HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 718, July 19, 1937NO. - Proceedings of- L—C 0- City of Paducah —J 1Z I Oak Grove Lot Aucr '''cc Car ieLs —ght 00,wel 'z Li zie Sts. t.. .Y, or. Co . �.. IT, �, 01 : _._ ;.r Vi - .. , :. �' w, 1".. : 'A I oi *�_ r',::-.. 'o c:, -z for Lot 8 x IF, i t off :or ,o, Qj 7.o - t e y 1.'. .:Lock i 0, o.. -'o , ol, _t, it: 0, k (;love C�. 1_,rh, Ky., F,. l' uol, .nt of 5 to tnc C'_!y T it 0- "c(,,- on C. Ll of U., ro . I z _Y, Cc 11:_.. in, to-, .' i. i 1.. . ...... or '.:­hburxi (4). ..alto:. moff I -A follovlln�.-. :,�ot Loll. It to ' h. s, tisf!.Ct !or. of the Board of Co.:..r._!_- - Wr.c,-z that a street li.-,ht is z greatly ne­�e . at t: --r Int. section of Po,.,,,, 11 and Liz.:ie streets,- I :%ovo that tCty xnagcr be and he Is herby authorized and empowercd to cause to be a zl-,­, light at the, 1.',te r sect ion of Powell and Lizzie Streets. Auoptou o.'. ca!l of tll-. roLL. Y Co,% ­,i_ -.:!o. ­.ml_, gt.m.11n, :alto,., ?uL'Ai:r anJ :,yor "Nashb-arn (4). C o,,.cA:; ion r PuLliu.i off..,red the following !aotlon: Fran- �Thc sj'lr,tio.: of co..cldering a frLI-ch-C-C for the osc of contit.ulag electric :Light chise City ,olif­,,__rv?cc __1I.,c City of Paducch h:vI._ Lvou,�ht before t. , to e.: I'Q pub _Ic by a ploy rec, r.t _;T ly thC o.., _:wacky UtIlitie- _,%-y it have the prlvUege of ria to :later = in ea or. Af to ­ Ave Ac:' :,o e ti.ree (b) years lt::fore Its r__i.t frLm: I -.Ise ;,::cation a-- to i)roper -utcs and co..d.i o._, to bo co*.,.---:., !a.-- .:Lt;, the frZ.-ncilts-, anti in order to enable the Box, of Co -:.-.is. i to be y foi,:.F-d on the subject,- i ;xvc tint the City 11-:--'d to CO:-Jurlcate ;,Itli or cor.o_,)oi,.d .1th all ex�,evt cola ol., rat.- i,u -1-as Of P'"'b.Lic ittilitlle.;, 1,.r. th%t he report the result of his investL.;a, ,)il to Board of Co=uo_,jo.,j(rs for its colisiderallon. Acionted or, ca'l ot to -L. year; fll.nnia, Lockwooa, lv_tol., ?Ul ll�rl ano zyov ,'.Lrhburr. (b). C0.L..'l_J:,,l;ioTcr o, th= to cLlA ill: vote o.4 the above lotion. th,. fol .ol;:.. 1: ot or.: The boal-6 o �Co 0_ D. h c:^ of Jun v, P oz! for an extri.:.101 of 6., e, istr.-ardlY 01' Afton : a DccAor Court, or zed tho L.StZ. Ol. of id ."m t c1 ::;21 tcL-- lit -0 !.-.or Lze the.. il;al, oil -,he acucl,h t o. or..,, ji.v j:.:, 1,c ::ted t, for _jt: ie - 't, bc 0 4" ?,0 t X t Coast st:.rsE o: f..j t- ty Or it"If UY t a :op llci. 01 1:;.s .;n* AW. to jL/ im, i'raac.: ser gal'i pEY:f-.A.,: to co- _ii.ce ar4!1 t er •mitc-i it'irned into lsaxe; ar;J1 said oi. 0: J Jtb L of slid water zein r, Lj4l3tcr.C6 Oi r:• Ci respects by tirw, icT, al th ea Umn 14ater forks repr; i; &614 Ado,,W or, call 0* Uis ro. Co-_ z_ ;9sycw JesbOarr. 7.19 Proceedings of_r0ard of -co i s�,Lo :: r _ _ City of Paducah--J-UL!—Y-!94--1-- - Paul it. FoLll.s, et at, having petLtioned the city for an P:tar '.:ain extended �. oi. -4th street frog. axlensio:: of wat r laalns along 64th stre'_t fro; Jelfurson stre t to CenLrac Avnnue Jtfferson to Cen- tral avenue nooroximately ib16 feet, anti it appearing fro.l said petition that seid petittor.ers agree in v:rlting and bind thcrrseives to pay for vr..ter at the price equLvoLent to three (6) consuxers for each 3UO feet of vratcr a.ain for a p rlod of two (::) years. - 1 not .Hove that the Co-mrissioncrs 01'lr..ter 1'lorks be authorized, eepov:ered arc. instructed to extend said water ss::ir. by the use of 611 m,:in