HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 695, May 17, 1937NO. W5 Proceedings of 13Oara Of Co..:i1L3I0n..: s City of Paducah �Y 17 la•_7 At a regular mfzetint; of the Board of Commissioners held In the Co....i :.loners' Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 2:30 o'clock P.3., ' o i the 17th day of :,icy, 1437, '! yor V ashburn presided and upon cr ll oc the roll. the following a::swered to their nates: Co:nmissLonurs Hannin, Lockwood, Pulliam lard Uayor Washburn (4). :.L-utes of the ,revious meetings were adopted as read. ayrolls - lrst Cota:uiszlolter Hannln offered the fo.11o•r1ing motlor.: That the payrolls o..o-ham of ::ay137lfor the first h:.lf of Way, 1937, be alloeed In the amount of $9051.14 and that the Clty Treasurer be authorized to pay same by checks. Adopted on call of th. voll: Yeas; Commissioncrs Hannin, Lockwood, Pulliam and Mayor 'Mashburn (4). tatter - � on Commissioner Hatpin offered the foIlowin,: motion: Hal Clampitt and B. L. grantea to tech Frizzell having to private :: of, g pr-se:kited to the Board of Commissioners th it application for Seamon on 36th Si.;c`raiszion to have furnished to them waiter from the cit water service, and said in Orchard Hts. Y of:titioncrs hnvirg agreed in writing that said service is outside of the corporate limits of the City of Paducah, and that they Ball pay all expense of caking said connection and pay at established rates for all water furnished to or used by them; - I now move that said written application be received and filed, and that parmis_ion be and it is hereby granted to said applicants to connect with the private water line of Charles Seamon on :forth Thirty Sixth Street in Orchard Heights, Pa.lucah, i !K,ntucky, upon their mak.in satisfactory arrang,ments t.tth said Seamon for said connection and upon their making arrangements satisfactory to the Conimis. loners of Mater Works fol' tha use of said water and the pay,cent therefor; but the City of ; �'Paducah and none of its agencies shall be required to furnish :,star pressure of any 1certaln or sp.cified amount, nor shall the said City be liable for any failure to so furnish water, or any certain amount of pressure. Adopted on call of th:, roil: uveas; Co:::r,:i.;..ioners He.nnin, Lockwood, Pulliam and :Sayor Washburn (4). Commissfoncr Pulliam offered the folLowind :notion: An;,!kation for Best asci!: e - !license to sell at retail beer and light wines by Lee Potter, at 14th Palk AvE., cotter havin; beer introduced or. i.lry 10th, 1937, I now :nova that P.roft or licet.se i'or retelling beer and light wires be ap;roved and lic_rse be issued upon pnyr:ent of the acount of License fee. Y ear _ Cos:_is�lon r Pulliara off'i-rod the fol.lowLn_; otionl: That a license to i ,.iecrce - 0. Hutchlt.s "r,:rit the r:ta,iii.g of beer and .Light ;rifles to the f0..0w11:, ap,l t !cant upon i,roper to the C_ty Tre,:-urcr be ap?roved: ! R. 0. HutchLns, ..:7 6. street o,. c': of the roll: Yeab; CO:amicsior. rs Haa:11e, Lockr,00d,Pu111ar.: and yo: ,•.. :a Co . _,..... ..., : uLliam offered t:hc fol lowitl,; .ot io::: That l Lc�tton 1—r r c,r , ' l ,ht wines to the foi.lowl .g ap _ic_.rtts be rc.cr iv. d ,t r tins jo, Ov::l. 'ror.n as, bolbe 'sf .. ' u. <Gj.. ;X L, .:., &&-Own ae, Floyd F::r aO:.ted a.. ecf c,:.: 'i ..: `.; Haman r , Lo.�'n_'.. , r la&ht4rn (4) Co':".....,. r -u1.1.. ot: !.rr 1: l Or: - o^,. .taati; city • .. ,.'. r�.eG "ger 'cc s., :i. ...;9 to 0. . .. �. . T•. , . ..._. :, 1. C.laY ,_k L7 U. �:-G iOr. ' O '... ,_."J �. ?Fi diICati ... ,O .SR Ay, .Or': .:. _:• i_ board of Co Proceedings of City of Paducah -v 17, A dition, c.,id fro::ting 4.;a feel, .or, or less, on the East side of 6th street, and c-xte:Lding back to the Ohio River, and contalalrg approxl..ate.ly 14 acres, for a rental of 025.00 for the year 1x37, upon payment of such rental to the City of Paducah. Said ;.tal when, so paid shc11 go into the General Fund of said City. Acopted on call of the roil: Yeas; Comnisslonc.s Haemin, Lockwood, Pulilam and mayor Washburn (4). Mayor Zashburn offered the follo•aring motion: I movethat an Tases- ,rrtial ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINALCE AUTHORIZING LSATUR11;G TAXES TO BE PAID IN PARTIAL :ayrent P;.Y"Z:;TS.° be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll; Yeas; Com.aissioncrb Hannin, :ockwood, Pullian and Mayor Washburn (4). !1ayor Washburn offered the followln.g notion: I move that a .-onroe St. resolution entitled, "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR TRY CONDE.!!iATIO:: 0: A RIGRT-OF-WAY resol. corde:c-OV R GND THROUGH THE PROPERTY BETWEEN 29TH STREET AND 30TH STREET, 11:CLUSIVE, FOR THE :ting PjR.O E OF EXTENDING AND 02ENING :.:ONRO STREET11, be adopted. Adopted oh call of the ro'1: Yeas; Comaissioners Hannin, Lockwood, Pulliam and Llayor Washburn (4). On notion :meth„ aajourned. ADOPTEDiIA_ ,1937 • C1'ty Clerk APPROVE MAYOR