HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 703, June 14, 193770Z Proceedings of Bea"' oi' C0:::.:13210r— s City of Paducah June 11, 1.937 __ lotions from nc Beer lice::se- -toof 3 of -I's K.U.Coa any per. Liston to in- stall St. light at 21st & Bdw. Albert Karnes - Tax Collector - reappointed At a regular .moctL:t; of the Boar:! o. Co::eiacia:crs held ir. the Coonissionarst Chanber at the City Hall, Paaucah, Kentucky, at £ o'clock P.,;, on the 14th dt.y of June, 1937, ,fayor `rashburn presiled and upon c,1L of the roll the follo�dn„ answered to their names: CoAmissLone:•s Halinin, Lockwood, i ...eLton, Pulliam and 1:ayor Washburn (5). Minutes of the previous meetings were adopted. Commission;.r Hannin offered the following motion: Move qqq� that all notions in regard to buying ambulance be expinged from t re or:. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; CommissSoners Hannin, Lockv:ood, ,felton, Pulliam and Layer Washburn (5). u Commissioner iaelton offered the following ;notion: That a license to permit the retailing of beer and light wires to the fo'Llo.irg applicant upon proper payment to the City Treasurer be approved: 1 . Root' Brothers, by J. H. Roof, 7th & Tennessoe Streets Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commism.fone.s Hannin, Lock:iood, Melton, Pulham I and Mayor 'uiashburn (5). ;.fayor Washburn offered the following motion: I move that the letter from R. V. Green, District aanager for Kentucky Utilities Company, requestin;; authority to install a light at 241st & Broadway, be received, filed and permission granted. Adopt.,d on call of the roll: Yeas; Com::a::-ion :s Hannin, Lockwood, Melton, Pulliam and ,fayor Washburn (5). Mayor Washburn off,red the following motion: I move that an ordinance entitled, HAN ORDIiJAIJCE AUTHORIZI:JG AND EIPOWERL-IG THF.:1AY03 TO SIG:: A CONT SACT WITH ALBERT KARNES TO INSTITUTE AND PROSECUTE ACTIONS IN THE LaA1fE OF THE CLTY OF PADUCAH FOR THE RECOVERY OF TAXES UPO:J O:ITTSD PROPERTY" be ado,ted. Ado,,ted o:: call of th•_ roll: Yeas; Corimis.ioi.ers Hann..ia, Loc'awood, ':elton, PuLlian and _:ayor Washburn (5). i yon VlaLhbari. offered the following motto r th-t a _,C ,_.:titled, uLii O DIIJA:JCE Cit .',TLIG THL .0.. LTIOi OF CO'. 0. 0(. CO T, PRLSCR1BI:.., THl DUTIES AND FIXi: _. OF" be o:. ... , of th roll: Yeas; Co:::uisslonar:: ., �oc..•.ou -, 1:elton, Pa:Liam Mayor Washburn offered the fo11o:.`_c:, _otlon: I ,:ove that r ...ti:.g be adjourned untLl June 16, at 10 o'clock A.;1. A•io,.ted oi. tk:.. ro_l: Ycas; Co:n::iis.dom_rs Haman, Locl:aood, .. _ton, 1'u11Aa— a:_i "tyor _luz7 AP. 30V ' l/