 4;5 .CO .CO .00 .00 ^2 O F�nCljtl-d1 _ 139 J ::i;:, v0 =CCi1.0U To ale 52 L'3 54 G3 `SCA"% TOG 502918.47 ^.".5 7:_.L1 : / ,. 71 �. 41 i Cor�,issfcner .-rledlander o.fcreI ...,...... t -.at tt:,3-;r(.°ratlor: .-,angel 1;•ep[+r° for :1 lot I* 'Tamnrr�e :'a air.'.ro wet:ln ac r. zt m=etLn,: an rrlinar. •3 .. ... .....r., r,.;:A .:t;i. to :.nv rr,M ,tioods of i g _.s a-.. L7 In -sn0 ^.ash. Ceaaa La;irz,: FA i''ce j Rarr3 y - ---... _.tellaa:ier ,;a� �v._.... t'e.at _ne li%ter of kr. ChSrIe3 A.Z:1:113ma,, No._ L035 Proceedings of !-,card of Coma,�s 1pnnrs City of Paducah Aoril 9th. 194G . AW nr Gity i.:snager, ;with reference to the n,,propriatlor of funds for payment of r N rentals on the oi'fice occupied Ly the Office of Price Adminintratlon Le roceivcd and _^glad and that the 1ct'nr City :,:anaror be authorized to suspend the payment of' further 7 rentals for sold o"flee on and after April 30th, 1946. Adopted on call of the Moll q Yeas, Comaissionera Friedlander, Johnston, Williams and r:ayor ^eaton (4) 5,11 lots to /f rdayor Seaton offered motion that the Gorporation rounael prepare for introducti E. Young - "attie Ross at the next meatin5 an ordinance authorizing the sale of the follo',winz property: John Turner J1 Lot 5 in block 3 on Ada+cs Street botveen 29th and 30th Streets to S.G.Young for the Cancel Mr. t i:cElwee Dond Elec Plant Fd City Mgrs Report on _nancial Cc :ltlon of ci sum of •100.00, :50.00 to Le paid in cash and the balance at the rate of ,x10.00 per month with CN interest. Let 14 in =lock 13 on 13th Street between Rudy and Thompson Streets to r.:attic ifoco for the sum of ;;75.'0 cash. I Lot 17 in block..1 on 16th Street between Clark and -dams Streets to John Zurner for the sum of ;50.00 cash. Adopted on call of the !loll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, 'Nilliams and Yayor Seaton (4). Mayor Seaton offered the following motion: *X IEREAS, Kr. II. C. McElweo having submitted to the -card of Commis a loners on `.:arch 12th, 1946 his resignation as City 'onager of the City of Paducah and his resignation having been accepted as of that date; and, INUREAS, the said H. G. McElwee being no longer ails Ible to serve an a member of the Electric Plant =oard of the City of Paducah. 2 move that the bond executed by him for the faithful performance of his duties as a member of the zlectric Plant -card of the City of Paducah and by the Fidelity and casualty Company of ;dew York as his surety, be cancelled as of ?,arch 13th, 194G, but that the cancellation of said bond as of t1.at date shall not serve to release the said Ii. G. bicElwree or the oaid hidelity and Casualty Company from any liability thereunder prior to ,arch 13th, 1946. Adopted on call of the Holl, Yeas, Cornissioners Friedlander, Johnston, 5111liams and !:.syor Seaton (4). rEayor Seaton offered motion that the letter of the City l.anagor dated April 9th, 1946, in which he submits to the City of baducah his ro!ort concerning; the financial condition of said city, together with his recommcndat.on concerning the acpropriation of funds and fixing of the tax rate for the year 194G, be racelvod, filed and aproad upon the minutes. Adopted on call of the Roil, Yoos, :ir,slonors Frie:llandor. Johnston, 17illlama avid I•':ayor ;eaton (4). April :i, 194G !Ion. Payor and i:orm. oC or.,ai.,sionors I V1;r^fwit.h in my rocon,m:;n,.lel bu•if-et for the city ,r t' -- -?4C. ,a tt, t Lhlore wlll as tr,uny t• in ;;s about this Lu(I of brat 7 r t <i:to t'o)t tto pulalc will rot lite, and that t -e r,plofeda of tr:n -c.,l oi,glucan will ;;OL lise, and thox•e re ;arts of it 111, Sr, riot li'xe, Unit after a,.enainr_ same *e '4i wa 43 of lat , on th^ autlect, it a;.paars t.� ._ l9 ab^nt _re 1;_%t !tat rya can do. I !Ssn;f a: t --;e ..e:^s In t:.la t;u,get abe for thu ra ?uccaor.t al' rt AAS e,rn cur. 3ur1r. th^ 'war years w: n" it e ul i not :&turd)jy, co.lnZ at one time In ono year tho u:rden .J .. ^islly r.ca v.e a-.5uld t:nlln:c of d>in; aomet,;Inr to i i i i Proceedin6s of 110. of Commiasioncrs city of Paducah April 9th, 1946 You will notice that I have increased the anticipated revenue for !