HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 1033, January 15, 1946No._
Proceedings of bard of Co a3sioners City of Paducah January 15th,
At a Revl:lar i'cetlnC of ve 3oard of Commiaaionora hold in Lh,, Cor. isaioner.,'
nhambor at t'.c Clty fall, Paducah, ltentucky, at 7:30 o'clock f.':. on Jcnuary 1.5, 1J,:G,
':a or Seaton presided and upon ,all of the loll the folio::inZ anuworod to their mn,ea:
�o::ci:aloncrs _.is:?lander, Johnston, 3irm, dillismr and 4ayor :;oaton (5).
!inutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read.
:'-e- not Conmissionor Vallisms offered motion that the City i:anager Le requested to includ
to -coed
3000.CO in his budget he will prepare a submit to the Loard of Commissioners for approval In
1946 an appropriation not to exceed the sum of ;,3000.00 for the purchoao of a baro
to serve no a lsndine-dock for boats which tie up at the shore line of the river for
stores. Adopted on call of the roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Lima
'.:illisms and ''ayor Seaton (5).
Zell lots t{ Commissioner Sims : offered motion that the Cor,:•oration Counsel prepara for
Sertha Shelton
Tillis H. Dowel introduction at the ne::t meetln0 an ordinance authorizing the sale of the IollominL
1:. 33 tea I
^arles !oyd i property:
'Procter !"arshally
Lot 3, Elk F on 1,:isslnsippi Street to '!va. `:ortha Shelton for x;40.00 cash
Lots 4 & 5, Elk F on :.:inalssippi Street to ':;illis ii. Dowell for 75.00 cash
Lot 9, Blk I, on 3nai'aipni street to "rtes for 20.00 cash
Lok 9, Elk H, " " " " - " 20.00 cash
Lot 9, Lllc 1I, " " ° " " " 20.00 cash
i.ot 3, Elk C, on Vir,^inia ;treat to :. . L'atea for 25.00 cash
Lot 4, El!; n; rr „ 't „ :: r, ;; :1 25.00 cash
Lot 5, Llk " " " " " " " 25.00 cash
Lot 8, 'lk E, on ;'iraissippi Street to Charles Loyd for 25.CO cash
�! Lot 9, L•lk E " " " " " " " " " 25.00 Cash
L6t 10 :ak E, " u n u n n n u " u ,r
25. C0 cash
Lot I, _F2 "i I, „ „
20.00 cas'.1
Lot , elk I, u n n n n n n u n n 20.20 baa it
Lot 3, 21k I, n u u n 20.00 nLii
Lot 4, L1% I, n n n n n n n 20. CO cc.c;h
Lot 1, El ° " n u n n n n n 20.i`0 cash
v u n u n
Lot 2 elk it, „ u „ n r' 20.;.0 cusp
n , n n :, n n n :, n
Lot 3, _11k F, :: 0.0 car:t
Lot 5 E1k H,<^O.GO Ct,ail
7 ;r ,
Lot C Elk _ 20.00 caah.
i.ot'10 ilk i1, " Jircinia :itreet to Charles Boyd for 20.OJ cash
LOt 71 'rlk 20. 00 cash
Lot 12 slit L', ° n n n n „ „ n n X0.00 Cash
Lot 13 Plk i:, n n n u u „ u u 20.::0 cash
Lot 1.1, 2O.tU cash
Lot 1- !:lk H n u u a u n n
Lot. 16 1': il, „ u „ „ �O.'0 cash
Lot 17 20. J0 earl,
^0.00 cash
Lot 13 Ir sc tar: 1 arst:al'_ for v0 cash
05.,.0 aaah
Adan a; 1o f the :;all, ",carp
r ,,'a a,'fere:1 motlon ^_rt ,. inn
^,at ^In0 r f. 13 rra 1 s
r^lcept :*e't:e- :ettnr ,: :;eccm. er _.., 10:5, addras„ed to t`,
:n21er's 10t!1, 1948, nnct :'r. i.a.cll'„ unuiry 1.11h
:nj-yr: 1rar..,.i:::,i.onc_:.
:t ona1 license laxas 1 „
'or taxes t-, and OSnlu;ir� L'!h
vo er Le ilvorl oro• l't '•,. ,5+.:' ,thn F.
brat th9 reoa:nte:i :.Ells to Ratty• n sz !,:.r- _ :
.. ..._.-._._ - .. ..- .. .._ _. _.. ..,. .,. ,...ion
Proceedings of 1 ='n'z' City of Paducah
cf t.i:e ::a tar -pin uncrr ho or11n:3ncoo , cl° t:n,, to the furniahin e." :inter to 1nhaLltar:ta
of t e city, 1 move that the Commiss.onero of the iaducah ':•iter-rrorl(s be requeated to
lnv 1.hc ngins and furnish the connections required for ftwnlaiiln_, such cervico.
tc -n call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners iTriedlander, Johnston, ins, ;;111ian;l,
lot/ �issior•.er Johnston offered motion that the City I.:anagcr ie authorized to arri nye
- ✓
t!:a -urchase from The Tradin€ Corporation for .;350.60 the lot 50.01 feet in width
.... :;out!: e_, of •raahin-,ton Street and runninZ bac;( for depth 220.8 feet, ::aid to
_n- a ar"'.an of 29th Otrcot if sold street were ontended from Clar':( Street to
-ovide!I the `!rac'.in" Cor»oratLon is seized of a Zood and valid tit. o.
is no -c ::hat: 11' The Tradinr- Col -ovation is seized of a .:o ad alit: valid t11e
n:•at_on Counac'_ 7a:•acarn an wdinnnco authorinia; the acceptance of a dee to
on i)tod on call of the Poll, Yeas, Comrainsionors Friedlander, Johnat n,
]flans gnu '"ayor ;cst�n (5).
