HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 753, November 8, 1937Proceedings of- ''o::ra of Co _ __ i <a,k rc _ --- City of Paducah._ 1 t - regular mc; ti,:; of th board of Co heli Lu the f Co.:-:_s.io..,.r::' Cha.,ber ,_t. til, City Hal:, Pa,lucsh, Kc::c.lcky, at :J o'clock P,'.1., o:: the 8th <it:y of ::ovc�,bcr, 1J37, :.iayor 'i;ashbur: ;,raslded _0 . cal.l. of tilc ro ! - :'o '.0:. 1 .. rcci to t_:c• Lr ..,.. c z: Co i.- io,l r,. H .. _ , Lockwood, o.., ... _i: :yor ,.ushburn (5). i V _L.ijtes oitha t,rcviou:; were adopted as read. ':,ater 3ain exten- Commissioner Hannin offered the foi!ohl.:, cotion: The Board of R. HOLC -reduced 1. Hon Blanduced Co:;.::issio::ers Navin heretofore on the 27th du of 2c;ptembc r 1937 ::t th.: raqur:;t. g y ' � � from b'e main. to 311 main of the Hoae Owncrsf Loan Corporation, adopted a ,.;otfon providing for a;: ; ;a• _... ,,. of water :n,ln aiong the Biandville Road beginning at the City Li.ztts rr:id cxt...:'.„ approximately 1200 feet :westwardly, the sane to be a u^ Inch chin,- and It ;:ow appearing that it is desirable that said muln be a 3 inch :nain,- I now -.ove th;it perms=fon be granted to substitute a 3 inch water line Instead of the G lack ',:.+,r line provided in said motion of Septenber 27, 1937. Adopted on cr:ll of thr role: Yeas; Co-mnls.�loners Haraln, Lockwood, ;lelton, ?ullias an... layor WanAiburn (5). Commissioner Hannin offered the following motloa: I move that the Light on Clay be betr;een 17th & pet', oil of residents on Clay street bet .eon 17th and 10th streets, asking that iz; : NO.. . . :1 .. .. Proceedings of_ a Co;_ :Le: io :.. ___, City of Paducah ::ove,iber E,__ocl` .;._,.,,;,ky, :...t:i coin trd and tabulated the votes ca -t at the General Election held :.ove.;bcr :::d, 1.057, a:;d hereby certify Lhat the folloang is a correct tot: -L o: votes for said ca::cifd.tcs, for and against said constftutionaL a.:erd vents, nn:: for and ..St said wuestion* City Election For Cc; ice Judge Rex P. Cornoilso^: received 4055 vote Hoy Hol -,as " ti186 For City Co!�:aissiencr a falter A. Blackburn 1943 " ':ary 1. Doricut ^ :-357 Gus E. Hank, Jr " 51:4 George A. ffa!aiir. " ::885 " r Herbert S. deltor. " 3166 " Dr. :. B. Pulliam ° 4561 n Bobbie (Bob) StubblEfield " 3558 " Grady N. 1:h1te 2494 u Ji,a:jie Walker n 1 n City - Sea Full - Bond Issue Question Yes " 5099 " :io n 706 " Fie, the undersigned . lection Commissioners of ..:cCracken County, - •. ; . ;.y, do certify the above to be true and correct. Given under our hands this :<ovember 2nd, 1957. (H. L. Coker Election COC_:fes10_Iers J. E. illla.:,so_;, Sr. Cliff She:s.eLl - Of ri_ _.. jC-.."Y ) )Set. I, Sarah Miller, Clerk of the County Court of the CoiuAy aa:d State aforeaaid, do certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of same a as it appears on record in my office. Given under ..iy hand this 5th day of November, 1957. Sarah "flier, Clerk i ldoptcii c:: cLIL of the roil: Yea:.:; CO.',.::].,::1o:.t;' ll:: u::, Lockv.00d. L o::, Pu 1. .. and -yor b •,hburn (5). Or..:otfon .:cetLrE; •_djourned. APMOM :',AY01