HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 1050, February 19, 1946NO W60 Proceedin6s of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah February 19th, 1945 At a Regular Yeoting of the ward of Commissioners hold in the Commissioners, Charter at the City Hall, Iaducah, Kentucky, at 7:50 o'clock P.?,% on February 19, 1946, Yayor Seaton presided and upon call of the Roll the following; answered to their names: Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, 171111ams and L'ayor Seaton (5). Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. St. Lirhts ✓ Commissioner Sims offered motion that the petition of the residents of Clements 3t Clements Street regarding the installation of two (2) street 11rhts and the moving of two (2) other lights located on Clements Street, be received and referred to the City Vanager. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, 1.illians and Vayor Seaton (5). ";eq -est for l- Commissioner Sims offered motion that the petition submitted by Federated Sho ^aylirht 1/I' ;avinr Time ' Crafts and the I.E. of E..1. of the Illinois Central Railroad regarding the adoption o daylight savinr_ time, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Cor=issioners Friedlander, Johnaton,-ims, l.'illiams and Mayor Deaton (5). '..atcr nain v` Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that the petition of John F. ';urt and other residents of :.utler Addition fronting Yarbrough Lane, Victor Street and Lindbers Street be received and filed and that the request contained in said petition be granted, subject to all the conditions and limitations named in the said petition, it being specifically understood that neither the City of Paducah nor its Commissioners of 'Water ::orks guarantee pressure or water service through said pipe line and that nothing in the granting of said petition shall be construed now or hereafter as an obligation on the pnrt of the City of Paducah to buy or maintain said pipe line or any part thereof. the :eater service shall t.e permitted only in accordance with all the rules an regulations now in force or hereafter adopted for the sal: and consumption of water by persons residinZ outside the city limits of Iaducah, Kentucky, and said service ma be discontinued at any iT.e when in the judgment of the Commissioners of 7-'ater 17orks c furnishinL- of water to residents outside the City of I-aducah or through the pipe line referred to in thn petition interferon with the adequate supply of water to persons resi:llnr in -Paducah, Kentucky. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Frledlandar, Johnston, 31ms, 14illiams and iayor Seaton (5). Civ11 ^_n, Co".—isaioner ;illiamo offered motion that the pctirion pi=ned by employees of Fe t • i! ..1ty 2Mpn. the Pity of iaducat: requeatin- the adoption of an ordinance placing all city employees; under rulea of r:ivll servicc to received and filed,and that the Corporation Cauas'el p "pare fir introd u:tion at thr- rexL re, -alar meeting an ordinance under which all o(' v ci r yaes ^ca17 c^ tiFrnel rules of Civil Service purauant to 5rr ti.a^.. to .%.lq o! +. _ .•:.laod Statutes. Adopted on call of the Ja'rnatan, ;ims, ailliams and I:ayor Seaton (5) r •.i..., offeree'. motion ttet the Pity ):mnaeor be instructed to inves-� r, t'^e atr^nt 11 -:ht ir:-�!:Mfttely In front of the Illinoia Central .ne 'l; ^.ole meat .n-, !t.nt ti:n above mentlornd 11nht wn,.;lc in !r,n? i:n ., ul n,.n nn,.. A., ,., on .al. - .. .- .• _ .. ,�,... , p�r,.,nre vent' 1 �7 :, :. L..... • ..1r. ,ii I ::a• and Lafor "etrrr ..!•� ;: L.:.,.•...,. ., ;:,:. •.: n ... l,r^tc: -,:' �1lon J .. .-a�-ait, Attar nay spec. >. _ ,.. •s•• ... - - - ic+ electrin Yecla,199i')ner9 i..•t:. .. _ , � , �- ', ...o. .. ... _. ...55a Lam.. �:: �. I NO.— 1051 Proceedings of Roat•<t of rommiaalone ra City of Paducah_ February 19th, 1946 `:o^ort of Cormniasioner Wilms oifored motion that the +financial Report of tt,c iaducah .