HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 706, June 28, 1937NO.- - _ ..
Proceedings of 0. -o ° City of Paducah •T ::c ; A, "7
_a:• „ o; t.h, Board of CO._!,, 0:, N r.;1.. 1.1, t:,.
th,�, C1ty Hail, Pad icah, K :,tuclty, at .. U I c Lock ,.'.i. on the :_8th day of JuX.e,
yo.:;s.hb•zr:i ,)resided and upo:: c::.11 of the ro1L the fo.L or.ir:.� a::srrered to their
r•.::,,,. Co...__ 10.: r fianrin, Loc; -,,rood, Puili,�.a :.c;u :.,.yor t7a.:hburn
�.... of the previous mc;ctit,gs ,:ere LAAod a.: r,:,d.
C0.1.1..1SL1oncr Pr::rar: offered tas folloc:in; motion: I L;ovc that the petitio,i of
siderts and ?roperty o;.aers on Last stroet froLa .'ark Lvc[.ue to its int,rsectlors
leading to the Urio:: Station for oiling be received, filed and adproved by this
co .:;:is_ to:: a..i refer rcd to the City [::sager. Lost on cull of the I.OIL Ye:,a;
�a iar Hannan ai.d ;ayor <.:;l:burr.; i.ays; COmmir.SLon, rs Locinvood e -.d Pla11 .:: {i.•j,
;a: .a:.i:burr oflc.red the fo_ _o.. -no, 1, a:: I ::;ov that tha 'Letter r.. rc, sed
r o ...- .;;or ...w Bo:.rti of Co ..__...0 rs ir. re��Lrd to i.r.proper treat cent of Join Brown,
a. at Riverside Hospital, be received and filed and the matter refe-red to the
;r.r for _nvestLoation tisith a rc,lort to the Board of Coaccis io::.: at once.
c_. call of th roil: Yea-,,,; COn:9isLionCrs Haw.in, Lockwood, Yu111e and iaayor
hburr. (4) .
:.ayor Ylashburn offered the following motion, I move that this regular :.c.t_
L jourei.- a4ourned to Ju::e 29th 1957 at the hour of 2 o1clock P,:!. Adopted oa cell of the
x•0!1: Yeas; Co.nmia:.ioners Haran, Lockwood, Pulliam and !',ayor Washburn l4).
,19.37 ApPHO VEy�///S��'