HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 700, June 1, 1937NO-_ .... _._
Proceedings of Board of Co:.^.:aia_ioners City of Paducah Tun- I, 1937 --------__
At a regular meeting of the Board of Commise•Lone.s held in
the Coimissionersl Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, Paducah, Kentucky, at
3:J0 o'clock P.:., on the 1st day of June, 1937, which was the first legal day after
londay, .Say 31, which was the regular a,eeting day, but same being a legal holiday, sa
held on ViLs day, :, ayor Vashburn presided and upon call of the rot L the
fo__o:;::;; a.:swerel to their nares: Commis.dorers Haemin, Lockwood, Lelton, Pulliam
znd cyor ..arhburn (5).
Hinutes of the previous iw etings were adopted.
Commissioner Melton offered the fo.11owin �uotion:
Far-er- Application for license to sell at retail beer and light wines by FLoyd Farmer, known
license ! as Floyd Farmer's Place, 1100 S. 8th Street, having been introduced on the 17th day
of ay, 1937, I roar move that p rmit or license for the retailing of beer and light
sieves be approved and license be issued upon paym,.nt of the amount of license fee.
Lost on call of the roll: Yeas; None; Hays; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, 'IeLton,
Pulliam and ::;ayor Washburn (5) .
Coimissioner =feiton offered the following :notion:
Pete Bol;
ger- Application for license to sell at retail be r and light wines by Pete Bolger, known
ltces.se i- as Bolger's Place, 1615 So. 4th St., havin,; been introduced on the 17th da of
1337, I row Wove that permit or license for the retailing of beer and light wines be
approved and lice.ise be issued upon pay.n nt of the amount of License fee. Adopted
on call of th- roll: Yeas; Co »;isslon,rs Hannin, Lockwood, :lelton, Pulliam and Mayor
Washburn. (5).
=0m OiG-
Coaais:>io_:er S;citon offered the foAovring motion: That a
Beer licei.se to pemit the retaiLing of beer and Light wines to the following applicant
upon roper :aymcr:t to the City Treasurer be approved:
Tom Olden, ]n;oar. as Hollywood Inn, 9th Husbands.
Adopted oa call of the roll: Yeas; Con..nissioncrs Hannin, Lock:•;ood, :ielton, Pulliam
I _ayor Washburn (5).
u L'vyor 4Jas1aburn offered the folloteing mot Lor.: I move that an
i Lad, -Ar ORGT_::f.:;CE RL' LALI G id. OROINA.' E L'1;Ti' LED, 'At. ORDI➢ Ai:CE
ce re-
pealing J 117.::1 7H- :L...... 0"r PAY OF CEM' -IN :•:iPLOYLFS OF TIL, CITY 01, PADUCM, F1,1LCTIV1; AC OF
salary i
Ord'Inrl—I JO:,Y ICT, 1937, TO CO;;T::.U_. :>AFTFH U.:'IIL CHANGED BY
!.1Y Oi ...AY, 19;.711, b< adopted. Adopted on call of th_ roll:
Lockkoo , -ton, Pulliam and '?ayor ;,aahburn
offered the foLlowir:g .:.otio..: i
Ordi:n:- or i..a..eE• c=.tlt.,d, ... G1:,.,.(L: !•:..:::G'1'H RATE:; OF' PAY FOR
M"i OF ;A A:CAH FF'r_CT:VF. OF :ii' _bT' ',:,',Y OF JULY, L'J37, A::D TO CO .'f i
77 TIL CHA'GEC by OH i'.A:,CE,^ be: awOatcd. a. oa,tcd or, cull of tho ro::.: Yon.-.;
Co isslo ars Ha "it., Loc"wIod, 'citon, hraiicc; anti
0„ motion m•_ett::, �,:�:.urnod.
i .
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