HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 728, August 23, 1937Proceedings of oar:i o;' Go^_ _,'ol_cr_ _ __ - City of Paducah -, 13=7
At a redoiar•;neetLn; of the Board of Co=n",—,ioncrs neLu in the
Cc.eaiscionersI Chacio r at,the City Hail, Pauucah, K•_ntucky, at 2 o'clock P...:, on the
:-;-rd day of August, 1937,11- yor Washburn presiaed and upon call of the roil the follow -
answered to their names: Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, "Helton, Pulliam and
?yor Washburn (5).
::inutes of the previous meetings were adop„ed as read.
Com iissi.rer Ha-;n.in offarea the foLlowin; :notion: That application
L,lc .ae"for 'icense to retail beer and light wines to the following applicant be received and
•: e .o
filed and held until the next regular meeting for final approval:
Hero Baker, 1601 Vo.8th S t., Known as f,.Lue Bird
o?ted on call of the roti: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, :ielton, Pulliam and
-:yor Washburn (5).
Cos,aissioner H;.nnin offered the following motion: Ld Grimmer having
:-resented to the Board of CommissLone s his application for permission to have furnishe-
to h-.. xater from the city water service, and said petitioner having agreed In writing
c'a:•to that said service is outside of the corporate limits of the City of Paducah, and that
CO:::'._C t..
to ::a er he will pay all expense of making said connection and pay at established rates for all
G6th Iter furnished to or used by him:-
I now move that said written application be r.ceived ane filed, and
la -t permission be and it is hereby granted to said applicant to connect with the
.:r'vate water line of Henry Seamon on Horth Thirty Sixth Street in Orchard Heights,
..ucah, Kentucky, upon his making satisfactory arrangeyents with said Seamon for said
co-.:.ectioa and upon his -�aking satisfactory arrangements with the Commis lon-rs of
Tater „orks for the use of said water and the payment therefor; but the City of Pauucah
of its aga;scies shall be required to furnish water pressure of any certain
or cll'icd arount, nor shall the Baia City be liable for any failure to so furnish
c, or any certain aaount of pressure. Aaopted on cal of ';he roll: Yeas;
Co .....-.,,:._rs Hannln, Lockwooa, itor., Pulliam and Mayor Viashburn (b).
..ayor ',ashLurn oi'fered the foLiowing ;aotlon: 1 :cove Lnat the
•ruutter :ro-: the war Gepartccnt, U. s. Ln;ineers+ Office, Louisville, Kentucky, to which
re- there is attsshed notice and 'blue print of plans for reconstructing the t.rmLnal
stract fa•.i ar,lec of the Standard Oil Com. -any on the left bank of the Ohio river ff: the back
ion. or
tcr_i-'cha,:rel of Ocsr;+s Islaf:::, be received an -d filed together with the Letter writt,2a by
_yself to GLe.u: Houser ol the e-gif:c-r.ring aepart:turt and his reply th%rtto following
a:. ... .echo:: of the ;.ro osrd L;'tc �cd construction, ant In which he aav'2ses th_t the
proposed co,. o': -_ Luterfere with the int:;rc::ts of the City of
7 r. Cc .i.,; iouurs Ha, rin, Locawooi, ,ielton,
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