*e collection of back taxes, from fines in police court and licenses. I have done this on the theory that once you have :rel^cted a p^rmanent City b:anager he will continue to place --nhasis on collection of the obligations duo the city, and I ^l ieve that by no doing these items can be increased In the amounts V -own in the budget. It Eoes without saying that the e-llection of revenue for the city, is, if anything more important than the expenditure of its funds. At the some time that this budget is beim recommended I am also recommendinr that certain expenditures of the city be curtailed, and I feel sure that with continued study there are many more savin-s teat can be affected. You vall note that I have recommended the maximum tax rate of' 41.50 for the city's general fund. This is a raise of' 21/ for the rcneral fund. however, the over-all raise to the taxpayers ivill amount to ll� due to a 10/ reduction in the sinking fund levo. sue to the increased cost of materials and supplies and the new equipment which must be purchased, I personally see no other alternative unless we expect our city to cease to assume its real obli;atiors to the public. The disheartening feature of this budget is that it gives us little room to hope for material advances in municipal planning, certainly much less 1 than I am sure all of laducah would like to see carried out. ;do salary increases have been recommended. This is due to the fact that I could not find any money with which to raise salaries and I am fully cognizant of the fact that the cost of living for city employees has increased as it has with everyone, and that the majority of them have served you faithfully and well and are entitled to salary raises and I regret that the financial g condition o:' the city prohibits my recommending them. I strenuously recommend that in the near futube a jab study be made of each department and the functions of each individual in 4, each department and that a salary be set up for each job commen- curate with its responsibilities and duties, and that the person who qualifies for that job be paid a stipulated salary, and when that study is completed and the reorganization necessary has taken place, then a carefully w,r'kod out civil service system would be highly r!esirable. An the situation now stands, with the exception of your policemen and firemen, all city employees acquire no pension ri-hto and no security of their positions. They are completely at the nercy of the City i;anager to hire or fire, with or without cause. gYou requested at your board meeting that I Include in my budget pp S5000.00 for the recreation profram in Faducah,• and althou-h I am mucr. in sympathy with that program, believing that money ,hould be spent r. rrevent criminals instead of spending it afters they hecome nr:c.'1, I can find no place in the present anticipated incox,o to include that 5000.00 for tie year 1946. You also to include in the 1946 budget ,1000.00 for the American but just prior to completing the bud;�ct the anticipated tLe 'ieteran's Reusing lroject was increased „1000.00 and due fart I have omitted that 4000.00 from the budget, more 1:s-•Ii:lly since v:e have our own veterans program to take rare of. .n cloain let me say that the preparation of the Ludgot for the e y,or 1940 hqs 'won indeed a painful duty, one that .,t:.y have had the new pormanont city 're expect to go forward it appears to mo that we must make whatever ;casmcnts must be out on an could in all probability 'ry and payrolls. The re efficient performance ith no ambition for 1a 'audCet as a tax - his yaava n•den that end ucan NO. 1087 Proceedings of uoard of Uommi.;s loners City of Podaeah pril 9th, 194G :)elinque^.t v Tae Attorneys Repeal Ord. 7harfmaster 8 Se i e:master i'lllzr Par':in;- Meters Union made Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN 0.,DI'.:Ai11E A:'3i:'uPSG SECTION 3 OF AN ORDINANCE E11T1TLeD: 'A:! ORDINA.M FkOVIDING F.^ T;:3 's':PLC i:: ';T OF A DELIN:;,UENT TAX ATTORNEZ 117 Y E LeAL DE A RT.:ENT OF TiiE CITY OF PADUCAH, K NTUCKL, AND NOT EXCEDDING FIVE A:l .I.iTiAJT. DELINQUENT TAX ATTORNEY3 W INSTT_^.UTE AND PROSECUTE: SUITS FOR THE COLLECTION OF AD VALOREM TAXES AND PUBLIC I 1,PROVETM,'T ASSE.3S1'.;ENTS; PRESCRIBING WE DUTIES OF SAID AUTORNEY3, FIXING THE AIMOUNT OF COMIPE,MST_ION .7i -'ICH THEY SHALL RECEIVE POR THEIR SERI'ICE.i, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONPLICT THERENITH", be adopted. Adopted on call of the ;loll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, .711liams and T..'ayor Seaton (4). Myor .;oaton offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE REPEALING All ,D+DIVANCE ENTI^_L v: "All O':DIi1A'!C2 REGULATING 14iL [:ATE.i OF PAY OF U1IE .MAr'l:A3TZR A'D 1.1EIGH9?ASTER, OR KEEPER OF TTiE CITY 3CALES1, 1:7HIC11 SI. -AS ADOPTED BY TIIE 1-OARD OF n.13.I3SIONERS ON 711E 18TH DAY OF JAIlUARY, 1944", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, 171111ams and Yayor Seaton (4). Commissioner �Iillisms offered motion that the letter of Mr. James IcicDonald, Business Representative of the International Association of I'achinists, in which he advises that the Miller Farking ;deter is union made be received and filed. Adopted on call of the -'poll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Williams and Ya,yor ;eaton. On motion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED �G \ �r 1948 Ai_.D _�✓ _