"n izaorer Friedlander o[_cred notion that the Lcard o1- Corc.:is-loners receive
letter of :`r. F. 4. YcSlwee, City Tanager, regardin the probable coat
:unvin,- prepared In pamphlet form all ordinancea of the City of Paducah now in
ff'cct. Adopted on call of the i(oll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston,
Limn, ':111.ians and Yayor 'Seaton (5).
- / Cornnir-sloner Friedlander offered :notion that the letter of Adrian f:. Terrell,
✓ Attorney for the Cit;; of ,a:ucah, in :`.-Ich he adviaea the Loard of co mi::sioners of
_.. -pinion c-neercin_ the validity of purchasin* property for cemetery pur osoa
:^ .- �ptmon o. ;!:o a ;o:•tlonment ordlnan^e fez, the year 1WA, be received and
Led on �a 1 o" !.. ':oll, 1'oaa, Commionionorn _riori1 ndcr, Johnston,
:L na that the rosilution o:' tl_a National Aaaoclatson
regoo3tin'- the of Cor.;-ai::nionerz t, nroti:
... a'. lnoot four negro police oY:lccr. „aid city in the event
t.!^„ roraonnel of the 1 olice .?c;,art..m:ni ;, nq-ed to the City
1 0:' the Roll, Ynas, Co....i.i .,_nu - yio land r, Johnaton,
;'.'. lnz motion: :ic:,s at .:n
naCer'a o:ficc
:far to obtain c.. u:chnyo
,ycn the izq of
' a:mnn,
Proceedings of : e^rri pi' :.o,tU. n-'oncrs City of Paducah innunry i::: ti , 1;-:C
pp authorinin • the arpr opriat-on of n sufi 1,iait amount o[:roncy for .pa; :crit 01' the
uIu' purchase price o!' said proporty. adopted on call. of the roll, Zeus, Coalml—;Ion�:ra
Friedlander, Johnat,n, jims, i'.11liams and 'ayor „oaton (5).
7-1 k -a,or dcaton offered motion that the Loard of Comml:.s:onors receive and 1'lle the
ac'r.- a -F
it=.oc l r b^r n:' �,harl^.a 2. Lsr:rence, Jr., Director of Po^ion VIII, 1-odera1 PuLlic aou::Inc
�o--Ity, in shish he explains the oi'for of the ';overnmont to aaalat cities and othe
li_Sule a,-^ncles in the Ievclopmeint a•d managemant of temporary houoln" facilities
for 'istrersed families service ricn and veterans and their families, and that
1:cElr:ee, Schultz i:i,-rs, Chsrlcs Ca•.iycr, Jilao Z. Nitchell, . J. Pierce and
;rcen be a:nointod to serve as a eo:.uaittoe for the nur..ose of ma'rin; an
lncestl_AL•ion an: reportlnL to the Lonrd wether such housin- facilitios arc needed
in Caducah, the ?:ayor to serve as ex -officio member of said cor:clit tee to Lo %norm
as "The Ceterans I? -)using Com:nittoe, and ll. G. '1c811eee to act as chairmon of said
Cor:mittee. Adopted on call of the 2011, Ycas, Commissioners Yviodlander, Johnston,
.:111iams and :'a,or ;9eaton (5).
letter of ::ayor Seaton offered motion that the letter of .,drlan Il. Darrell, Attorney for
"r. '_errcll
eKnl0yin the City of Yaducaiz, with reference t0 the rl-tt of the city to employ additional
ariditional police officers before the adoption of the a:\iortionmant ordinance for 1956 us
received or.,' riled. Adopted on all oi' the &oll, teas, Commissioners Friedlander,
Johnston, 31.ns, '':ialinms and ? ayor Seaton (5).
r of r Commissioner Talliams orfcred motion that the letter of Dr. J. S. Spied of
-. "lay II rn•,pte:l,s Clinic, ?'emphio, Tecnessee, with reference tp the prose it cen;;itIon of
James Clsy, a police officer of the City of lad cah :rl:o received :+nriou^ inju^_ea In
a rotore,-ele aceilent sordtiri5 r.,Zo, ':c rcceivod s::d filed. Adopted on call o -r the
Yeas, Co:.:_i s.oncrs lerieifilander, Johnston, Jims, '.:i_liama and :•ayor 3caton (5).
n I :❑,•or Seaton offered the follo::ir. motion: I move that 0 :csolution enticL-d:
_..,� .. .. ._.... .. .'L _ _. ._.... t .... , �...I .�.. ,. :1 i .. ..� C_. s,:LL`.✓ ... JR U'•1._ tt..D .....�
m , .. ( ) o. ...