HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 98, September 19, 1932Proeeedingaof T t�01RD QF Cn'^'?•":_T';'i'P° ___ City of Padaaah= RJCIC`' September 19th_1032 At a ro,-nlcr mootinC, of the Poard of CO-'inoicnors Held in the Cc---,.issipnors' Chambor in the. City Hall Puildin�; in tho City of Pnduc^h, Kentuck;,, at 3:C0 otclock P.M. on the 19th day of September, 1932, Ainyor Scott presided and upon :r_l.l of the roll tl,.e following answered to their names: Com,asnionore nlocY, - _,r , Felt, Rie%o and Ma?•or Scott (5). Minutes of the nrevicus meeting were adonted. as read. o_' Com-dssioner Rieke ofrer=.d motion that Lino claim of F.P. Graves, r ^_ orV. acting Judge for City Judge, He:. Holman, from Sentember 15th, to Septe, ^lnl;er 18th, inclusive (4 -days) amounting to w 33.34 be allayed, and the Commisnionor of Public Finance be suthorized to pay came and charge to the Contingent Fund.'Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Comiissioners Block, Bradshaei, Holt, Rieke and 11ayor Scott (5) Reap:: Commissioner Rieke offered the following motion: 17horeas, under a alle':;e the recent decision in the Police Court it was decided that the Paducah Ice manufacturing 17c --a Tc, Co•: -any, Co:nany was not liable for payment of licenses on any of their sub -stations: I move i 17L.0 the Hone Ice Company, who paid the 'total amount of ::`, 175.00 under protest, on the ( follocring seven cub -stations be allowed for the Fairway Coal Company 900 Harrison St. ' 25,00 Lon Belt 829 North 8th St. 25.00 'Gardner Coal Company 9th F Clay Sts. 25.00 W. H. Collins 2000 Cairo Road 25.00 Peoples Coal'Company 2201 P.ridge St. 25.00 Crosley Coal Co. Bridgo St. 25.00 Roy hie Kinney Lovelacoville Road 25.00 � .Total �— ii and the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to nakc the rofiut� and charge to the proper fund. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeaa; Co^ I ssioners Block, Bradsha'a, Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5). CityComuniasioner Rieke offered motion that the request of P. M. Heath, aI-ta licons cPaducah., Routs # 4 for refund of •* 5.00 paid for City Auto License ?1 1554 be granted Sec re - fur., -led r as he is a non-rosident, and tient the Com•nissioner of Public Finance to authorized to .o n.".T?r,rA pay -.wre ane' cl'nrfe to the nroper fund. Adopted on call of t1 -e roll.- Yoas; Cornizcipnern Plock, Holt, Rieke Bradshaw and 1•'ayor Scott (5). s ^ale, W Co�Assie,rcr Riclto offored motion tt,nt the Co^jnieaio.or of Put.lic f;•^rx:a F?-:ar_ce to aut^crizc*! to pa;; cut cC the proceeds received from the sale on pro -rats to Sept. 1Lt.1i of the t� 32,000.0^ Pa•'ueah Finding Bonds no folly.-iin„, nanoante: eespoc-` tive Citizana •''avings:ank j 17,500.00 Cooke Peoples ct,nal Tank 5,800.00 Mx.,—,1cn1 T!anl< ' Trust Co,apnny 8,700.00 to 'cc ap^lle" •:n - -, -:as c:i �xwrxted to t?,esa raspcctive U:n r. e City of P88ucsf; in `.he enr 1931. A,,.1o;,t(.1 On toll of the, roll: Yoae; Cc:_rinsiore.ra I Mock, PTu:n; a.p, "oit, dove, an -1 payor .^;cotL ( ). Procee' Ct3 i.n�<.^_r. r Pleke offerwl motion '!!at. t,1:u Cc:^•:iasis er )f Pu lic from sale c" Ficance l:e authorized to pay crit of tt;e ,rooeeds received fror: the solo a,- rc:,)t, ICt?:, !wading sones of the 4,000.04 Poducah F.:. 'I- - :c: t p fol'ioei. •;; awp,cuts: ,arc -.n t •) eel. Citizens Uvi"^ d Feoplea Aati^nil i'e�'r 00.00 G"•ericsl Bank "rust Onrpony 1,100.00 to ire applied" as Paymente on rotes executed to these resperttiva Banka t r',c• Cit_; of Pa,±ua! 'r. *.i,c -!ear IQ•'1, A^c; t,e _ c c;.11 or ;.•^,oc leaioeera "lr.�-, L ralshaw, Felt, r!1..7- E:: Y%.-,: v. NO. --P-90 99 Proceedinga of_3dl% DOaR» nr. rrnt+^ra•"r rlirr. __ City of Paducah m*MILKY "r:J�f-ro,,nr 101 Y]gsP £xc;cntio:: Con-7.1anionor Rieke offered motion that the follovrinz! parties be fro:^ pa -anent of Poll 'ax.� exonerated from the ~ 1.50 poll tax charged on their tax billa for tt.o yenr 1932: Tax bill # 3707 - C.'. Ratcli£ro, 1415 Monroe St, on accoun% of age limit. �I Tax bill § 43GO - 0.•f.. Speas, Boaz, Kentucky Route // 1 on J account of beim a non-rosident Adopted•on call of the roll: Yoaa; Cormissioners +'lock, liradahasr, Volt, Rieke and 1'llyor Scott (5). Auditor's II Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the Auditorto report for report for month of collections and disbursements for the month of Au -rust 1932 be received and filed. Au. ust re- ceived and I Adoptod on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradohow, Holt, Rialto and. filed. Mayor Scott (5). Claims for Corrnissionor Rieke offered motion that the claims for the month of month of August 1932 i{ August 1932 be allowed in the amount of -� 6087.60 and the Commissioner of Pul.lie allowed. Finance be authorized to pay same. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Ca,misaiox ere, Black, Dradahaw, Bolt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5). Payrolls forj Comniscioner Rieke offered motion that the payrolls for the first first half of September { half of September 1932 be allowed in the amount of w 6973.52, and that the allowed. CoTm-issioner of Putlic Finance to authorized to pay same. Adopted on cell of f h the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5). J 0 Mayor Scott offered motion that a resolution entitled " A PFSOLUTI01, I�PROVIDIP?0 rOR THF T7TABT,ISVR1r.i7T OF A PTV^P AND PA--LPOAD DOCK TP? THF CITY OF PIOXCAH," be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Cor•insioners Rlock, Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5). A'PROVFD )� _ay or i' ADOPTED 4Z _ ulty Nurl-