in 34th street from Jefferson street to Central Avenue approximately 1516 feet, and the City of Paaucrh aarces are b:nrb Itself by the adoption of this „otlon to pay the w -niter rentals so provided in sale franchise, said payments to coimzerce ..b -r scici water main has beer. _aid ana zz ter has been turned Into same. Aaoptcd on c:-11 o-, tn, roll: Yeas; Com:nfsston.rs Har.nin, Lockwood, ..k:Lton, PnlLiam and :payor '.r. ;hburn (b). Fra=Lise- Letters fro-% City Manager and Ge:leral aanager of TVA .ayor Washourn oifered the 1o11ovYLng ❑o Lion: ::love tint the letter from Uity Tanager L. V. Bean, adaressed to the aayor and board of CocwissionLrs, attaching thereto a copy of a letter from :r. John. B. Blanford, Jr., General ..:anager of the Tennessee Valley Authority, be received, filed and spread upon the !'mutes: i! "July 19,1937 J 4:4ayor Edgar T. tiashburn Conaissioners George A Hannin ITutt.le Lockwood uHerbert S lciton SS. 3. Pulliam lGentlenen: �I a,: attaching hereto copy of letter received froi'. John B. BLanlbra, Jr., Genera' aanager o1 the Tennessee Valley Authority, K.:oxville, Tennessee, regarding ljpossieiLit-y of TVA poti_r for the City of Paduceh. ,I Yours very truly L. V. Bean, City :.anagerll "July 14, 1.1: 7 ter. L. V. Bean `City -:anger `Pauucah, Kentuc.;y Dear :ir. Bean: iYour Letter of June <9, asking whether the Authority is makin:; a rccort on the possibilities of service to Paducah and discussing the question of th% rcnewal by the C:ty of the: franchLse :.itis thu Kent.uccy dtilities Cor,pany, has been gtvc stc;t :,L1 to 1'r+ct ...Lc}; _ trent io your .,robk-ss. the ofucrh, ti cc f,a 1.hu eLty, xe ah any .'..Y O _ ., x1:.: CI _ _.�... y^In , '-Y.. 'y ... prat ... .. .. .. _ .ICL.U1. ai lh•: a.. , co Val. 1.-.,y h...'7 ;j1%A I ivi. 0! th. •i y . tt.r ;ty 10 .,crpu,rf: 1'r Y _ r _.c,.. ;:houla tn. ctt.y c:.cct to _., co. NO.. . . .__._ Proceedings of._ zorr.l 07 `:o . __ S�--' �'� . _._. City of Paducah July ::6, 1937 _ At a reg ..,:.r .xctIr.g of the board of Co.:::ris:;Lor: L:�, hr -Lu l:, the Co Cha..ber at the City Hall, Pauucah, Kentucky, at :f o'cLock P.!,. on the _Ctn day of Ju,.y, .1937, ._:yor Via3hbari: presided and upon evt: of the roll the 1'oLlowlr:, sccrcu to tneit• :;., .es: C om.-Issioners Hnnin, Lockwood, PuLliav and :,;ayor Washburn �Iirutes of the prevlou ...�,etings :sere adopted a;: re9d. Coizmi..sioner Hannin off, red the follow.Ing motion: That appL.icatlon peer :iceuse for license to retail b«r and light wires to the following applicant be received and Pe .k filed filed and held until the next regular .meeting for final approval; L. L. Peck 25th & Jackson Sts. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissiont,rs Hannin, Lockwood, Pulliam and Mayor .,ashburn (4). Beer Coomissioner Hannin oliered the following mot on: That a license to permit tae retailia, of beer and Light wives be granted to the follotzir.g aap.Llc nts upon proper pay.aent to the City Treasurer: Cotton Club by Pcter Jones 109 S.4th St. Sinnott Hotel by carie Brooks 2nd & Broadway A.io;,tcd o,: cn1L of the ro1L: Yeas, Co.n:::is_lor_crs H.n:,1n, Lockwooa, Pulila.s and t]ayor Zashourr. (4). ApproCo=misnlon r Lodn:•ood o iered the following a:o;.1on: hor the purpose - priat- of advertising the trade, co-nerce and manufactures and commercial resources of the ions 'City of Paducah, I cove that there be paia to the Vbolesalc,s and-iarufacturers Association