HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 722, August 2, 1937NO.—L.;_._.._.... _ ._-
Prooeediagaof ,_?oard of Co:;al5sio:.c:;• City ofPoducah AILA!A kXj--Auiu:7.1•._2.,-19,i7 -
At a regular m,ctin;a of the Board of Commisaion:.rs held .in the
Co - L=::ionursf Cha�aber at the City Hall, Pa.:ucah, Kentucky, at 11 o'clock P.M., on the
i:d a of August, 1937, ''Ii.yor i,ashburn presided and upon cal of the roll the fol -
ow -;— answered to their nacres: Co:nmis::ioners Hannin, itnmfmmana, tieLton, PuL.Llam ara
;•or Plashaurn (4,.
.:L1ute5 of the provious meetings were auontea as read.
00.�.:.is:;ioner Aannin offered the following ::otion: That the payroll
';,yro L
Last 2for the lost half of July, 1937 be alloyed in the amount of $11694.60 and that the
1e37 City Treasurer be authorized to pay same by checks. Adopted on call of the roll: Yea
Commissioners Hannin, commmmmd, -eiton, Pulliam and layor i.asnburn (4).
Commissioner zlelton offered the following motion: That a license to
License permit the wholsaling of beer and light vanes to the following applicant upon proper
pay.aent to the City Treasurer be approved:
G. L. May & Son, by G.L.tlays, Olivet Church Rd., R e2
A.opted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, maeiammma, Melton, Pulliam and
Layer Washburn (4).
C ommissioner IZelton offered the following motion: Tnat application
Beer I
Lfceasg for license to retail beer and light wines to the following applicants be received
and filed and held until the next regular meeting for final approval:
Flora Henson, known as Knitters Kitchen, 726 So. brd.
Roscoe Wl ggington, Known as V,iggington's Place, 1214 Broadway
Vim. F. Crayre, Known as Craynets Place, 1001 Burnett St.
Adopted on call of the ro_i: Yeas; Commission rs Hannin, laaoi<wodri, :,tel ion, Pulliam and
yor Washburn (4).
Commissioner :,teLton offered the follo:,ing :Lotion: 1 move that the
:.icer.- application of L. L. Peck, 25th and Jackson Streets for license to sell beer and light
LPL, wines at retail, be received and that the letter from Chief Bryant to City '.:tanager
refuse Bean be received, filed and spread u,;on the ainutes and that said license be refused:
"August 2, 1937
•€r, L. V. dean
City ' anger
City o1 ?aducah
L'ec•r .r. Bean:
An e,,:,lication carte un Last :orday 1'ro.n L. L. Peck to open a r-ost:aurant and retail
i;ur Pi;,ce at ::15th & Jac::on streets.
.r:::. cc .:e asking that a bu%rici•uzc not be
.y rc;ioential section, and.:r. -cGrarahan, who
... cr o _„__ :ce, ,.o !:.:_ r.o aLL boys, say:, that 11 ircc.sary he
o .... I;.vc chis lc.iedlate nelghoorhood to ask that
Lce c: ..:., :., . :,iLt ao Lieanse be ;r -,.:.ted to .)r. Peck at !
.,_:..;u.Ctiu: Ly yours, 1
... �irya:it, Cnie- of :o.ice"
aU:mana, --ton, Yua.iam and
a7or , ... , .r:: 4;
r CA : , i o Ittr: 1..:; W t ..: ov, ,.;(it t::e
c7 ... .. u . ,. , !•...
i i
NO '1
Proceedings of Board of Co:enisslorers City of Paducah August ::, 1957
;Mayor Washburn offered the foLlowLng Notion: I move that
V. 1_aton -letter �
regarli::; ordinance ,!he letter from Vti V. Katon, Corpora ion Counsel, be received, filed and spread
c los i::; bas L:esses
;I upm: the ':inutes:
"August z, 1937
To the 1-;ayor and
NBoard of Covmisaloners
City of Paducah, Kentucky
There was referred to me at the last regular meeting of the Board of
Commissioners a communication from a certain organization respecting regulation of
Ihours for opening and closing certain businesses, and regulating the hours of
ybusiness, ana I was requesteu to advise the Boabd in writing whether an orainance
iso regulating hours of employment of businesses by the City could lawfully be auopted
;land enforced.
by answer to this proposition is, that the City is entirely w:lthott
right or authority to so regulate hours of employment and business. there is no
provision in the Charter that will permit the enactment of such legislation by the
City, and the City cannot enact laws on subjects where it is not authorized to
W. V. Eaton, Corporation Counsel'$
Adooted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, idelton, Pullir.m and tSayor
Washburn (4).
Wayor Washburn offerea the following motion: I move that the report of
Albert Karnes - re
oL bacl: t�!xes jIALbert Karnes be received, filed and Spread upon the Wlnutes:
jComes Albert Karnes, Attorney, and reports to the Board of Conmis.ioners
as follows:
The following actions are nowpend:;: in the McCrac'ten Circuit Court:
City of Paducah, Plaintiff, vs: Claussner Hosiery Coxpany, Defendant:
City of Paducah, Plaintiff vs. Dixie Greyhound Lines.
He says that the Wood Preserving Corporation, Chicago, I111nols, has
not assessed any personal property for city taxation, except one Plymouth auto::obile,
during the past several years and was contending that it wa_ not liable for any
her taxes, claiming that all its machinery was used in manufacturing. This
affiant wrote the corporation and a representative of the corporation called upon
affiant and explained the Wood Preserving Corporation's contention in the matter.
This affiant im?.ediately pointed out the difference in machinery used in marufacturino
and machinery used in repairing equipment and having shown the representative the law
:concerning the taxation of saiu machinery, after considering the question at some
UIength, the representative agreed that same should be assessed a,tr' wort :.ith this
7af±'iart to the assessor's office for the purpose of assessing same, and this affiant
lb:_Heves that taxes due for said machinery will be paid into tl,t city to a,ury very
Further, this affiant is investLgating the Liability of the Wood
%rc: ervi:;g Corporation for city taxation on it:, wr4ter craft and, after a careful
if tris afiiaut boleives that :r;At:r craft of the corporation .L • ilcble
for city t•.xatio;i tier. this ailiant will recce -:rend a suit to co -,,,
of x the assesna:ent
fns affiant says that fiL.L2 was co.. so; :acrless Vin:iir.g
Co.. :.::y of ::c:r York which had o-s.itted to in•o,)%_ ty In Paducah.
i r.;,41. ::,a yr,.ys he is conte:apiatl:;6 _ . -.. r:ct; oi: aFra 1.:st Robe;,•tc
aorri::g Co:,a:.y o: ....,,.r,h,,,..ntucify.
GIN- ,y h' (l this the ::ad dry o± t, ._.:7.
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fill ,.,
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