HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 1042, February 5, 1946No 1042 Proceedings of Foard of Commissioners City of Paducah February 5th, 1946 At a rroCular t,?eetine of the >card of Commissioners held in the Commissioners' i Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. on February 5, 1946,1 i "ayor Seaton presided and upon call of the Roll the fo110wine answered to their names: Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, Williams and 6'ayor Seaton (4). Commissioner Johnston beinc absent (1). t'inutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. cater twin i Vn yoi• Seaton offered the following motion: Extension Rld3ewoo3 ...X.Ezell, Loren M. Jones, i+iiss Vary 'M. Dorian, Mrs. Katey Guill, Julia I. ` Ave Husbands and W. Husbands file with the Mayor and board of Commissioners a petition, i representing that each of the above named parties is the owner of the r eapective property referred to in said petition and that said property adjoins the street mentioned therein: and said parties netition the Mayor and Ooard of Commissioners to authorize the laying of a 6" water main along Ridgewood Avenue from Eucknor Lane to Court Avenuel, and then along Court Avenue westwardly to Thirty-ninth street, and thence southwardly' on South Thirty-ninth Street to the present end of South Thirty-ninth Street, a total distance of approximately 1451 feet. It appears from the endorsement by the board of Commissioners of the Paducah ,^later -orks that said request and petition complies with the franchise provisions and requirements. I, THEREFORE, t'0`!E that the petition of W.M.Ezell and others named herein be received and filed and that the Paducah ',Teter Works, throu,,h its Board of Commissioner., be authorized to lay said six inch main along Ridgewood Avenue from Bucknor Lane to Court Avenue, and thqu along Court Avenue westwardly to Thirty-ninth Street, and thence ' I southwardly on South Thirty-ninth street to the present end of South Thirty-ninth street, a total distance of approximately 1451 feet, ao as to provide water service to the lots abutting Ridgewood Avenue from Buckner Lane to Court Avenue, and then along Court Avenue westwardly to ,thirty-ninth street, and thence aouthwardly on South Thirt - ninth Street to the present end of South 'thirty-ninth Street, a total distance of ap(roxirately 1451 feet. I further move that the adoption of this resolution and the ,-ranting of the recr.est contained in said petition be considered as an agreomont on the part of the ^.lty of ;aduoah to nay the fire hydrant and water main rontal, as provided In the francP.nae on the pipe line and connection referred to in the petition, said rontuls tO Lo:!n wh^.n. gain Nater main has been laid and wator Provided for on said Ridgewood A7erue, aul,' "ourt Avenue, or,! said South Thirty-ninth Street. Adopted on call of the i Roll, :••as, Co^-::^.:ionnrs .r!e,'lander, Zino, .,_].liana and Mayor Seaton (5). Se 1lets^c^r.ia^,inner wiro offered r:otirn that the Corporation poundal p •epare for 4. Loy,! !..^.trod•:^_t: n at the next meat-.:., an Ordinanr.n, authorizln; the sale of the following 's tes A....--9tea prej:Arty': ;.etc cc the s;: t! slte of {nntucky Avonun i:o tw+r ,in E(3 th Y. ^0th tree t, t0 eslie ;canlon f �r the aur. of ;45C.(0 raat:. I _ 2k 2 or. the .)ath of"e Of Clay utreet t,eyond 21st I .se;,h ,i, r.o ,..s. sum Of , ...."; cash. Lf ,!r,'^i;; ..freer t 3atns :'or the a';- :f ;` ;y' . to ;.al! ir. cunh: a:., thr; u,lnnee at. t. _ rate of _st in Flows a91i tO „llssn f:. _.at es for the sun c' $20.. .. ... c;s ar.d t'na talar. 1�, . ^.e .._:erect".. No. 1043 Proceedings of Foard of Commissioners Clty of Paducah February 5th. 1946 i Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, Williams and ).%yor Seaton (4). St. Dept �� ii Commissioner Sims offered motion that the report of the Street Department fol Report 'fear 1945 the year 1945 be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Corm issionels Firedlacder, Sims, Williams and Mayor Seaton (4). Dr. Eass' ✓ h .i Commissioner Sims offered motion that the report of Dr. 1.J.Eaas, City Report Jan. 1946 Physician for the month of January, 1946, be received. