HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 1046, February 12, 1946No. 1046 Proceedin6s of Board of rommissioners City of Paducah February 12th, 1946 At a Regular Meeting of the board of Commissioners held in the Commissioners ! Chamber at the City Fall, Faducah, "Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.P. on February 12, 19461, Payor Seaton presided and upon call of the ?loll the followinu answered to their names: Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, :iilliams and Itayor Seaton (5). Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. `- Rotary "lub Commissioner Sims offered motion that the letter pY the Rotary Club of Paducah y endorse .syli_•ht V endorain^ the reestablishment of Daylight Saving Time for the City of Paducah, be avin, .,,.me ` received and filed. Adopted an call of the Roll, Yeaa, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, airs, :'lilliams and Payor 3caton (5). -otter Atty Sen. v Commissioner Sims offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and file coiice P: " firemen li the letter of Fon. Eldon S. Dummit, Attorney General, dated February 6th, 1946 in which he advises that cities of the second class are not authorized to appropriate funds for the payment of medical and hospital bills incurred by disabled policemen i and firemen. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander,Johns to , Sims, :'iilliams and i'.ayor Seaton (5). Letter of Commissioner :$lliams offered motion that the letter of Curlee brown, Pr0aident 11 1 A. r:. P. '7crro police of the Paducah Branch of the National Association for the advancement of Colored people, in which a further request is made for the appointment of negroes to serve as members of the police department, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yess, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, "iilliams and I::ayor Seaton (5). ^enetery ,% ^ommissioner Johnston offered motion that dead granted to M.D.YcCanley and wife ^.oel to ...,. 'eCanlcy for Lot i:o. 25, clock IIo. 5 on the Flalkway off Foreman Street in Oakrrovo Cemetery upon payment of '30.00 to the City Treasurer, be agpnovod. Adopted on call of the loll, Yeas, Conninsioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, 'liilliams and Mayor Seaton (5). L^':ter of ✓ Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the letter of Addian II. Terrell, Attorney .._rely for the City of Faducah, with reference to the title to the lot of Ed. D. Trevathan let Gt the rear of property at 1535 Park Avenue, and the title to the triangular strip of r^uad adjoining said lot on the north, be received and filed. Adopted on call of tie ::oil, Yeas, Commiasioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, Piillinma and rayor Seaton (5). ter Iain lo--:issioner Friedlander offered the following„ motion: 1 move that the petition 40th ff --ren i'. Jones for permission to tap a 6 inch water mein undcrlyinE 40th Street :'v^nlohin^ mat^r service to Lots 17, 1S and 19 in L'lock "D", ;rerory ilei;>hts Sub- ..•:la:on, ac1 t.. tap a 2 inch =tor pain underlying, 40th Street to furnish water serv.ilce f ?.o rota 1 ' .;r:7 ,0 in b10n "r•" in;rc, orf ilolghta Subdivision, tn- received and I1. n'.thority acIr•ht in ani-? r.,tition be granted, subject to the IS i9at:.na an'.. c>r.;it.:,ns ezareacn.., ,.r.orein. u*::erst n3 nn q a.^ ... t`nt n,32.o the In the �rantin4 f request contained i .n ca"11 ;:ntii.en a all ?r. ^rnatrue'. an anY •':arunteo of water proanure or crater service t) tte prr.--isem tj 66eacr:oi , nsl� irnt,.r lire a,;•1 that, nald permission is crantod to ,,_?. ....... .. .. ,..ns now in force or !:.:rouftor prescrl:ed, Y the the : ,Ins;=Ption ryf :.at!:r by roeraon:t Va:'I line nutaide' .. ntnlnel far_.na any 7 the ry , ,!'::7laalonero of Muter "orad . 7. Rine Or ti.e ' ii:,e, or r,ny part thoroof, at 'his r. _ , e r, . .. ... ... .......,^7 rive3 :y ...� ... xa tar l inns :.:: in<:lt:dod i within the nit; limits "rtner ar.:arat �: ..:t re`-ti.a. the City of s:Y .ca .^.or• itz any arlain;, out e." the axadvst.