HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 748, October 18, 1937-NO .. -------
Procccdingaof=.o::r.; o.. Go;...:iu•io..c:a _City of Paducah October ib, 1057
At a r. t;ular ::cct Lr.,; of the board of Coc,_ds�;loners he Ld in the
Co :c1_.lo::ers' Ciia::ber ct the CLty Hall, Paducah, K_z,tucky, at a o'clock on the
1.61ah clay of October, iuol, :c_ior l:ashburn presided and u,,on ca LL of th roll the
cnswered to their racks: Co::,,zfssLoa( rs Hc:nnlr:, Lockwood, ::elton, Pu111a:a
z.;zu ":eyor ,iazhburn (5).
::inutes of the previous meetings v;cre a:iopted as read.
Har_nin offer d the followin, motion: That the payroll
O t.+ '.' ,or the first half o2 October, 1957 be allowed in the amount of v9716.k.5, and that
t'aa Clty Treasurer be authorized to nay same by checks. Adopted on call of the roll:
.,amu Cc :.,is,-:orers Han.:A ., Lockwood, :::eltoa, Pulliam and :.iayor Vlashburn (5).
_ N Co:-..ArCtOrd.r Hanz.i: offered the following motion: I :::ove that the
;:,cd by 0. ;. Harris, et al requesting percnisafon to co:fzoct with the water
_'o •'ice _mar the reservoir on the Lore Oak Road be received and referred to the
lo::ers of Water Works for attention. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens;
Hannin, Lockwood, 2elton, Puillan and iluyor 7iazhburn (5).
Coumissioner Hannin offered the following :notion: I zove that the
cc :in:aon investigate the Placing street li-ht on Harrison strE.,t bet -en 166th &
17th :.::d one on 21st & Adams street, aad p,atl:iobn be received at_a filed. %dopted
o. call of -,he roll: Yeas; Co:e:c:lssioners Hannin, Lockwood, `.'.eltoa, Pullin_, at,d '.Iayor
..;,..hbur: (5).
Co z:Issiorer Lockwood offered the folLowlrze ,notion: I nove that
th;, 'o. o: ._side_-ts of Vl.. str,ct from Buckner Lane to Afton Avenue be recclved
f'_'.... __. r _ to th, ,ILducah :,iter Yorks. Adopted o:z call of the roll: Yeas;
Co. _,...i n, ,ochxoc,, ito:r, Pulliam and 'dayor Cashburi: (5).
0.. ot.o,. .,_ ti 'Joaraeu.
_ vz�-__'a 5 _a t