HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 746, October 11, 1937Proc..din,. of— Cify of of co...,.. io o 7,� 'A:xt:.: of th �,reviouz 'o- o"'f':", th, follo.1,11, .;otLo": i ov the C r -ourd of fro -i the Ai..,-rican i- res��e- to 'the �—Yor .:., %t -"I, recuestlz,; exr:-, .o;*. i:—o., th(c .):.y_.- ,Lt of al' Uc,i.":. for :o., h 8th stre t in thQ City o-' eu-1jcxh2 be recelvc.d and filed, th rc Ft bc .:-- Aed :.ac' to the fact that the proceeds derived j:;,o..i skALd car..:% I- Le f. by Ch-i(.f -'oz;t 1,31 for charltabLE; �.joAcd o.: in,IL of Lockv.00d, m'4,1to;'., Pul:!-. -..- M;yor (5). Co oc%r.00d off,reo th, follo.-A.,, c ',o,.: 1 as: that the o . o-' -. �"c v, (; L.Ity of Z:, -.-,d ai4d Rut, -Etr— t, i, r t..;; Uc Of A �t i'.%t 1--ft-r-ection be received u..d f-!--: rz.-'L.;'C to City :'.-adcr with 1-41'ructioTis to cz,u-e said str,,c-t lLght to be restored. Adoptcd o., the roll: Yeas; Co:.:A!.--;Lon,rs Hw:aln, Lock wood, -2olton, Pullla: ar..i :!ayor Co=iL-ioncr Lockwood offered the followinr r,,.otio;.: Elizabeth nj .--u crous other j)LtIt;oi.,-t,3 having pc-.titioned the C lty of Paducah for Ln of —ter -jair. on the Schncidman Road fro:,', Hill Etruct to Ztar"ce 1,vr:-.uc and o,,. fro -i the SchneLd:,an Roaa to a point 450 feet Last of Kruger kv,:.auc a Of approxi -ate -g fi ly 1741 feet; and It &� -o;a Said 7,A'Aion that the ngree it: writing a::d bUid the -."Ives to ,ay for V;Lt,r at the ;)rice equiv- o (Z) co.isu:.ers for each 600 of .'.,Ltcr main for a ). rlod of two 4--' CO. ..'.CL %-1- Of *:.'o-,`-.-, by the Treasurer !!z.v-l;.;, certified that .z 1d, safficient 1 r,-L:cetr,- I ..or., -iov, tb,*,.t :3%ld tltlon be received Co (f W."(P ;'Or"zz; be uuti:oi 'Lcd aiia and j ",aj lush o.; th, U! Y - CO'' i.0'.,.. 0 r: W 747 .o: :•ti of Co.:..:;ls= 10 . October Ll, 1837 Proceedings of._ City of Paducah. -- Ge.,i The City Ew:aaloy:aent Bureau :::ekes the fo L Lo'.:'_n.; rc port , or the ,oath of oe;,ter.:ber, L367: There liz;s been 45 nee• n;g1str:.t10.,s for _'Ills ::;oath, n.f'ing the total number rci;Lstered W07. Thirty persons have been placed for work, ma:cing the tot:.l W7. Respectfully submitted, :lodge Re.ves, Secr.tary" o rtvd o:: call of the roll: Yeas; Co_,:as:.Loners Hannin, Lockwood, !Lelton, eul liana a_ ;'o:, :.urhburn (5). %:ayor Washburn offered the fo1Lowing riot Lon: The appltcutLon of the Coo - ot „tion ."-•ucah Cooperage Co.spany having heretofore be�.n presented to the City of Puducmh ,or a 5 year exeoption from taxes a, a neer industry, which uppllcation 'sac T. ccived, fLlcd a. -.d referred to the Corporatto., Counsel for his opLnton, :nd the l:o or -tion Coursed having addressed a coLinunicat Lon to t. -e Board of Co:::!.:.' rein he states that under the law said enterprise to not ertiticd to Ute c­- lo- requested, I :ow .cove thut ills co::;_,unication be rcce_ved and filed. 1-1o. ts.:'. or. 1 of the roll: Yeas; Co:nais..ioners H,nnln, Loc:c::oo_i, :L,lton, Pull.i.- :.. :'.yor ...-hburn (5). Lease for filling Commissioner clton offered the following motion: I move that au station at Airport ordinance entitled, ('AIJ ORDI::AP:CE PRO^LGP.JG POR 'LGF :?<'�.IiI::G OF A CONTRACT OF iJ i.sI:JG FOR A SPLCE FOR A GASOLI.JE FILLING Ai+D SU?rLY STR:I011 AT THE TX%* :C ii'i L �AIRdORT, A.JO AUTHORIZING TM: SIG',I?1G OF SUCH LEASE", be adopted. Adopted o:. c-11 of the roll: Yeac; Co.:,;l:.sior rs Huni liz, Lock'.,00., :icltoii, Loekc:ood, - Lila : z::,,.1 "syor ',cshburn (5). . syor Washburn offered the followln; r,ot.ion: I ::,ovc incl. an 6::1 r.:ce reguLatirg :,l! Lboards,etc ordinarce entitled, HAV. ORDI7.A1:CE REGULATIiJG T:iE CO:iSTRUC^.ION, IIJSTALLATIO:J, ERECTION Ai;D :.!f.I:,TL::.;.:.CE OF SIGNS MID BILLBOARDS 1'.Pi'IiI: THL. CITY OF iVL'UCAH," be ado,,ted. Adopted o:. caLL of the roLl: Yeas; Co i sioa.rs Asa:;i:t, Loc:r:.cod, .1�.o.., Pu'_.ia;_, ..0 ..._yon ,...:.hburn (5). oil,rc:d the foLlo:•,L;: ot'oi. I ::ov. thele 'ch(,, r 1 Lett,�r iro : Cor,soru' lon Coucse.l ;i. V. E:r.lon to the :,..yon :end Board of Co..- ccnrlug date of October ll, .tUS7, be rcc lv„u and fid 1. LdO.,t.d i, r-.. o` .,.. roil. Yca:.; Coir.,:issloners 11tna Ln, Lockxooti, _cltot:, Pu L1V..:: and offured the foLW.: . Sot lo::: I ':ove ti: -.t hl' .,:t�70,.u1 Safety Cod::el_ c:=:. i... d:.L o; Oe'..ob<r ej, 1 ,7 .• ., .. ... _d, ., :1.. tl::tt the Citj o! i'a<..... _. ....,.,`rite to '.E..t: .. .. .. ... .. .. ,... 1:., 11" that :....-.;J, 'il,._ .. .:..._ o:' dw,,:i lel:, r,.'for, bi