�n if la: �n of ^•ii•i rrt§^ ir.e, No. 1047 Proceedings of i.oard of Commissioners City of Paducah February 12th, 1946 �j and that the petitioner, Loran I.I. Jones, by the acceptance of this order, indomnl!'ies li ij the City and its Commissioners of i:ater '::orks against all claims and expensea on account of claims arising out of the excavation of said streets or roads and the Installation of said 'rater line. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, 1.711liams, and Mayor Seaton (5). R„celve bid r !:ayor Seaton offered motion that the bid submitted by the Roy C. ,7hayne Supply 1,hayne Supply Co. !ower � Company for the sale to the City- of Faducah of a power mowor with a five foot cutting bar, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners h I' Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, 771111ams and Mayor Seaton (5). Letter P;Pr. it i,ayor Seaton offered motion that the board of Commissioners receive and file j Terrell Re; 11 Act Police ✓ a copy of the letter of Adrian R. Terrell, Attorney for the City of Paducah, written ,- iiremen Hospital to J.C.williams, Commissioner of said city, relative to the validity of a proposed l,edical Exp. Act authorizing a city of the second class to pay from its _eneral fund the medical and hospital bills of a policeman or fireman who becomes disabled while engaged in the performance of duty. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Frledlande}, Johnston, Sims, Williams and 'mayor Seaton (5) I Check StreetlI Commissioner Sims offered motion that the City :tanager be requested to have an at 29th R- ✓j! Adams ii investigation made by the Street Superintendent for the purpose of finding out the condition of the streets at and in the vicinity of 29th and Adams Street and if it is found that the condition of said streets are such that the residents are unable to ry drive into their residences from the street, that said streets be graded down and made usable by the residents in going to and from their homes. Adopted on call of th Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, 'Williams and L'ayor Seaton (5). Act to pay I Commissioner .-illiams offered motion that the Loard of Commissioners recommend Hospital & medical exp to Henry Ward, State Senator, and Charles '.7. brunley and Fred R. Morgan, State City Employe is Representatives from I[cCracken County, the passage of the attached Act authorizing. a IIcity of the second class to pay from its general fund all reasonable and necessary I� hospital expenses incurred during a period of not edceading six (6) months oy any of the city employees who become totally or partially disabled physically or mentally !! j as a result of any injury received by him or her while en.a^ed in the C � performance of duty. Adopted on call of the (toll, Yeas, Commlasionera Friedlander, Johnston, ! Sims, '.:Illiama and Liayor Seaton (5). ot iurchase Commissioner Johnston offered the following motion; I move that an ordinance "Tevathan lot r -e trr � J <^ur^- ^-ntit.ierl; "Ai! Oi;DiPIA;:CE ACCEPTIilG TIIE 0rFE; 0'r' ED D. 71iE""tdA—MA3: AND HI3 71iFE, OPiIIb' '.03e1 '7r its CITY OF PADUCAH FOR 7,I3 3g.:' 0.` 1-1250.00 A LOT 30 YEET III 1., TPIL REAR OF THE LOT AT 1535 PARK AVENUE II, SAID Ci'P"i _ ...:i :..._ .,... ..:C..: C_..,. MU, AND AUTPIOPII: 111 .1 Yrs ACCEPT ANCE Oi• A DG:D TO i ZA:L ..., ::;Pr', hn ❑:e Lter-. Adopted on Call of the Roll, Yeas, Commisaloners 1 r1ePIarc:or, Jahnat-.n, .;Ima, .UIlnm3 and tayor Seaton (5). Purchase lots3% Liayor :.eaten o;'ferod ti,e follo+fin,,,.lot loll. I move tl:at an ordinance entitled:; for Cenetery purposes ha C- T G c:R (�. A. + ; , � t1sL FOR 'ilia .,aLi•: 7'C 'rein CITY Ob F'ADi,GAii; 10, 11 A- 17 in .,_. ,.G. 2, ;AC 1, 2, 3. 4, .. b, C, 7, °c a t IN _Lrrsr 4 r... ... ..:.. 1, 2, , `,, 7 R 13 L', DOCK 17o. 3 IN 1iIT`I T'.ORE'.i 1 NGP,1'? _..� t. :i a i L:: . ' :._ .. A :' Gr ...... ..... .... .. . ..., i. i r G.';AID AD i rioP: IiLCOIiDcD ICE, .1 rdJrRiAriP:s ., ., ..,.;L FOR SAID i.01.'J :.. :. .............. ._.„ _ .. _.::• :'(", Le lntroduce3 .. _.. .._. .. .,...,.. .n trio c �-;'steel form Iii =• .. _. r.a:-.