HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 98, September 19, 1932Proeeedingaof T t�01RD QF Cn'^'?•":_T';'i'P° ___ City of Padaaah= RJCIC`' September 19th_1032
At a ro,-nlcr mootinC, of the Poard of CO-'inoicnors Held in the
Cc---,.issipnors' Chambor in the. City Hall Puildin�; in tho City of Pnduc^h, Kentuck;,,
at 3:C0 otclock P.M. on the 19th day of September, 1932, Ainyor Scott presided and
upon :r_l.l of the roll tl,.e following answered to their names: Com,asnionore nlocY,
- _,r , Felt, Rie%o and Ma?•or Scott (5).
Minutes of the nrevicus meeting were adonted. as read.
o_' Com-dssioner Rieke ofrer=.d motion that Lino claim of F.P. Graves,
r ^_
acting Judge for City Judge, He:. Holman, from Sentember 15th, to Septe,
^lnl;er 18th,
inclusive (4 -days) amounting to w 33.34 be allayed, and the Commisnionor of Public
Finance be suthorized to pay came and charge to the Contingent Fund.'Adopted on
call of the roll: Yeas; Comiissioners Block, Bradshaei, Holt, Rieke and 11ayor Scott (5)
Commissioner Rieke offered the following motion:
17horeas, under a
recent decision in the Police Court it
was decided that the Paducah
Ice manufacturing
17c --a Tc,
Co•: -any,
Co:nany was not liable for payment of licenses on any of their sub -stations: I move
i 17L.0
the Hone Ice Company, who paid the 'total amount of ::`, 175.00 under
protest, on the
follocring seven cub -stations be allowed for the
Fairway Coal Company
900 Harrison St.
' 25,00
Lon Belt
829 North 8th St.
'Gardner Coal Company
9th F Clay Sts.
W. H. Collins
2000 Cairo Road
Peoples Coal'Company
2201 P.ridge St.
Crosley Coal Co.
Bridgo St.
Roy hie Kinney
Lovelacoville Road
and the Commissioner of Public Finance
be authorized to nakc the
rofiut� and charge to
the proper fund. Adopted on call of
the roll: Yeaa; Co^ I ssioners
Block, Bradsha'a,
Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5).
CityComuniasioner Rieke offered motion that the request of P. M. Heath,
licons cPaducah., Routs # 4 for refund of •* 5.00 paid for City Auto License ?1 1554 be granted
Sec re -
fur., -led r as he is a non-rosident, and tient the Com•nissioner of Public Finance to authorized to
n.".T?r,rA pay -.wre ane' cl'nrfe to the nroper fund. Adopted on call of t1 -e roll.- Yoas;
Cornizcipnern Plock, Holt, Rieke Bradshaw and 1•'ayor Scott (5).
^ale, W Co�Assie,rcr Riclto offored motion tt,nt the Co^jnieaio.or of Put.lic
f;•^rx:a F?-:ar_ce to aut^crizc*! to pa;; cut cC the proceeds received from the sale on
pro -rats
to Sept. 1Lt.1i of the t� 32,000.0^ Pa•'ueah Finding Bonds no folly.-iin„, nanoante:
tive Citizana •''avings:ank j 17,500.00
Cooke Peoples ct,nal Tank 5,800.00
Mx.,—,1cn1 T!anl< ' Trust Co,apnny 8,700.00
to 'cc ap^lle" •:n - -, -:as c:i �xwrxted to t?,esa raspcctive U:n r. e City
of P88ucsf; in `.he enr 1931. A,,.1o;,t(.1 On toll of the, roll: Yoae; Cc:_rinsiore.ra
Mock, PTu:n; a.p, "oit, dove, an -1 payor .^;cotL ( ).
Procee' Ct3 i.n�<.^_r. r Pleke offerwl motion '!!at. t,1:u Cc:^•:iasis er )f Pu lic
sale c" Ficance l:e authorized to pay crit of tt;e ,rooeeds received fror: the solo a,- rc:,)t, ICt?:,
sones of the 4,000.04 Poducah F.:. 'I- - :c: t p fol'ioei. •;; awp,cuts:
,arc -.n t •)
eel. Citizens Uvi"^
d Feoplea Aati^nil i'e�'r 00.00
G"•ericsl Bank "rust Onrpony 1,100.00
to ire applied" as Paymente on rotes executed to these resperttiva Banka t r',c• Cit_; of
Pa,±ua! 'r. *.i,c -!ear IQ•'1, A^c; t,e _ c c;.11 or ;.•^,oc leaioeera "lr.�-,
L ralshaw, Felt, r!1..7- E:: Y%.-,:
NO. --P-90 99
Proceedinga of_3dl% DOaR» nr. rrnt+^ra•"r rlirr. __ City of Paducah m*MILKY "r:J�f-ro,,nr 101 Y]gsP
£xc;cntio:: Con-7.1anionor Rieke offered motion that the follovrinz! parties be
fro:^ pa -anent
of Poll 'ax.� exonerated from the ~ 1.50 poll tax charged on their tax billa for tt.o yenr 1932:
Tax bill # 3707 - C.'. Ratcli£ro, 1415 Monroe St, on
accoun% of age limit.
�I Tax bill § 43GO - 0.•f.. Speas, Boaz, Kentucky Route // 1 on
J account of beim a non-rosident
Adopted•on call of the roll: Yoaa; Cormissioners +'lock, liradahasr, Volt, Rieke and
1'llyor Scott (5).
Auditor's II Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the Auditorto report for
report for
month of collections and disbursements for the month of Au -rust 1932 be received and filed.
Au. ust re-
ceived and I Adoptod on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradohow, Holt, Rialto and.
Mayor Scott (5).
Claims for Corrnissionor Rieke offered motion that the claims for the month of
month of
August 1932 i{ August 1932 be allowed in the amount of -� 6087.60 and the Commissioner of Pul.lie
Finance be authorized to pay same. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Ca,misaiox
ere, Black, Dradahaw, Bolt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5).
Payrolls forj Comniscioner Rieke offered motion that the payrolls for the first
first half
of September { half of September 1932 be allowed in the amount of w 6973.52, and that the
CoTm-issioner of Putlic Finance to authorized to pay same. Adopted on cell of
h the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5).
Mayor Scott offered motion that a resolution entitled " A PFSOLUTI01,
PIOXCAH," be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Cor•insioners Rlock,
Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5).
)� _ay or
ulty Nurl-