HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 744, October 4, 1937Prxeedirtga of A:_ral oi' Co ;_._'s__ u _. Cily of Paducah Oe tobcr 71_ LJa7__�` P.t n r:; ::lar • ,:ctL:.a; of tiho Boar,) of Co .-.L.- Lonirs held in the C.o Chs_o�.r at titc City Hall, Palacah, K_ -,tacky, at 01 clock P.:i. on the 4t .. of Octobar, .1957, 'iayor 171;shburn presided end upon c...IL of the ro.LL the following n r; t to thcLr a:,es: CotvaLesion:.-ro HannLn, Lockwood, Pulliam and:ic:yor l'la:,hburn (4.) "irutes of the previous meetr.-s were aaooted as read. : CO.L7J:;s1oner Hsnnin offered the followint, a:otlon. It appearing that 0::'t J. Grief ::..s the owner of Lot 1;3 in Section 46 in Oak Grove Ceretary, aL;d that said to A. J. Grief is now dead, and his heirs have executed a deed to one-half of said Lot Jo. 5 in Suction 46 and beim; 17 feet by 15a fort in dimension; which deed conveys said K. property to J. R. Swinney and llyrtle/SwLnney, and which deed has been tendered to the pard of Ccncis�1on. rs :br approval,- I now cove that said deed be approved and that ;!the cemete.•y records be corrected so as to show the conveya=nce of said lot. Adopted o, c:!' -,L of the roll: Yeas; Co.r:ais:.Lo..crs Hannin, Lockwood, Pulliam aad ..:ayor Washburn V ;,•�' ; Com:ais::ioaer Hbania: offered the followir.E.; mot.toa: That the payroll !for the last ha Lf of Septea:ber, 1:167, be allo=wed the amount of $10,930.90, and );hat City Treazarer be authorized to pay sante by checks. Adopted on c;.11 of the roll: CO..-Is;Lr...rs Hani.in, Lockwood, ?ulLia.a and'�Lyor Washburn (4). Com:ds„Loncr Hai.nin offered the folloc.lr•:otion: I wove that the ctition of residents in the vici.:..ty of 28th and .leyers streets f•a• the Placing of a strut light at the intersectio:. of Owen and :.ieyers structs be r_cetved and filed and t..eir request be granted an; the Kentucky Utilities Company authorized to crake i.._.::.te installation of s:.id light. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners 1i_nnin, Lockwood, Pullic.m a. -.c L1 c,yor Pla::hburn (4). °. , .. Coi,Az;sioner Pulliam offered the folloring :jot Lop..; I :cove that the Report of the Paaucah '.',:.ter forks, municipally owned, for the ;o:ht:2 of _..:. t, ;937 be received a,.d flied. I+dopted ot. ca%IL of tht. roll: Yens; Co,sissione: s ... ......, Lock�;ood, PuLIL.. a... ...yor ,,a huurn (4). i .. E .-'yo, off.:red the foLLoi. ;;,;: ::o: Lon: �n or::icy+nee C _.:1' 01 Y! -.La:•:. ,D '.i,!I=L Cf: :1 11-D PU3;,IC :.0000.,. 0 J.t .'.,, O: Y Ol ." nji;. H 102: 711 . YIJ.R 1.:37, A;M 0, CL Y", hr..., .. 'tx:.. a,trochncud at the last ..:ra o.:,_ '%"),, ::.o, • _d hc: i'. r: n:.il:ed - - .. a... .....t O::y Oi thv CL�r., Of th L., ar o:., (i) ,._O"tea. Aao?ted o.: c:.11 of Li: 1%yor i;aahburn (4) . Lite fol.lo•,•+S.a:.::notton: :1 ..o• '::::t 07. . !17 C". t lit. 1 •, !, ..."!' 1 , . .. C ..• . i 1o. I 745 Proceedings of. `o -.rd 01' Co ..i: io . City of Paducah October 4 ;.• 5th,13"r,7 _ :,yor ;—shburn offerc-d the following -notion: I ,novc tart this ,or ,.,i , be adjourned until Tuesday, October 5, 1937 ttt 11. o'clock A,71. Gc-o :tcu on c:,i. of the roll: Yeas; Conr;1s::10:: ra II -.nn Ln, Lockwood, :u'.lic-. Prd +i�ayor hushburt; (4). \O _ArOVTLD ,-- / CLt%, Clerk At an adjourned regular meeting of the Board of Comm IssIon er5 held i.= the Co..:l..:.ioncrs' Chap::ber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 11 o'clock o:: i.h_ 51,h day of Octobe , 1937, ::c:yor Washburn presided and uron c -.IL of thm roil the following answered to their names: Co.:-iis..!oaers Hannin, Locksooci, .. lz.o:l, Pullias ....c ...ayor ;iashburn (5). J ::ayor Washburn off,.red the followLtg--.ottoe.: I :.:ovi. that an duildSn� Code oruinance ert!:led, "A:. W!t L.A,:CE ADOPTI.:G THE iiUILDI::G COLfinCO.. _ 1Li; BY THE ` IO:iAL MU11) OF FIRE U:iDUli;;AITERS, EXCLPT CL•'IM'LL: CLAUSES Al;[) SLCT.IONS TH g Olt iiRICH i+Ri. Hd:I: GY E%PRLi--LY 1hLI:.:!::ATC:D, TOG_T_IL1R '..Llil THi 6T1.::L;.RDS OF t.l:F::Y u I-- Ani':,^,OVa BY THt; DIV -10:; OI• I::AUL:,[:C?s HATS Pii_VE..T M, ,.::L .CT -07. 01; THE ST;:T1 OF Ki:::TUCKY, 1':':D _'^.OVIDI::j r'c..:LLTILS FOR VIOL:: 10:: Ti;: i-•EOF" ado„ted. Adoptcd or, call of tie roil: Yeas; Co:c.Ussl ners Hc_nr<!:, J,oci;rood, ara ::ayor '.'iashburn (5). 0:,.-otlo- z .jour::ed. ;i j