�a -ter CO. h Zater :?orks for the month of January, 1946, be received end filed. Adopted on call o! G� N the roll, Yeas, Commisaionera crfodlandor, Johnston, :;ims, P:illiama and t'ayor f' .3eaton (5). Airport ✓ Commissioner Sims offered motion that the board of Commissioners receive and Corp. Report. file the itemized statement of receipts and disbursements of the Faducnh airport Cornoration covering the period from June 30th, 1945 to December 31st, 1945, and also a recapitulation of all financial operations of the Corporation and the 1-aducah }'cCrac%en County Airport from October 13th, 1941 to December 313t, 1945. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, '.'illlams and f.'ayor Seaton (5). Sell lots to Commissioner ,illisrs offered motion that the Corporation Counsel prepare for ran D. Johns ton, Jr C. A.blenser introduction at the next meetinS an ordinance authorizlnC the sale of the following lunch bluo property: Lots 11, 12 E: 13 in block 2 on Adams Street between 29th & 30th to Con D. Johnston, Jr., for the sum of N300.00, '100.00 to be paid in cash and the balance at the rate of ;,25.00 per month with 6 interest. Lot at the Southwest corner of 21st 3 112adlson Street to R.A.S:enser for the sum of j ;150.00 cash, i Lot 17 in Slock 5 on the west side of Viller Street to Elanc& blue for the sum of i 30.00 cash. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, i Johnston, aims, Williams and W.ayor Seaton (5). Fayroll first✓ Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the payroll for the first held of hal_ 7eb-19461 February, 1946 be allowed in the amount of ;12,073.55, and that the City Treasurer be authorized to pay the same by checks drawn on the General fund. Adoptee] on call I Of the Loll, Yess, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, aims, :;illiams and :ayor I' Seaton (5). :oliday Cormniaaloner Johnston offered motion that i7ashington's Urthday, February 22n , _ebruary 42, 1 46 twin^ a leZal holiday, I move that all city employees be allowed a holiday with the i+ exception of the police and fire department personnel. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners=riedlandor, Johnston, Sims, aillioma and i;ayor Seaton (5). 'epair 1tr^.et X Comniasioner Friodlander offered motion that the City '.at:a_,er be requested to 1470 i,'_k /c ;;n Jth l"avn on lnvnstigr,tioa made for the purcose of ascertaining the condition of the stroe in thn 1.100 block on ]ouch 9th Street and if said street needs Jradiny, thatits arrarye to 1',ave ,,'rn striet 11cr,artment trade the same and ma::e such Improvements as acay 'a neacssrry. ndoytnd on ca l of the Roll, Yeas, COI:L-tissienVrzi i•riedlander, Johnaton, r,r.,] ::agar 7eaton (5). Ile ;:=rts or l:,:aicrnr irle;llnr,ler offered notion tt:at the f.oard of Corwrliaionors ; '1: Ln aalu' of th(; :a-.lnr,,L ..;nlor Chamber of Co14Le1•ce and the v. •e of pr,nrint:on le,�i::latian for the ;a•t ioo In th•• tr; of ,„..oculi. Adohtad on +11 - .. ..';r.^... ... ....... n•, Johnstnn, .a+'t.r, Llllsa and '[ayor -eat. r, ..)` Ct.n :lrentoa of each departmcah of'jttte eer �omn�iaa: t te, 'urntah the ..,ar: n: Coamlaa:ararz a T'r of the statesNnt tJ•r.is!:ed: I elat.oria In LF.e ;cur ,i..a .. ... - _ . .. ...n _.... .1Pe.39d9 • ••-... Li;e B!aeti:t to 9e a::preyr is te:.i asr.onero rfledlander 1:52 Proceedin6s of ' ^a' d or Conrisaioners City of Paducah February 19th. 1946 ^il : Seaton offered motion that the City "!onager be requested to make an j . m::c^ln :;ch,, -1 J investirstion for the purrose of ascertalnln,� the coat of oiling the streets adjacent to the Lincoln Jchool and that lie Include in his budget for the year 1945 an approprir ation sufficient to cover sal(: expense. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yoaa, Commi,aioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, 'i:illinms, and rayon Seaton (5). Purchase lots Vayor Seaton offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "Ail ORDIIIAITCE from A. F.'carren C^metery aur- ACCEFTING THE OiFER OF A. F. :dA$;IEi1 FOR THE :;ALE TO THE CITY OF PADUCAH 0: LOTS I103. roses 3, 9, 10, 11 F: 17 IN BLOCI: 2, LOTS NOS. