HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 1019, December 4, 1945NO. 1 ol
Proceedings of Cify of Paducah
At a I tir e t in,- o S tle :nand of Ci. -oncra holo in th,, ._Ixi Ion ara f
�, Chamfer at the L,' :f�` 1, _'Iv.clucah, :antucicy, a. 7:�C a 'cloc" P.:'. on ^orjmbor 4, 1545
'Icilton pvouildod an'3 11E.,on call of the iloll L`v) follewinr: answer :3 *-i Licir i-Me.1
Isrioner3 Johnston, fullism and :'ayor Seaton (3), Commi3 a loners Piv000 an,, ;a' -nor
'ruten of the previous mectInZ were adopted as read:
:4.. :'t !If Comrai.:sioner Johnston offered motion that the petition sl�nnd Lj John 1.ou`cno
Ifand others requesting the installation of a street liZht tit 90th and Jackson 3trteta
be received and filed, and that the City 1,'.anaror be requested to arvan,:o for the
Installation of all.,ht at that corner. Adopted on call of the Roll, YQaa,
Ii Commissioners Johnston, Pulliam and Payor Seaton (3)
C07f. %,-, Comimissloner Pulliam offered motion that the report of tan:Ire apartment
1 5 for the month of 1,.*ovember, 1945, be received. Adopted on call of the :toll, Yens,
^ommissloners Johnston, lullIam and "ayor Seaton (3).
--Oil lot toroxPisnioner Pulliamoffered motion that the Corporation Counsel prepare for
Julia ,sham
u -III"
introduction at the next moetinr an ordinance authorinin:, the sale to 1'rS. Julia
"rahan of a lot on the 'Uth side of Kentucky Lvenue between C8th and 2•tli Streets foi
the sum of „250.00, . - 55.00 to be raid in cash, 35.00 to be paid on February lot, 19,1(
and the balance at the rate of 20.00 por month—aith interest. Adopted on call of
the T?oll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pulliam and T*ayox-
leaton (3).
,7ecbtcry Deo, Commissioner 1-ulliam offered motion that deed Zranted to 'ra. ::aude cln.,:ton
'.o "rs.
Ilaxtan rl�for the East one-half of Lot IC in Bloc% I of Yopp Avenue In the : ausoloum Addition
to Oak Orove Cemetery, upon payment of 100.00 to the City lVensurer, Le U;•;rOoved.
Adopted on call of the Roll, 'teas, Commis a loners Johnston, Pulliam and :ayor .,eaton
i-nyroli !nit Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that the payroll f,r the la.aL half of
half ov, , 1"• 11:
m 1945 be a'lo,,-;e(I In the amount of ;111,212.31, and that the City Treaj rer
be authorized to pa,; the same by chec!(V drawn on the ';oneral c'und. Adopted on call
-1011, Ycan, Co:-rtissionara Johnston, Pulliam and :'ayor Soatnn (Z).
JOhn:1ton OlTored r.otlon that the letter ox*
1,,��tcr ---,t.1,- '-Innfol, Inei^h ho ndvlso;t t1j'.tf, it.
::Iz;t the City nf i -a` ucah In
et al, be re cc lvcd si n,1
nhnston, cul liam and is tIp
t n -Dfored r,.,Ot-'on t!. iiye '0 s.z-,
-':y t�.j fInrl orler and
Jul 1-t
"'Ijt Y. o: I
ul;j Lit,
'hr.4 in Tajmicr,
t.y 0z un Order
Proceedings of I—. � I � . '.' I , - "'zi City of Paducah- 7"acombor 4th, l',!e'5
action; nino '.;a autlio:izcd to lzz;ue a
or _n o.' 1,:j!,t jaortion of the costs of court chn'..-able to the Cit•
of ;,,,lucil,,. unler the r:�ovlslons of said iu0l.�mcnt; and that the amounts paid In
3 ttienent or onlrIatoc
P ,'. and court costs be char3ed otainst the amount a,��prop
to the 1 -0; -al ..'epirtment, under the ':,portionment Crdlnonce adopted In the year 1945.
or. gall of tl-.o "'Oil, Yeas, r,omitlss seers Johnston, rulliom and !.'ayo .;oaten
to Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the Corporation Counsel prepaie
for introduction at the next meeting an ordinance authorizin,' the sale of the Collowito
13hrist Steinhauer, Jr., lot at ,�822 Jefferson Street for the sum of ;;£350.00 cash.
7ra. Amanda '3'ueb7er, Lots 31 "- 32 on Clay Street for the sum of .'150.00 cash.
"illi.in Shelby, Lot 24, Hock 5 at the corner of TUllor & Fickline for the sum of
165.CO cash.
:Ts. C. L. Uardy, 100x159 feet on .,ashin-7ton between 29th F- Slat for the sum of e:50. 0
:225.00 cash, balance in -1 onth3 with .3,' Interest.
J. Tonai, Lot on south side of Kentucky -venue betv;cen 28th and 29th, for the
-ur. of 223.00, ',50.00 cash, balance at -,'15.00 per month with G", interest. Adooted
on call of the -oil, teas, Commissioners Johnston, Pulliam and 1.'ayor Seaton (3).
:.ayor Zeaten offered motion that the Board of Comiiissioners receive and
file the letter of Chief ?. W. Gholson with reference to the crowded condition whihh
exint3 at the 01' Bollifs Fome maintained by -us English at ,;215 .;outh 9th Street.
Vo, the
pted on call of Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pulliam and uayor -Caton
7ayor Seaton offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and
file the copy of the jud-crment rendered in the action of City of 1aducah vs. Carrye T.
et al. -eheren an alley was vacated, closed and discontinued as a public allay
un,lcr an or�.Ilnancc entitled: 1::C41 -,E: T�!E, CLOSIKC Oj� A IF
:-RUZ Ll:!:,". Oh Tr:lk
of lo:r:7 salonero on July 10t!:,
and file the :food of cdica L,r.
-:1ntuo'.Cy, Oated ::ove [1:1jor of
t.".c r,: , ico of the County C-ou,,-t
.,n ^,nll of the -oll, 'ieas,
NO.1 021
Proceedings of : "' ='7 n[' Cor',' -:Il ;aionors City of Paducah Lcco,n nr 1th, 1945
"ayor .cntnn n':nrc:7 t'^ mile^.int .aotinn: _ ..,,.. 111!0,ru: :. 1w, flea eati!ls::.':
v r.... ; a..r..
......, 1915 �_. CON -
A^.10:: ;) G. ;- Cr ''2u00.00", ,.c introduced and retain
i; '
on file for not less than one (1) r;,e': for public inapection in the completed form Ir
Colored Servi
^lub for '?ros
_nske td
which it :hall be put upon its final passage, and if adopted. shall Le in lull force
and effect tan (10) days thereafter. Adopted on call of the —'oil, Yeas, Corsaiaione
Johnston, Pulliam and ?:ayor :;oaton (5).
✓ Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the City of Paducah donate to the
illinois central Colored .service Club the sum or ,25.(.0 to to used by said club for
Christmas baskets to be distributed to the poor, the amount so appropriated to be
chorred to the contin^ent fund. Adopted on call of the i:oll, Yeas, Commisaioners
Johnston, Fullismand Vayor Seaton (5).
Cn motion the meetin, adjourned.