the sum of �a50.00; to the LcCracr.en County Growers Association $10.00; and to the Central Labor Union of Paducah $15.00, and that said sums be charged to the account of Advert sing in the appropriation for the purpose of advertising, and H to the Co:,tingent Fund. Anopted on tail of the roll: Yeas; Cola:11 _oncrs Hannin, Loct_:rooc, Pul Lia:: and -:ayor i,ashourn (4) . T:ayor Washburn off 'red the SolLow.n,; :notion: I :;ove that the com- sunluation received from J. N. :,:ohter, Chit• of the bureau of nnli,.iuL industry, United otatcs Ue are-:ert o Agriculture, in regard to bang's disease, be received, filed and the :.i!'.ntE's: "July :. , .1(137 y o: .aducah K - _:LLQ: 0: JULY .S _ iCe a5 to t h ` c , o: Yo'-'_ `y ti:: uairy- NO.-7lil. __ Proceedings of- -i30 i7" 0f CO. :'loner City of Paducah July i:6,_iJ.:_(_ _ AaoPted on call of the roiL: Yeas; Commissioners Hamlin, Lockwood, PuUlaw and i psayor V,ashburn (4). Local #S:jJ, Painters :.,ayor -,Iiashburn oil( reu tice following motion: I :Hove that the me co.-Unlcat.ion co::unication from Local ir5u0, Palnte:•s, Paperhangers and Decorators, be received reg•:r,: ing Licenses a,:a filed and refe.red to Corporation Counsel for his oplfaon on the .Legality of such an oedLnanee. Adopted on call of the roil: Yeas; Com:alsr.tonors Hannin, Pulliam and Itayor Washburn (o), days; Commission:.rs Lockwood (1). Ad j ourncent Mayor Washburn offered the fo1Lo::Lng motion: I move tnat tris regular meeting be adjourned until Friday, July bOLh at 2 PL. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Co,amisslonors Hannin, Lockwood, Pulliam lid :fayor Washburn (4). At a call meeting of the Board of Colraissionurs held In the Com;.•,issioners Chamber at the City Hal L, Paducah, Kentucky, at 10:00 o'clock A.M., on the 27th day of July, 1,57, Jayor Washburn presided and upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Cort iszioners Hannin, :leiton, Pulliam and L:ayor Washburn (4). Mayor W'ahhburn stated reason for call, to -wit: For the purpose d of ratifying Ur. Blythe's appointment as a memb_r of the Park Board. Dr. Vernon Blythe iLl appointed member of ayor l'lasnburn offered the follor:ing :notion: Having appointed ' Park board Dr. Vernon Blythe a member of the Paducah Park Board for a period of five (5). years, I move that said appointment be now ratified and approved by the; Board of CG.a.Giss Loners. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; CO-mmis.:loncrs H:,nnin, idc Lton, Pu-lfam and 2ayor Washburn (4). Appropriation - Mayor Washburn offered the following motion: For the .urpose c'.rscken County of advertising the trade, commoi,ce, manufactures and c0aine:cial resources of the & .,..r.tr•�ei tabor Union. City of Paducah, I now move that there be paid to the :1cCraeken County Growers 4 Associa ion the sum of $40.00, and to the Cer:tral Labor Union of Vaaucoh the sum Of gib -vu. the s n su.: o.. SAU.OJ to the .;cCr.%c pct County Urowers Association a the to tixe Cc,aral Labor Unio:: of Paducah to be pale to each In aaJLrLon a- r 3 to the a:::oint authorized to be paid by Hotton a::opted July :.u, 1J37; a,:a that said j su.zs oe eh.-rgeu to the account of advertising In thea .ropciatzon 10c the p,.cr;,o::e Of aciv rtccirg r,:rt to the Contingent Fund. A<io_xtea on cal,. of tnc roll: Yer,a; Co.:_.:.,, :•;, ki.:..ac:, Lolton, PuLLIam ac:a :':ayor Washburn (•;), O:: -:.fY: 1Gt, skeet ing :i��jOi.l1'f1EU. ■ Sm