HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 1039, January 29, 19461039 Proceedings of_Hoa1'd_9� Coamissioners _City of Paducah January 29th, 1946 At a hegular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the CommissionersF Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. on January 29th, 194 , Mayor Seaton presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their nemas: � Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Dims, Williams and Mayor Seaton (5). Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. Sell lots to Commissioner Sims offered motion that the Corporation Counsel prepare for intro Annie Yae Parham A.B—Moore duction at the next meeting an ordinance authorizing the sale of the followings property: Lot 17, Block 5 on Boone Street to Annie Mae Parham for the sum of $50.00, X20.00 to be paid in cash and the balance at the rate of x5.00 per month with 6% interest. Lots 9, 10 and 11 in Block 1 on Caldwell Avenue to A.B.Moore for the sum of .$275.00, $100.00 to be paid in cash and the balance at the rate of :25.00 per month with 6% interest. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, Williams and Nayor Seaton (5). Lease to Govt. �' Commissioner Williams offered motion that the Agreement entered into between 215 S 3rd St. the City of Paducah and the United States Government, whereby the property located at 215 South Third Street is leased to the Government for use as a prophylactic station, ; be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, Hilliams and Mayor Seaton (5). Police Dept. ` Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the report of the Police Department report year 1945 for the year 1945 be received. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, Williams and Mayor Seaton (5). "*star:fain ,/I�, Commissioner Friedlander offered the following motion: Ida Howard, Edward Tully St Howard, Jamie F. Baker, 011is Thomasson, Meledia Jones, Annie Parker, Harry Green, Raymond Griffin, George Wiggins, James C. Smith, Richard Watkins and Clarence Pryoe file with the Mayor and 'oard of Commissioners a petition, representing that each of the above named parties is the owner of the respective property referred to in said petition and that said property adjoins the street mentioned therein; and said parties petition the Mayor and hoard of Commissioners to authorize the laying of a 6" water Train along Tully Street from Yeiser to Vaughn and on Vaughn Street from Tully Street to 14i;dred street, a distance of approximately 1,115 feet. It appears from the endorsement of the Board of Commissioners of the Paducah Hater Forks that said request and petition complies with the franchise provision and re,ulrements. I THEREr'ORE, MOVE that the petition of Ida Howard and others named herein be i rorelved and filed and that the Paducah :,'star Works, through its Eoard of Commissioners, be authorizad to lay said six inch main along Tully Street from Yelser to Vaughn and on Vaughn tr�et from Tully Strout to Mildred Street, a distance of approximately 1,115 :'oat, 30 as to provide water service to the lots abutting Tully street from !eller to Vaughan and on Vaunhnn ::treat from Tully Street to Mildred --treat, a dlstanco 0f asp:loxlrately 1,115 rxiot. . furtner cove that the adaption of this resolution and the Erantlnr of the rll%est contained In said petltlnn Lo r.0nsidored as an, arreomont on the part of the City of !aOdUeah to pay the f1ro hydrant and water main rental, as provided in tha franct:iae or. the ;,Ipe line and connr,atiOn roforred to in the petition, sold rentala .0 Legh s�Fn as id Fater :.air, has Leer, laid a:,:: water- providod for on said Tully Street fr-m !Hlser to nn Vaughn .;treat frcm `u'ly .street to Vildred Street. A%'%^:c3 an rail of the Floll, Leas, CO=,Is3l0ners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, Williams fl r:'1 aA;i a ..eat:.. 