HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 77, July 18, 1932No.2—n£;o 7h._ Proceedings of T., !-Q,L.? SL�0:1'TS`.L::f_: City of Paducah—jssl —lath 19-12- "wry P. Johnson exonern from naying Improvement Tar. Bill 61627 Balance due City Board of Education alloyed, Interest in I amount of �'120.23i alloyed Chemical Lank & Trust Co. Part pcymra;;a -,-o 1 Comrd.ssionor Rieke offered motion that the Board of 'Fducation be Boc,rd of Educaticn allo:•ed. allowed the amount of v 10, r, 000.00 as part payment due on tax collections for the months of May and June 1932 and that the Corinissioner of Public Finance be authorized to use said funds in the payment of a note executed by the board of y Education to The Peoples 1Jntional bank and ahicb matured on July 15ti:, 1932. R 7 Adopted on call of the roll: Yea&; COMiSslaners Block, Bradchaw, Holt, Rieke and '_'ayor ^coat (5). "eport at cr:ioner Rieke offered notion that the rep ort of the eollaeti�ns ane'. d for the rionth of June 1933 b,: rccoiveJ re-' rila1. -i: 'Loss; Co:andsslomrr: Talc,':, nr� i.^.l:ay, IIclt., '1,:; and. yrr .^.c'. i ). r !c:,ioror Felt offered motion that H. B. Sowell, the License :. �necter, ce ;riven ,oe!cc ;.cn: rs, aml as such laeense Inspector atal with such to c'.c; an<,. ,r,erfot-,i a::y of the duties of a rc-gularly cr_owered nsl r(,ialir!ed ;:o:llcemun of the City of Padatcah, Kentu(,%y. :.tel cr,ll of thf: ro.!; ?ea&; CGmr:issioners Block, e.+radshaw, [jolt, !., r.:j r,,or r..G..% (S). i At a regular mectln3 of the Board of Coni ssioncrs hold in tie Corm,icstoners I Chamber in the City Hall Buildinz in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, at 3:00 o'clock P.M. on the 18th clay of July, 1932, Payor wcott presided and upon call of the roll the following ansycred to tl,oir names: Co se loners Block, Bradshavi, Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5). Minutes of the previous meeting yore adopted so read. Commissioner Rieke offered motion that Mrs. clary F. Johnson be exonerated from paying Improvement Tar, Bill ;! 61627 for amount of .'.' 2.18 an she erroneously paid Improvement Tax Bill /,' 61817 ascossed against Harry Boueono for the same amount, but she has now returned the Boxgeno bill and exchanged same for the bill J1 61627, thereby correcting tht error. Adopted on call of tho*roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5). Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the City Board of Education be allo::ed the amount of v 19,020.68 balance due on tax collections for the months of May and June 1932, and the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to make settlement for said amount due the Board of Education General Fund. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Cbnm:issioners Block, Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5). Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to dray a check on the General Fund to the Citizens Savings Bank for the amount of 120.23 for remittance to the Chemical Bank & Trust Company, Hcy York, in payment of the interest due to July Gth, on the payments of at 8,800.00 r:.ade in Jame and July on the v 90400.00 notes executed to said bank by the City of Paducah in the year 1931. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5). N0..---17.:6_, :J Proceedings of _BCd� 0 ^0}.kS I » T City of Paducala_Sc Rofunl 0,' Commisolonor Rieke offered noti-n that a Resolution entitled ''3A8.44 to Bells'. A E`.^0I,T71Ioa AUY9?ffIZTT:G TR" CO>1'.'IS:'IO;h.R OP PUBLIC VINATiCF TO RT:FUND TO TFT Iloss Co. for tax- i';.4I::%P.T. L•''ILAS TLrSS =^.PANY THRFE iRIT1DRRU EIGLTTY.EIGRT AND FORTY FOUR, DIJF HILNDREDTRS cs erz•on- oously ( �; 388.44) DOLL., iLRPR'.'EEUTING TAXES ERROITFOUSLY PAID FOR T1I7 T1,T FALL• OF 1032" paid. be adopted. . Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Holt, Fieke and Vayor Scott (5). Adoption I:layor Scott offered motion that an ordinance entitled " All of an or- dinance ORDINA310'i REGULATING 'TIT, OPERATI;IG OF LOCOMOTIVES, 1RAINS AND CUTS OF CARS ON T TTE regulatin" the opera-, TRACKS OF THE NASHVILLE, CHATTIJIOOGA & ST. LOUIS RAIL'.'IAY OVER AND ACROSS CALD':;ELL tion of Loconotivcs STREET, AT UL'IOII STV.TION, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY AND REPEALIIIG ANY AND ALL trnins end' cute of OTHFR ORDINANCE-- AND/OR REGULATIOIIS CONCERiTITIG THE OPERATION or Locoma IVES, TRAINS, oars on the AILD OUTS OF C,1RE OVIR AILD ACROSS SAID CFOSSING ATM STREET," be adopted. Adopted racks of I p p the 11C&STL I Railway ov- or. call of the roll: Yeas; Com.:nissioners Bradshaw, TTolt, Rieke and I:Savor Scott (4). er 'z across Caldwell Ft Commissioner Block voting nag. ordinance Mayor Scott offered motion that an ordinance entitled " All ORDINANCE. creating position CR-ATITIG THE POSITION OF GLTVK TO THE JUDGE OF THE CITY POLICE COURT AND FIXING THE of Clork to the SALIRY THFF.rFOR," be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Judge of City Police Bloc!;, Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5). Court a- dopted. I On motion the meeting adjourned. APPROVED;S .Ia;r or f.DOPTTll tJ 1932 \C1 y or