HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 715, July 12, 1937NO._71-'A
Proceedings of— Board City of Paducah July 12, 1937 _
At a regular meetint; of the Board of Commissioners held in the Coy;aissiou .st
Chamber at the City hall, Paducah, Kcntuc•ky, at 2 o'clock P.M. on the 12th day of
July, 1957, :.,:yor Viashburn presided and upon call of the roll the following answered
to their names: Commis s loners Hannin, Lockwood, Melton, Pulliam and i.tayor 'Washburn (5
Minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read.
C ommission r Hannin offered th^ following :aotionL That a deed granted to
OL.:-. �,:•ovc Hazel Harmon for Lot ji29, in Block �,'5, In Oak Grove Cemetery, Paducah, Ky.,
upon proper aysa-nt, of ;;80.00 to the City Trea_urer be approved. Adogted on call
of the roll: Yeas; Co—nissioners Hannln, Lockwood, _Helton, Pulliam and "Mayor
ii,ashburn (5).
Co..j.➢ISafonbl'.aelton offered the following motion: The Sterling mine &
`. t -:•'. 7: iie Co -?pry
;'.:or 11x:ac Liquor Com,:any having be -a granted a 1Lc:;nse issed to them by Sidney Schneider
and It appear Ln that said license should have been issued to the Starling Wine
and Liquor Cow -.any by Lax Schneider, - I now move that the City Treasurer be
authorized to endorse the necessary change on said License to indicate that the same
Iwas issued to the Sterling Wine and Liquor Co.a)any by '..tax Schneider. (adopted on
call of the roll: Yeas; Cormissioners Han -in, Lock -,,rood, "I,lton, Pulliam and Ltayor
Washburn (5).
Commissioner Helton offered the following :motion: That a license to sell
._:;�.o:• .J•_... <.:.c intoxicating alcoholic ligihors by drink, granted to the following applicant,
u;o:: payuent of the proper amount to the City Treasurer, and the execution of bond
as required by ordinance, be approved:
Kentucky Hotel, by .:ash Sorell, 1st & Broadway
Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Co:mnis:ioacrs Ha"iin, Lockwoo.i, TW.ton, Pullin,.
a4.3 '-'ayor Washburn (5) .
Co.tel.--to:._a• »eltor, offered the follor.,Uig iaotioa: That aapLic:tion for
license to sell at retail bier a, -.d light wines by Ida Thomas, knor::: as Drea:land,
1115 !Jo.8th, havL.ig beer: introduced on July 6th, 1:357, I now u:ovu that ,i :.:Lt or
'licer:se for r't 11i g be<r n.td light: *.,!ncs be an;;roved ai.d lice;: a b. Ls.uc.: upon
i;- of a.oOant of license f r. Adopted on c -1.L of th:., roll: Yea-,;
Co.._.... 'G.. .; Hfirm,-'n, Lodi�.00d, ::,Uo,., Pullia.t an: .'ayor ilashlitu•:: (5).
'on ol'f.red tk.c folio^,:t:; ]otioi.; T_ :.ovc thr.t Ul pe.,
the vicinity of Bull Av_t.ue bc. rect:iv d Lc,i flea, c... thea
ce t!,--c-wlth ,.,i .:t the request of scdcitlze::s ti:: i oti, • t t;t
or _.. .t rc:,t of Parke. s Chapel Baptiot Church ot. -. Av ..:c.
,a ... ... .,.... G. .. - .'O. _. ��.. , ::0 ...
ri i, 1:i. •'c]]'o. that ^,c to ,
Proceedings of_ City of Paducah_ -T
0'.10.: '10 V, t
to :o.*_o!-.-_.,_!o. rcgad to
roc,,,;rine any u- :,,i...:.....5 ;.nMUC.] 1. of its
stake be dec!,;.a be received, filed
"July 12, 1067.
C ty of Vaduoah,
lest sir:
Your letter of this date with reference to or6!__,...cc
busL.,css to be a if and when or or- o.. t!_.(, or-
-o."-, str1kc is before ."c.
- ",',<tc L!.;_t It is contended tiat such ot, c�
io -. Iagner 1�ct. This th
01 t,,c cvi-_�.Ltly ti!_ L�:'w c
Section lb of that Act provides as follows;
D i in this Chapter shall be construed.so a.:
,o 1% -fre with or 1_ipede or diminish In tiny
,—y the. right to strike."
Without going into the :Latter furth.r, It qould sees: fro -.i Mil
t,o,,,s Act that the r!Zht to strike is zaaae ILr.ful, and ii it is lawful
-.I to strike, their act in doing so could not in ary sense be construed to be
the Iourt of Appeals In this State has held that a city canno
arbitrarily declare that to be a nuisance which at comxor., law Is not a nuist,nce, and
less the thing sought to be condemned is a nul-,ance under the co,,;.:on jaw, it ca!,,z.ot
..ade so by an ordinance of the City. The Legislature has made some exceptions In.
utters relating to health, but inas.-iiuch as the Congre:.s of the United States has Use
Declared it to be lawful for yen. to strike, I think any ordinance that would uia or -
to declare the place of business in which the stri'lUng e-,ployecs had been
:.oyf.6 to be a i.ilznce be violative of the Natio-ai Labor ReLatio_.,s. Act, rInd
be contrary to the holding of the Court of Appeals on the question of thright
of the city to :,_.a :,.ith the subject of nuisances.
V Yours very truly
W. V. ruton, Corporation Counsel"
(hat s ch it,. or(ti-.1,cC i
_)a "i , „ 1 _VC ., your &rittcn 0,.I,.!o.
Your z; vry truly