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, •Williams and Mayor Seaton (4). Ilil + Fire Dept. Commissioner V+illisms offered motion that the reports of Oak Grove Cemetery Cak Grove ✓ Reports Jan and the Tire Department for the month of January 1946, be received. Adopted on call 1996 ! i! of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, Williams and Mayor Seaton (4). U.S.Engineersli Commissioner 7.illiams offered motion that the yoard of Commissioners Constructs' Dolphins receive and file the letter of T.A.Dradley, City Engineer, with reference to the requ4 at on River bank) j of the United States Engineer's Office for permission to construct a cable and hdolphins on and abutting the ri er front of e p g g portion of the property belonging to thti ICity i of Paducah on Meyers street, together with the plat referred to in said letter. I further move that the request of the United States E'ngineer's Office be granted and that they be permitted to construct an underground and overhead cable !I �I over and across the property of the City of Paducah as shown on said plat, and also five (5) piling clusters on the river front at the points shown on said plat, provided the United Staten Engineer's office agrees to remove said cable and dolphins at any time it may be requested by the City of Paducah to do so. Adopted on call of the Ro 1 i Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, maims, ailliams and lda.yor Seaton (4). Investigate i �' Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that the City :tanager be requested t pure r ase of ✓✓✓ Fire trucks II communicate with officials of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, or other officials from 30'17 of of the government who have charge of the disposal of materials and equipment at .th-r— i plant of the Kentucky Ordnance Works, and ascertain if the three fire trucks can be purchased at this time and, if so, the expense the city of Paducah would be required to incur for the purchase of said trucks. Adopted on call of the Roll, yens, j Commissioners Friedlander, aims, Tlllliama and t.:ayor Seaton (4). i ^,^r;etery deed, v / Commissloner Friedlander offered motion that deed granted to Charles L. J ^has :. ==one Amy P,uttle Simmons, Amy Ruttle and Frances Preyer for 20x20 feet on the aouthweat corner of Lot Fiances Yrnyor :21, Clock 29 on Hope Avenue in Cak Grove Cemetery, upon payment of 150.00 to the City Treasurer, be a,proved. Adopted on call of the loll, Yeas, Commissioners J rSefllander, Lies, ..illisms and Slayor Seaton (4). Payroll last Co^misalorer Friedlander offered motion that the payroll for the loot half holt January 194 of January, 1945.to allowed in the amount of ;12,144.45, and that the City Trouaurer j Le authorized t guy the nano Ly checks drawn on the General Fund. Adopted on all :. the ::r,l.l, yeas, Car:7:analon•.rs Frledlur:der, Sims, 1-1111ams and A:ayar .:eaton (4). Nater Co. Ca nl!asioner erledlandor offered motion that the :Snanclal ftorort of the Dec. 1:45 Fa::^_an .star t;or'a f;r the month of Goceir.ter, 1v45, t.o received unci filed. Adopted in nail rf the Roll, 'leas, Com:r.i�iaionera Friedlander, 3Sms, V,111iam3 ural de;,•or ,ear.^r, iii. NO. 1c".4 Proceedings o% Fonrd of Comminsioners City of Paducah February 5th, 1946 Arcert Commissioner Friedlander offered the following motion: WHEREAS, the Mmerican ,,merican Nat. Insurance National Insurance Company of Galveston, Texas dispatched by air mail to Grady C.Collins, ^heck V without its agent at Iaducah on January 29th, 1945, a check for w125.00 in payment of city penalty occupational license taxes for the year 1946, but said letter was not received until after February 1st, 1946, the date on which penalties are collectible for liconae3 not paid dl -.rine January; and, WHEREAS, it appears from the letter written by A.P.Wurth, Assistant Post- -.aster at Paducah, that said letter would have been received by the said Grady C. Coll ns in time for payment of said taxes prior to February 1st if the same had not been un- avoidably delayed in its transmission to Paducah; I move that the aforesaid letter of A.Y.Wurth dated February 5th be received and filed and that the City Treasurer be directed to accept of the American National Life Insurance Company its check for 4.125.00 and to issue to said company a license to engage in the insurance business for the year 1946. Adopted on ca.;l of the Roll, Year, Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, Williams and Mayor Seaton (4). Tetters to✓ Mayor Seaton offered motion that the letter of the Hon. Eldon S. Dummit, Atty 3el. Tie- police Attorney General, dated January 30th, 1946, and the letter of Adrian H. Terrell written & firemen Injured to the Mayor and Board of Commissioners, and a copy of the said Adrian H. Terrell's letter to the Ron. Eldon S. Dummit, dated February 4th with reference to the legality of laying the regular salary and hospital and medioal expenses of disabled policemen and firemen, be received and filed. Adapted on call of the Roll, Yens, Cooumissioners Friedlander, Sims, :lilliams and L?ayor Seaton (4). Letter "t. 119yor a^eatcn offered motion that the -Gard of Commissioners receive and file 7Prrell v 'e -Advance- the letter of Adrian H. Terrell, Attorney for the City of Paducah, in which he ^nt 1 0 ice �. fir,:ren reco=ends the procedure to be followed if the rules of civil service are to be changed in order to permit the oldest member in point of service in the police or fire depart- ment to fill a vacancy created in such department. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, Williams and Payor Seaton (4). Reappoint 1z Mayor Seaton made the following appointment: It appearing that the term of E.3.Enrger Electric office of E.S.Barger as a member of the Electric Ila�tt Board of the City of Paducah, Flant oard ?entucky, will expire on February 6th, 1946; I move that the said E.S.Earger be reappointed to serve as a membor of the i Sler.tr!c dant f-oard of the City of Paducah, Kentucky for a further period of four (4) years, 35 that said Loard as no:: constituted shall be composed of the following members - Jr hn ember's:John w^ase term expires February 6th, 1947 "nr.Y whose tern erplre3 February 6th, 1948 `nloht whose term.. expires February Gth, 1949 `^3 to:m. ecnirOr February rth, 1950 will serve luring the period of his City ?'ar.a£er :1; ped ::ayno C. :;oaton, Mayor ::1r-4 Of fared motion that th,. ;.oard o1' Commis atone.rs approve tt.e a-:po!nt-en+ of n'.3.rarner to Serve ss a memtxr oi• the i?loctrlc Plant t.oard of the '1ty ,f is^::rah fOr a f!'rt-er term of foar (4) years, b0pinning Pebruary 6th, 1946, eo t.cat 3518 t;carl 63 'nib r,n3tlr ted shall '-a r.omr,oso+; of tt:e following memt,ers: : .. .._ ... 194°1 .... IB�Cr ..;eat,Z E4j. 1�4 No. 1045 Proceedings of board of Commissioners City of Paducah February 5th, 1946 Reappoint a Mayor Seaton offered the following motion: S.h"..Lock R.H.Beck The terms of office of S. M. Lock and Russell Beck as members of the City of Paducah Hospital Board Vunicipal Hospital Commission having expired on December 31st, 1945, I move that the said S. L.. Lock and Russell H. Beck be reappointed to serve for a further term of �i three (3) years beginning December 31st, 1945, so that said ooard as now constituted shall be composed of the following members: Ewing Gilson, whose term expires on December 31st, 1946 i C. F. Boyles, whose term expires on December 31st, 1946 � 12rs. Ii.T.Rivers, whose term expires on December 31st, 1947 jlM.rs. Sidney Loeb, whose term expires on December 31st, 1947 i I� Rev. Custis Fletcher, whose term expires on December 31st, 1947 S. M. Lock, whose term Expires on December 31st, 1948 Russell H. Beck, whose term expires on December 31st, 1948. it Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, 'Williams and Mayor Seaton (4). Amend Police! Commissioner Sims offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance Ordinance !' entitled: "AN O'DINANCE AMENDING SECTION 2 OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: 'AN ORDINANCE ; PRESCRIBING RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE POLICE DEPAR714ENT OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH i AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT Ti.ERE!1ITH3, 1:7HICH WAS ADOPTED BY THE L-OARD 0 CO1,R1I3SIONERS ON SEPTE6iBER 29th, 1936 AND AMENDED ON JANUARY 15th, 1946", be IIintroduced and remain on file for public inspection at leasttxro weeks before being put upon its final passage. Lost on call'of the.lioll,'Yoaa, Commissionora :. Sima' ::7illlamb,'1,Idyo-0ommiasiddor Ibiedlandor'and iayor Heaton. 4. Amend Fire Commissioner Nilliams offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance Dept. Ord. 'JI entitled: "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 2 OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: 'AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE FIRE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, ArD REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITTI', NHICH WAS ADOP; FED by THE LOARD OF COt7.;I33IONERS ON JUNE 16th, 1937 AND;AMENDED ON AUGUST 11, 194211, be introduced and remain on file for public inspection at least 30 days before being put upon its final passage. Lost on call of the'Iill,'Ycas, Commissioners Sims and Y1111ioms (2) Nays, Commissioner r icdlander and;r9ayo ;:!salon (2). A. cre lets to Mayor Seaton offered the following motion: I move that an ordinnnce ontitledy E.1� O;� AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SALE TO A. B. MOORE OF' LO -73 9, 10 & 11 IN LLOCIC 1 ON Ter' a� CALDIIELL AVENUE; ALSO THE SALE TO ANNIE M,AE PARHAM, OF LOT 17 IN J: LOCK v ON li00.1E 37R FET IN TITS CITY 0; PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND AUTHORIZING THE !AYOR AND C1'rt CLERH TO FXECUT7 ...Z1.rRU.1.Lt,T3 OF CONVEYANCE TO SAID PKOP12-1_", be adopted. I A^_opted on mall Of tho Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, Williams and •'ayor ..gator. (4). ' ..ettera to Coe._—isstorer .din offered motion that the Mayor be authorized to write lottora All yoy;ra it '?y C.;.rcae v to the ;'agora of all other r,itl9a of Kentucky, urging them to oppose the passage of enete 1111 :c• 4E innate _ill No. 48 ane t, get In tOuch with their senators ad representatives for assistance in the leFl:;leture to •!efetUt th!, pasan(;e of the bill. Adopted on call of i the :=012, Yeas, r3=Assionera Frladland,)r, :;tr..a, Williams and Mayor aoatcn (4). motion the r..c-etir.�! ad.lourned. ,.oyer G Lt6sy