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & S I11 LLOCK 110. 4 AND LOTS NOS. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 8:8 IN (LOCK 110. 6 IN WHITTES!ORE'S SORT& :TIDE ADDITION TO 1,:E CITY OF .PPUCAH AS S90:::V E. PLAT OF SAID ADDITION RECORDED IN PLAT B" OK "A", PAGE 82 IN THE l CCRACKEN COUNTY COURT CLERK'S O: F'ICE, ArPROPRIATING 1IHB aUS OF VIO THOUSAND (32000.00) DOLLARS FOR PAYMENT OF PURCHASE PRICE FOR SAID LOTS AND AUTHORIZIIG p THE AC^EPTANCE OF DBMS OF CONVEYANCE TO SAID PROPERTY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, Flilliams and `'ayor Seaton (5). iurchase ✓ Payor Seaton offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance entitledr :ower rower Tray C. '7hayne "A': 0;'.DI>W:rE ACCEPTING THE BID OF THE ROY C. WHAYNE SUPPLY COMPANY OF LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, FOR TFE PURCHASE BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH OF A POWER 1,107WER WITH A FIVE FOOT CUTTING PAR, AND AUTHORIZIIIO T;:E CITY 14ANAGER TO BITTER INTO A CONTRACT ?OR THE PURCHASE OF SAID 7,07lER", be adopted. Adopted oncall of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, Williams and ".ayor Seaton (5). }i-icss Commissioner Sims offered notion that the Loard of Commissioners a;prove the h:ray w-lte I'r. construction by the State Hi,hway Department of a Dy -Pass 1lighway through the City i,a t -fins of Paducah, that the Fayor be requested to communicate with !.Ir. J. Cliff t9atkins, State 1lirhway Commissioner and find out what progress has been made in the preparation of plans for the construction of said hifhvray, and that said Highway Commissioner be urged to take the action necessary in order to complete said highway as soon as possible. Adopted on call at the boll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims,-.1!llams and L'ayor Seaton (5). Let•,ers of ^x-•-,iasioner Friedlander offered motion that the Loard of Com:nisstoners ect:•/. / receive- ;'i1e a cop of the City hanaCer's letter of February 14th, 1946, address d to "r. 's'artt rind E'r. L. R. Howson in w}•:ich he requests information as to :!:!r.h fa teinr rade b,( ttxn In their appraisal df the property of the r•' _... .•a ^,,nonny, arrl that aaia board also receive and file yr. L. ilowson's r':ary 18th, 1940,, In re,lj to the City ),anager'a letter, and also the i :'nrt: •'hate,! .--cbr:nry l£th, 1946, in reply to the letter he 'rna:�•:r. apt:e(1 on call of the Roll, Ydas, Ccmn:133toner, a, ..mllinrs end vayor Mnaton (5). "rock for ;ea -planes 1 sing, r Zima offered r..otion that the cnard of Commissioners twee uneer os .... :vheth7r a .ern:}. ..,heal•:! t» ,*ranted 1.awrc,naa E. ;a -r ., • if, -,k f-::• ,.::e r: ::_:.^.:•,.... maintenance :af n dock to be used ae, :qunat of tt:e sol:! iawrunce E� !:; fur°ni•iher? rt- ty c'rs 'ity •'nen::•, ether wit!. racc,=endatloa of said .-^cin^er. ., _ F:j a, ^e.. ,. .�,, .,..�! ..•.-.gena Srief;lar.�sr, Johnston NO1053 Proceedingsofboard of Commissioners CityofPaducah _'ebruary 19th, 1946 ;arty Pason ,{ Commissioner ',;illiams offered motion that the statement of !Harry Vason, dated ^har!•es a,-ainst .1ryant w February ldth, 1946, purportln:, to contain charges against 7..E.Eryant, Chief of F'ollc( be referred to the Attorney for the City of ?aducah for study and for his opinion as i i' to whether the representations contained in said statement are logally sufficl=nt to constitute charges requiring a hearin before the toard of Commissioners. I Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeaa, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, 31m3, bIf f Williams and Payor Seaton (5). �IOn motion the meeting adjourned. I� ADOPTED q 1946 APPROVED y 'ler I� I� N i� I IrrI I, i rl I l 1 I I � I 1 ;I 1 q II