HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 1025, December 26, 1945NO. lcpb Proceedings of "nar,1 2 -p, I`uqlon­ij City qfPaducah L:,45 At n -Se�ular ­!otlnt^if the Loard of CorLmlauloncra held in the ComA_;j:,)nsr,,31 Cnn:-tor at the City Hlla1 , Faducah, :nntucicy, at 7:30 o'cloc!, r.'. on ccovabor 20, 1jC5 z:,),, :;caton presided and upon Pull of the Goll the folloaln.- answered to their rnv%oa: C, ­i:isionars Johnston, ?ulliam and Tayor -;oaton, (3), Com,,Annionoro fierce and :er beim absent (2). n !.Iriutoo of the previous mcatin.- vere adopted an read. -n-7—It Co .-tiosioner Johnston offered motion that the AmondoJ Lrreemcnt entered ;nLo -1­_-�ri,nt between the City of iaducah and the City of Paducah 7.,.unicipal Houlin.- Co;ii;n":;i,)n dated Decomber 4th, 1945, be received and f-Iled. Adapted on call of the i'.011, Z(,33, rommissioners Johnston, Fulliam and i.'ayor Lenten (3). Receive ^as Y.9yor ;caton offered motion t.at the bids submitted by :.:id -Continent Fetr*leum Oil bids Corporation, Standard Oil Company and shell Oil Company for furnishln_ the city Its requirement of 7asollne and motor oil for the four (4) month period be,-Innini- January 1st, 1946, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Convilasionoro Johnston, i'ulliom and 1'ayor ,'caton (3). -:-Dint 1// !,.ayor Seaton offered motion that Chas Vandevelde, C. -as, and CeorCe 'alcor of =coal. be appointed to nerve as nem�ors of the Loard of Lilializors of the City of I-aducah r -r the year of 1046, and that the members of said board, after beitp- first duly 3r -,Orn to faithfully to meet at the City ..all on IL tl:c ::on,:ay in January, 10465, and to proceed with the equal1;.,Ln:: of ::ts �nn I in a, i0i, in r, Li,. of :-n '_Dor,7 Shull. 'recolvo for thcIr i:-InlatLon :,oc 1,,!opt,0i on ,-rill of tl,-.i ,011, ,o :hnjton, lulliam arid n,;or -oaton (3). 7 7:1,3r ronmis3ioner Johnston offered :notion that an ordinance unLltl-:d: i;..,.. ':i" CRf Oz Iiii i 1T.1 ZL, _L: 1ti., 10.. "0, ;71' .,T on call of the -011, Yeas, C011LIA:1.1110nora Johnrtc,n, r 1 one r Johnston o:fo�­)(l the followin: motion: ,,co A,,T.'7O',:I,1*.;_' 0:1i VAX:', LOC,',T:.*_ A C 'li-i C and :'a.for t NO Proceedings of City of Paducah n v,: 13 dint ion: I movo int an ordinance enL.tl -11� �' ' A LOT OUN JID�, Or f' 3'1 1 z,Djrj;1, NLI 31, AND C L EC y" �AID j7�,P.ffj adopted. Adopted on call o; the Roll, Yeas, Commissioncro Johnston, Iulllam 'eatzn (3). -r.;-or "citon offered the folloviine? motion: I move that an ordinance ontlLlf A, 1::Al. RE! ORT OF TIM CITY t-LAI;�M;(i A -D ZOI.1113 CO:, I -310',v 7 7 0'4: _LOOM, AVEITUE AS A K:U,;I:iE S DI.;M ICT OR 601,*E", f: 77 on call of the Roll, Yeas, ComrUssioners Johnston, Pulliam :;enton (3). On motift tho ncetinr nd:ourned, (T I