15,1 , NO. 1040 Proceedin6s of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah January 29th, 1946 Sosnital Commissioner Mriedlander offered motion that the Audit Report of Riverside Audit 1945 Hospital for the Fiscal Year en(ling September 30th, 1945, as prepared by blorris A. Leg, Certified Public Accountant, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, Williams and Mayor Seaton (5). Ed of Equal; Mayor Seaton offered motion that the Board of Equalization having requested an zxtension of Time extension of time in order to arrive at the fair and equal valuation of property in the i City of Paducah for purposes of taxation, and requisted that an extension be granted � until t:arch 1st, 1946; I move that the request of the +-card of Equalization be received and filed, J and that the present session of said board be extended to Parch let, 1946 in which to complete their work and hear complaints and dispose of all matters to be presented to said board. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, -'illiams and Mayor Seaton (5). i Lock Boxes Mayor Seaton offered motion that the board of Commissioners receive and file Henay Collins Keys -Receipts a copy of the receipt given by Henry Collins, City Treasurer, to Bess B. AZisham, former City Treasurer, for the two (2) keys to the city's lock box at the Peoples National Bank, which lock box contains the securities listed in said receipt; also the receipt given by Henry Collins, City Treasurer, to Bess B. Washam, former City Treasurer, for the two (2) keys to the city's lock box at the Citizens Savings Bank, which lock box contains the securities listed in said receipt, and also the receipt Liven by Eenry Collins, City Treasurer, to Bess B. 17asham, former City Treasurer, for the lock box containing the cashier's Fund in the sum of ,500.00 cash and receipts in the office of the City Treasurer of Paducah, Kentucky. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, 'Williams and Mayor Seaton (5). i Bida on !,%yor Seaton offered the following motion: I move that a Resolution entitledt Power '..!ower "A RESOLUTION AUTr:ORIZING AND EMPOWERING H. G. MCEL7WEE, CITY MANAGER, TO RECEIVE i BIDS FOR THE FURCHASE OF ONE (1) POINER MOWER WITH 5 FOOT CUTTING BAR; AND PRESCRIEING! ME MA!NER IN 7,HI1H SUCH BIDS SHALL BE RECEIVED", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims. 'Williams and A:ayor Seaton 15). !forth 13th !:ayor Seaton offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance entitledtf ct Zoned .i Laalnesa "A'; O-DINANCE Al PROVING 71113 I-INAL REPORT OF TM CITY PLANNING AND ZONING COMIISSION PPOVIDIN; FOR 7'1F: ZONIN; OF CERTAIN PROPERTY ON NORTH THIRTEENTH STREET FOR BUSINESS rURFOSES, A:.D PRE.^:CRIE-ING THE FE`:ALTZ TO BE IMPOSED FOR VIOLATION OF THE RESTRICTIONS, SET FORTH IN A SEZILUTIO:; ADOPT= BY THE CITY PLANNIZIG AND ZONING COLI"I3SION ON JANIZARY 23th, 1340", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commiaatoners `rrledl„n*?e r, Jo has tor., S1^a, .Wl/liars and !'nyor Seaton (5). ;'ayor .Paton offered tk:e follcw.ng, motion: I move that an ordinance entitled: ; rcn? ;r. !.`.Dore "AN C' ;A':S AL FiCR_'ZI!., 7HE :;ALE T .':A::T.'C!1 C. L".00RE OF LOT 7, LLCCi; 2 OF EDYD I::: C!; TO idS ^,IW OY I'ADUCAE, ta2!:7UCY'Y; A::.) AWL1101MIN", :9SMAYOR AND Cl -TY TC A DgED OF CON:E'CA:^,E 10 .:Ail, 1;:!i;:;t;.Y", be adopted. Adoptad on call of the O` 1, Yeas, Coxr..iaslcners , r le�!Iandcr, Johnston, 1ma, 'Williaa:a and Vayor Seat... ,i). NO, 104b Proceedings of Board of Commissioners __City of Paducah_January 29th. 1946 Approve Flat Jackson St Mayor Seaton offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance entitled: "AH ORDINANCE APPROVING THE PLAT OF THE SUBDIVISION OF PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF JACKSON STREET BETWEEN 29TH STREET. AND THE P & I RAILROAD IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, WHICH "JAS ACCEPTED BY THE CITY PLANNING AND 'ZONING COMMIialON BY ITS FI2TAL REPORT EMBODIED IN A RESOLUTION ADOPTED ON JANUARY 29th, 1946", be Adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, 'JJilliams and Mayor Seaton (5). On motion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED _'7), _ S �6� _ ^1946 APPROVED 1. ye' G ric r