HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 686, April 12, 1937NO. _�__��``_._ .- - ..—
Proceedings of ,Hor,r3 of Co .. i : ioac- - - City of Paducah�alll -L��1 uZ--------_--
P.t a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners heLd in the Com-
;lar.lonersr Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 2°30 P.:1. on the 12th day
of April, 1937, ::ayor I'+asuburr. ,resided and upon call of the roll the following,
answered to their nacres: Com,diss Lone vs Hannin, Lockwood, 'Aelton, Pulliam and :Layor
!Washburn (5).
k:.inutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read.
Petit. Commissioner Hannin off -red the follorang motion: I cove petition be
receive' and filed. t.dopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissloners Hanaln, Lockwoodi
Pullian and '.i-yor Vashburn (5).
Col. Co.:.ais.1,ner Hannin offered the following fdotion: I aovc that the
',eagur co....ur:icatlon fro.a R. J. .illlcr, et al, representing the Colored Civic League, be
cov ..r.:
icstio: received ac,d filed. Adopted o:: call of the roil: Yeas; Commis:;loners Hannin,
Lockwood, :leltor., PuISIa.m and :,iayoe Washburn (5).
Commissioner .:elton offered the following motion: Application for
iice:.se license to sell at retail beer and light wines by Katterjohn Urug Store, filth Caldwell,
Batter by Eugene Katte john, having been introduced on April 5th, 1937, 1 no,.,., move that
Drug per:clt or license for retailin,; beer and light wines to Eagene Katte john be approved
and license be issued upon payment of the amount of .License fee. Adopted on call of
the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, .lelton, Pulliam and :layor Washburn (5)
Beer Commissioner Belton offered the following ,notion: That application for
License license to retail beer and light wiles to the following applicants be received and
filed and held until the next regular meeting for final approval:
James Pharr, 901 N.8th street
Phillip Rogers 1205 Broadway
International Cafe, 124 td. 2nd street by D. A. Presley
'oore and Rose, 126 Ky. Ave., by Don w1oore & C.E.Rose
Cooks beer Garden, by Ray Humphrey, 1214 Broadway
dLdo)ted or, call of the roll: Yeas; Co=:misnioners Hannin, Lockwood, mciton, Pulliam and
j'_'ayor Wazhburn (5).
'payor i"azhburr: offeced the follovri.:g lotion: I i.iove that the City of Pad-
ut.er.- .can re ..st of the Zonir.; Co:mmisalo,: that they approve the ope:ring of 'ladison Street
ter, or ..
28th to%fro_. 13th street to 31st street. Adopted o:: call of the roil: Yeas; Co_%:lssioners
:u._la_ and : ayor Washburn (3). hays; Cos as Loners LjcLton and Lockwood (2).
j :'.ayor �,ashb,= offered the following motion: I move treat a.. oruinance
f ,
CE i,--;-0 ,:_ATI ;G O -L HU.;DHLD 0100.00) DO URO PL'. ,.00TA FOR
H:..'.OGTll % APRIL, 10.illi. CITIZE.:G 1:
r„ -
t '.. 5 '-ii 0. , fii _..� 1.-2 TRADE, CO:_'&HCE, :.r;:.`.li C`_ih:i. C
L 0: '- .. ,. ., _MH", be adopted. Ado;;iud o:. c•.'.: of the roll
ter., Pullia+a and ••, p l.ashburn (5) .
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