�..._. .. tea :.. ^all :,z the .:oll, teas, NO 12.10 Proceedin8i of card of fonlissioners City of Paducah February 12th 1946 I Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, ,illiams and Mayor Seaton (5). Deeds to Commissioner Johnston offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance j.71. ovd ...,.Scanlon entitled: "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING TILE SALE TO LESLIE F. SCANLON OF T,'!0 LOTS Oil '.R.:sten R Lstes KENTUCKY AVENUE EETWEEN 28th & 29th STREETS; ALSO 'PHS SALE TO JOSEPH W. BOYD OF LOTS '29, 30, 31 & 32 IN BLOCK 2 Oil CLAY STREET BEYOND 21st STREET; ALSO THE SALE TO .1. R. ESTES OF LOT 7 IN BLOCK "G" ON VIRGINIA STREET; AND ALSO THE :TALE TO WILSOPI R. ESTES OF LOT 7 IN BLOCK "I" ON MISSISSIPPI STIIEET; AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO —MCUTE PROPER INSTRUMENTS OF CONVEYANCE TO SAID PROPERTY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, ailliams and Payor Seaton (5). Purchase v Payor Seaton offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance entitled: rower from ;tihayne Supply "AS ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE BID OF THE ROY C. VHAYNE SUPPLY COIdPANY OF LOUISVILLE, Cc KENTUCKY, FOR THE PURCHASE BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH OF A POWER MOVIER WITH A FIVE FOOT C RAR, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF SAID MG -VER", be introduced and remain on file for not less than one (1) week for public inspection in the completed form in which it shall be put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeaa, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, :ash Sims, Williams and Vayor Seaton (5). ' i' 7-Andow Commissioner Friedlander offered the following motion: WHEREAS, it is believed 7o:•r:: town -iatrict that the Eoard of Commissioners of the City of Paducah may have heretofore passed an ordinance providing that it shall be unlawful for any person to clean store -windows and sidewalks at any time after 7:00 o'clock A.M.; and, 1TMEA3, an investigation has been made by the City Clerk and he reports to the Board of Commissioners that he has been unable to find the ordinance referred to; and ::':`EI AS, the only ordinance pertaining to the cleaning of streets was one adopts on 1pril 10th, 1926 which contains the following provision: "It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation in the City of Paducah to sweep or dump trash, dirt, paper or waste material of any character, or to empty or throw slop or wash water of any character into or upon the streets, gutters or sidewalks of said city, from any store, dwelling or other place o£ habitation within the inner or outer fire district in the City of 1 ducah as established and fixed b, the ordinances of said city." A'1^. r.': 71E.3, the Retail i.+orchants association are protecting against any restriction -laced upon merchants which would prohibit them from waahin^ their wirdovru t*erefore rove that the `1111f of Police be requested to advise any merchant interested in the matter that, as far as can be determined there is no ordinance of the City of Iaducah prohibiting the washln,^ of store windows after 7 A.*Z. and that the .-,':Salem of the above quoted ordinance are the only provisions now In effect to the washing of winlows ana thf -leaning of streets. Xlopted on call 'leas, Co�-1 aiorers efind1tr0er, Johnntrn, 31ma, ;1111irma and :rayor ..a tor, r5). n off'e re.i .. ;r..or. thht the r:Lty !'mi tin;•er be requested to °t. iprscn v... day amuei Hnret, a;•pr318c3rs _I:ointed for cir ertfe:, a Mucky Utilities Company, , a%d that a copy 'fl ::a_; . • t ducky UtilltLes roll, far, , Johnston, TTING No._ 1049 Proceedings of r...,,.a �r City of Paducah February 12, 1946 Nominate V'� D.I.. Anderson i i { i i L:ayor Joaton offered motion that the Loard of Commissioners nominate Professor D.H.Anderson, formerly associated with the lSest Kentucky industrial College, for the 31st Sningran t.:odal, which 1s a medal given annually "for the hizheat or noblest achievement by an American negro during the preceding ,year or years. Adopted on call of the Holl, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, 31ms, 'Williams and Vayor Scaton (5). J On motion the meeting adjourned. ADCPrD Z— I!j+'n 1946 A! tHOVED Ci , Clerk