HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 734, September 7, 1937Proceeding,of Pea rd oi_40 :isslo_i<As City of Paducah__ -st_- u'.'r 7,- L937
At a reuuLar .;ectLc.g of ti1G Board of QOnimisLio'.(.VI hd:.0 in the
I,Co. __io-. :: f Cha Der at the City HaLl, Paducah, Kentucky, at k o'clock P. on the 7t
of . LCI*, _ 57, M: yor Vlas;ib,irl. ,Pesidea ara u.on call of the ✓roil theYoi-
o:: ..,ser�•r::i to tut -'r .....es: Cc .:iz.:1,o.,.,•_ Ilan::ln, Locev,00d, c,tou, PaLLis� aNd
;;d: t cii +r.: (5).
Minutes of the p:•evious meetings were aao,,ted a5 reau.
3arite Co. J.,;:.loner Han:rin offered the following :notion: That a decd gra::teu
of i:: to Hattie Bennett for :,ot iJo.47, BiOck ir5 in Oak Grove Ce:aetery, Paducah, Kentucky,
O:,k Grv.':
kupon ray::,rnt of 141rty Dollars (;.:i0.0J) to the City Treasurer, be approved. 6ao}+Leel or
caLl 01 the roll: Yeas; CoxmizIsioners Hannin, Lockwood, i:ieiton, PuLliaa, and :mayor
Liashburn (5).
Bomuissioner Hannin offered the fol.lowin motion: I ,cove that the
Line ex request of Dick ..eaclam for per.:,ieL�.on to extend a private water line on the Blandville
on Blan noad a distance of .:JU feet be received ar:d approved; sale ':eacham havin,; arranged v:Lti
ville R
e c ?the a.:ucah .pater Corks for said extension. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas;
I! Co _ :Lz:z loners Han::i :, Lock:•rood, C:elton, Pu'Llia::i and ._ayor V;ashburn (5) .
Co:raissioner .eLton offered the followin;; motion: That a license to
.it the retai_Lng of beer and light wl;ies grai.ted to the folLowi::g a.pllcaas,
._o:. ro;:• : pay—i.t to the City Treasurer, be approved:
C. ahnLder Chi:i .actor, by C. Shnfder, ''aso,.lc Building, 5th a Ky Avf
Saiiie Sloan, 1008 No.loth St
zee on tail of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Ha::nin, Lockwood, ..,c _tor., Pulliam: and
::ayor ,:._.;;.barn (5) .
,.iter Co:amissioner Pullta:a offered the following* motion: I move that the
Juf.y FLna.ncir.l report of the Paducah Crater Vlorks, aunicipally owned, for the .onth of July,
�a37, be received and flied. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; CosaL;::+loners Hannin,
'.ocs::oca, '.cltor,, Pullia-n and >syor hazhburn (5).
'ayor 6,a5nD.irn offered the io Llowing motion: L [7ovr that the request
cD-'t;-_ „' electrical contractors be received and filed and reic:rred to Corporation Counsel
to:: to be used in cor,nection cath the cLectrieal u.s�ectiou orula;uue now in
c: �rcparation. A dented on ca LL of the roLL: Yeas; Co:a::ilsalor:.rs Hanair;,
.,J _ayor 71ashburn (5).
(,o. C.... .. _ _to.. o-.fc:•ed the foL1or; U1,. motion.: I -ove the rcio -Uo
Ol C::, ...Iy u -t
. - .... .. .. , ..7 - .. , a• .;:_ v.. _ . _ of the;