HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 1000, September 28, 1945No. 1000 Proceedings of Board Or Commissioners City of Paducah September 28th 1945 taco of vee ting ..e%j:ar of Vr. . . ?rre l l ;ar •: Collection j i At a Called Meeting of the Board of rommissloners held in the Commissioners, Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 5:00 o'clock P.M. on Sept. 28, 1945, i Payor Seaton presided and upon call of the ltoll the following answered to their names:1 Commissioners Johnston, Pulliam, aagner and Mayor Seaton (4). Commissioner Pierce being absent (1). Mayor Seaton offered motion that the notice of this meeting held on September 28th, 1945, at 5:00 o'clock P.M., which Notice has been accepted by Rudy Pierce, Commissioner of the "ity of Paducah, be received, filed and spread upon the Minutes "NOTICE OF SPECIAL OR CALUD MLETING OF BOARD OF COL.14ISSIONERS CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY TO: Yr. Rudy Pierce Commissioner City of Oaducah you will take notice that on Friday, September 28th, 1945, at tho hour of 5:00 o'clock P.M., a Special or Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners will be held in the Commissioners' Chamber at the City Rall in Paducah, Kentucky. This the 28th day of September, 1945. Signed Wayne C. Seaton Vayor, City of Paducah, R—entucky I hereby accept service of the foregoing notice of a Special or Called Meeting to be hold on September 28th, 1945, at 5:00 o'clock P.M., and I waive the service of said notice upon me by the delivery of a copy thereof to me twenty-four hours prior to the time of said meeting as required by ordinance. Subscribed and swom to by me this September 26th, 1945, at 4:20 o'clock P.:". f %!Zned Rud Pierce omm ss,bnar i i Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pulliam. 7.a�,ner and Y47or Seaton (4). Yayor Seaton d'fered -notion that the letter of Adrian H. Terrell, Corporation Cou:ael, with reference to the validity Of the ordinance under which there will be submitte:l tr the voters at the next ro ulnr election the question as to whether bonda will be imaged _^or the establishment of a ;,ar::ago ;ilapoaal system, be recoived and filed. Adopted on Cali of the Roll, Yean, Comminaionors Johnston, Pullian, ;Sagnar %ayor -,,Lton ( 4) . Ysycr Leaoon offered the following motion: I move that an onlirvnce ontitled: R.. aa.., O:iJtaSC A.`: .. C'iiON 51 11121 tiLALIr'It:G VOW -HS OI•' 'TtF,, Clri OF PADUCAH, LL. CUGX LAY, ttUV !&M 6th, 1945, 11 riic Clrf OF ..... Y, ':ti Cl P{ U PAF:UrA'rl StiALi 15°Utt AND ZELL ... i:.:i ..:..., r LX [r.:i r O: S6 P LlCcriil:i: ONE HUNDf htD TiiCi1SAZ NO L)) 1001 Proceedings of_Board of Commissioners City of Paducah September 28th. 1945 (^100,000.00) DOLLARS, BLARING INrERL•ST Ar THE RATE OF ONE & THRbh-FOURTHS (1-3/4%) PERCENT PER ANNUM, PAYABLE SEMI-ANNUALLY, FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FUNDS FOR THE AC�,UISIMN AND ES'PABLISHMENT OF A MUNICIPAL GARBAGE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM INS AID CITY, PURCHASING TRUCKS AND wHER rwrOR -OPERATED EQUIPMENT AND MACHINERY I NECESSARY FCR GARBAGE AND RLFUSE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL, ACQUIRING BY LEASE, PURCHAS1 OR OTHERNISE, I.ITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OR EISENHERE, 'rHE REAL ESTATE, RIGHTS of WAY, INCINL•RATORS AND BUILDINGS REQUIRED FOR THE DISPOSAL T'di:REOF, AND REAL ESTATE, GARAGES OR OTHER HOUSING FACILITIES FOR THE STORAGE, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF TRUCKS, MACHINERY AND E+�UIPN NT, AND REAL EST,17E, OFFICES OR OTHER BUILDINGS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF SAID GARBAGE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SYS1461,1, AND FOR ANY OMR PURPOSE INCIDENTAL TO AND NECESSARY FOR THE AC'dUISITION AND ESTABLISHMENT OF SAID SYSTEr.Y; PRESCRIBING THE TER'S AND CONDITIONS UPON ',,dICH SAID BONDS SHALL BE ISSULD AND SOLD; PROVIDING FOR THE PAYNSNT OF THE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON SAID BONDS, AND PROVIDING FOR THE CREATION OF A SINKING FUND FOR T9E PAYMENT OF SAID BONDS AS AND TEEN THEY h%'LURE; AND PROVIDING THAT THE COST OF MAINTAINING AND OPERATING SAID GARBAGE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM SHALL BE PAID BY THE USERS THEREOF", be introduced and remain on file at least one week for public inspection in the compbeted farm in vvnich it shall be put upon its final pas.- Yeas, as:Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pulliam, ';.'agner arc On motion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED C' &_ ;L h�,. 1945 APPROVED Sty „lerk