HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 724, August 9, 1937Proceedings o . Board of Conialss loa rs Cry of Paducah-14'uSI 121037 — ----, --
At a reZular _:ecting; of the board of Con.nisslon,:;s held in the
Comniss.ioners' Chamber at the City Hall. Paducah, Kentucky, at 2 o'clock Pa on the 9th
day of August, 1937, IZryor Washburn presided ana upon call of the roll the ioLloaing
answered to their names: Commissioners Hannin, Lockwooa, "elton, Pulliam and '.7ayor
:.a husrn (5).
ainutes of the previous meet ngs were adopted as read.
Commissioner Lockwood offered the following 'notion: Henry Jagle and
"sin ex- nu.:erous other petitioners having p•titioned the City for an extension of water '.mins
on 36th along 36th street from Gregory Avenue to Friedman Avenue approximately 477 feet, and
Jt. i:C is
Friedman;Vestwaruly along Ftledman Avenue from 36th street to 38th str.et ap,roximately 782
'fcfet, and it appearing from said petition that the petitioners agree in writing and
bind themselves to pay for water at the price equivalent to three (3) consumers for
each 300 feet of such water main for a period of two (2) years, - 1 now move that said
petition be received and flied, and that the Commissioners of 'Later Works be authorized
enpov.ered and Instructed to extend said water main by use of a 6 inch main on 36th
street from Gregory Avenue to Friedman Avenue, approximately 477 feet, and on Friedman
,:.venue from 36th S t. to 38 St. approximately 782 feet, and the City of Paducah
a„rees and binds itself by the adootion of this motion to pay the water rental as also
)rovided for in said franchise, said payments to co%tmence when said water mains have
been laid and cater ha; been turned into same. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas;
Co::_ais::ioness Haa.in, Lockwood, ^elton, Pulliam and layer Washburn (5).
Connissfon-r Lelton offered the following :notion: That ap, lication
Licese for license to retail beer and light wire to the following applicants be received and
Ceark filed and held until the next regular meeting for final ap•.roval:
J. C. Clark, 803 S. 3rd St.
Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, 1lclton, Pulliam and
Mayor Washburn (5).
beer Commissloner Melton offered the following motion: That application
Chestfor lice:_ae to retail beer and light wines be granted to the follo,ring applicant upon
Luny. 1
1proper pays nt to the City Treasurer be ap;)roved:
Chester Dunn, 1400 Union St.
A,!o tel on c:.i'.. of the ro?L: Yeas; Cocuaisaioners Hannin, Lockwood, elton, Pulliam and
r ..z!.rhbJrn (b).
l:f,.r Co..i-.: O7'tered the following :•lotion: That application
? for . ice..ae to .t r•, _'.., r, . ;it tunes by:
i• -or; fi• o-., :(.,Ltt:rz: Kitchen, 7::8 S ..rd
;L.;t0::Is ['L., '! 4 br'Oaa ay I
;lane, 1 ,JL H::C..:tt ':tr, r•t
ro:. i o , - :.'l, •.o;r . ovL 1:t o' f'or
i-ilir.g ce_r and __:Ir, x_t, .or ..:; tkpr t lic .. . 0 1.:.;,t.•,: a.o. y-e,'.t of
Cc ;. .. fol lo,.,. t
i, G..
Y U.r
No. 7Y.5
Board of Co.anissLoners .u"t 9 19'37
Proceedings of City of Paducah Au
IAND I�OH Vita CITY OF PADUCAH", be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yea:.,
Commissione.s Hannin, Lockwood, :•':�lton, Pulliam and Mayor Washburn (5).
Co,maission r Pulliam offered the f'ollo'wing :notion: I move that City
_r; 110. Ota, - City
__.:a�-r d:racte:i to ::onager L. V. Bean, be authorized and instructed to attend, and that he be aLected
go to ::._ .,.:rotor,
to attend a conference or a meeting of committees for the pur!,osc of procuring
aid and assistance and funds to be used in the purchase of property or in the
iieraction and equip.nent of a hOLpital in the City of Paducah, said meeting 1s
,'scheduled to be held in Washington D. C., and said City .tanager will attend ae a
jrepresentative of the C-ty of Paducah. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas;
�C=m.lssioners Hannin, Lockwood, :i(,-lton, Pulliam and ;!ayor ..ashburn (5).
Commissioner Hannin offered the following :notion: I move that th c
ofHealth County Boar tetter from the L1 or addressed to Dr. R. E. Teague and Doctor Tea LuIs reply to
of Health report on - Y G 6 p Y
dust from streets &
Enyor+s letter received, filed and spread upon the Yinutes:
"August P. 1937
)r. R. E. Teague
)irector McCracken County Public Health Unit
)uthrie Building
?aducah, Kentucky
)ear Doctor Teague:
Jill you please advise me by return mail your opinion as to the effect of dust
'rom the street on the health of persons living along the street, especially
in streets where the traffic is extremely heavy?
.'hanking you for your opinion, I am
Yours very truly
Edgar T. Washburn, Llayor"
"August 3, L:3�7
Hor.. ndgnr T. Washburn, 'layor
City of Paaucah
City Hail
Pa,:ucah, K.,ntucky
Dear i.ir. 'Nashburn:
Ir. answer to your inquiry as to the effect of street dust on the health of
indivuals living along dusty streets, especially on str,ets whcre the traffic
is heavy; It is my opinion that the breathing of this dust over a p.riod of time
has a defi_ite bearing on the health of these individuals.
Although no specific diseases can bt s.:id to be caused by street dust alone, it is
generally accepted that dust inhaled into the respiratory tract for continued
periods a•Lil produce a chronic irritation of the nasal pa.,sage and lungs, ^ud may
predispose to certain infections such as cos:non colds, sort. tl:rout, pneu:.,onfa an:
probacly tuberculosis.
Th�rc ha- bees no scientific oroof oi' this statc_.cnt but it is a ger.;:rally accepted
jopialon of .aost of the 'ledicul profession.
Respectfully yours,
Russell E. 'Teague,
Health Offic„r"
c•,_: of 'ha rola: Yeas; Co.oilsLiou.rs Aen•:i:., LocRsood,'s:tt.on, Put.LLFv
...:; ; j Ci IO' A. '. l: e• ty t i tOS `lt.dthat LhL
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u:. ql.d
?It : � wl. , i
e o; .. o:.lce 7+. L. ryl:.t
. .... ,.5, Ira. C'.ty ...U.. ger fie ;
Proceedings of Eoard of CoaA—io,xrs City of Paducah 1111,21st 9 1937
ra orfs that tae evide::ce is in5ulficiezlt to prefer cta.rges against said officers.
;":o.jtvd on coli of the roll: Yeas; Coa.,:isston.rs Hannin, Lockv;oo:., :RLton, Pulliam
...yor V:ashb:rn (5).
On :..otiw::aeetiz a adjourned.
Cit Clerk
��layoi, i