HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 107, October 10, 1938NO. 07 Proceedings of "''' 1 Coa'.''.ieci arpo City of Paducah Oe tobor 10, 1;:33 J'jn.'•r:: •.nt I.:n;for 'Wanbbiirn offrod, rtotton that thin rot:ular w—tirE; bo adJournad until Oct0b0l' 11, 1038 at tho hour of 2 o'clock P.P. lI ntort on ''1 r, tL_ r,ll.: Yce.m, Co:c,., aper.. Hr.rdC, Loltor,, Pull.lr , .a, ;'1- 1 t `n Ai'..,.. At e ro,ulnr moetim: of the board of Commin;lnn^rr iicld in t':hu u ..1 _n, ra' CI1aa:ber n thn City Ball, Pnducnh, F.entucky, at 2 oIcloclt .t'. on the o: October, 1^33, M yor :'Iaahburn proaldod and upon ct.11 of the roll the foP_owln � ana,nro.l to their names: Con.r:iszienaro Ilan'r., I'elton, Pulliam, itubblefield linuten of the pro-ious moetl%n were -..opted as rend. i ":tion from CS` -y ✓!' - Com:aisaloner Pulliam offered motion that the attachcd peC:ticm pi trodron u f the policemen signing it be received and tiled and that it be hlndlod in sone -ranar vmy to the end that their wishes in Cenaral be carried out. Lost on on11 of the roll: Yeas; Commisslone rs Pulliam and Ltayor 'aaohburn (2) iloys; Co;;-ndnloner:: Kra,.c, L:clton and Stubblefield (3). :•;lincnce C:ployinl � I.!ayor :7ashburn offered the follov+in- :-v,ti:n: 1 nn ordinance enti tlod, "Ali OPDINAIICE AIMORIZING THE Ei1PLC'.;:::i'P (:_ _..;:'..:: :.::;; ::::�T_: ITED PUELIC ACCOUiITA,"TS TC 11 KE AN AUDIT 0P 711L A Ci7Y OF hALUCAII YLAR 1038, ATP. PHOti1L1YG r'Cit THE P1%YL1NT 'f::....'[. i::: :_. .LSD CITY," be Introduced I p and lay over for one (1) weok in its completed form. Adopted on call of the roll; Yean; Commin;ioners Hunk, Melton, Pulliam, Gtubblefiold and 3:ayor ':Jashburn (5). ilayor Washburn offered the fo'lo'r:l.nC notion: The appoal by ::. 3. °! hr•ent from the udrmnnt of the Board of Commiarl�nrra, removing the said J j b Bryant no 1:hlof of Police of the City of Paducah, Itcntucl:y, born tried in the I:cCrncl:cn q Circuit Court, on,l a judCmont: hnvinC been enteredd rentorin; tho Bald ':!: E. Eryant I {o hie Pont no Chief of Police of the City of Paducah, I now move that In order to ar,ve the taxpnyorn any further e:monso, that said Judl�ricnt bo accepted by the City N,013cnh I, of an a final locroo, mid that no appoal be talon thereon. Ac1opted on call C:' ':.,: roll: Ycaa; Commirsinn,,rs Hank, Melton, Pu'_llon, :.tubbinflelr, oral L:nyor 17nsh- burn (6). J'jn.'•r:: •.nt I.:n;for 'Wanbbiirn offrod, rtotton that thin rot:ular w—tirE; bo adJournad until Oct0b0l' 11, 1038 at tho hour of 2 o'clock P.P. lI ntort on ''1 r, tL_ r,ll.: Yce.m, Co:c,., aper.. Hr.rdC, Loltor,, Pull.lr , .a, ;'1- 1 t `n Ai'..,..